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DD has been crying for two days

62 replies

JakB · 03/03/2005 20:06

Solidly... And I mean, solidly. Even when eating/drinking etc... Took her to the docs this morning and he couldn't find anything amiss (ears fine). However, in retrospect, I think maybe he thought, 'she's autistic so she's just doing her autistic thing' (dunno about you but many a professional I come across presumes that all autistic children 'tantrum' constantly). I explained that this is very un-dd, that it is a proper pain cry. No other indications to suggest what's wrong and, of course, she can't tell us. Taking her to casualty tomorrow and going to demand tests etc. DH thinks she may have swallowed something? Heeelllllpppp. Has anybody come across this? It's as if she can't get comfortable, doesn't want to be hugged, tossing and turning, can't get to sleep. Pain relief has no effect. Only asleep because of mega melatonin dose and up in the night crying.
Jimjams- haven't done the washing machine yet honey but will do I promise

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Socci · 06/03/2005 17:44

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ScummyMummy · 06/03/2005 17:47

Oh poor you, jakB. No ideas from here but I really hope she feels better soon.

Davros · 06/03/2005 17:50

Jak, I missed this as it was during a few days that I wasn't around. Hope she has settled down and you're not too stressed, esp if you went to hospital, ugh. How old is she, I can't remember? DS does have days when he howls and cries a lot but not completely non-stop. He did keep going for 5 hours once though. Nothing we did made any difference so we stopped doing anything and let him get on with it. Our Paed says that anxiety seems to increase in some children with ASD at around 8, 9, 10 years old and I've certainly seen that in DS and some of the other kids I know, but not all of them by any means.

Socci · 06/03/2005 17:58

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Davros · 06/03/2005 18:00

Oh, too young then. Must be that Sunday roast.

Jimjams · 06/03/2005 18:34

davros did your paed think it's anxiety telated. ds1 does it when tired, but i'm never sure why.

i feel like howling today

JakB · 07/03/2005 09:00

Hello! Bloody nightmare. Spent the whole of Friday at A&E and the whole of yesterday. She would have been admitted last night, if only to calm her down, but it was really busy there last night with, the doctor said, 'severeal very sick children' and DD needs a 'special cubicle'. DD has had every test under the sun and is absolutely fine. I think that what started off as bad indigestion and tummy cramps has turned into an anxiety spiral. I think she's got herself totally worked up, hasn't been sleeping and her whole routine is messed up so no therapy etc. Am phoning all known experts this morning (her lovely paed, psychiatric nurse specialist and the ENT guy just in case it could be that bloody ear- looks fine but you never know). Rather than thinking, 'dd is ill so we won't make her to therapy' we are continuing as normal this morning and so far there have been alot less tears...
Will keep you posted. Feel as if I am totally losing the plot. So stressful. DD's cry sounds like an ambulance (!) and she has been crying virtually none-stop since last week...

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Davros · 07/03/2005 09:12

Oh dear Jak, at least you have ruled some things out. I always carried on with therapy but then DS is hardly ever ill. I found he was better off to be doing something rather than lying around and if he really couldn't take it then we'd stop. I'd get the therapist to do some sorting out of materials or making stuff etc.
Jimjams, yes my Paediatrician does think that behaviour is related to anxiety which may become more frequent as they get nearer puberty (ugh!) but it could certainly be anxiety in your DS or in JakB's DD but maybe at isolated times. I think something that may start off from illness or something can then develop behaviours that last longer

Jimjams · 07/03/2005 09:22

aww poor you and dd jakb. let us know how you get on. therapy may calm her- i've always carried on unless ds1 is running an obvious temp or something- sometimes it helps.

Socci · 07/03/2005 10:01

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JaysMum · 07/03/2005 10:10

Poor little love....hope things settle for her and you soon.

beccaboo · 07/03/2005 10:30

Jak B, poor you and dd, what a nightmare. Hope you get some help from the experts. x

maddiemo · 07/03/2005 10:32

Sorry she is still so distressed, hope therapy can bring her back on track.

heartinthecountry · 07/03/2005 12:16

Huge amounts of sympathy JakB - I would be at the end of my tether I think... no advice, just hugs.

ThomCat · 07/03/2005 12:53

You poor things.

JakB · 07/03/2005 20:23

Well, we have got to the bottom of it. DD's therapist and I trawled through her notes the past few weeks and worked out that the crying started the day she started trying to eat the fireplace (!). So we thought, it's got to be her mouth. I looked in her mouth, not just teeth and gums but tipped her back, and sure enough there's something lodged in the roof of her mouth and the area all around is inflamed. So painful. So, back to hospital AGAIN. Docs at the children's hospital very sheepish that they didn't spot it. Up to ENT, saw three chaps there-general anesthetic tomorrow to get it out. Poor little chick. Been in agony and not been able to tell anybody. So relieved to have found the source of the problem. At hospital 7.30 tomorrow- will let you know how it all goes. JakBXXXX
ps Going to have to be so much more vigilant from now on- don't really know what it is, could be grit or anything. DD eats everything.

OP posts:
ScummyMummy · 07/03/2005 20:26

Oh Jakb. Poor little dd. Hope they can get her mouth sorted out asap. Silly ent people- how can they have failed to spot it?

motherinferior · 07/03/2005 20:26

Oh sweetie, just spotted this (and I am so sorry about the funeral too). At least it's spotted but how VILE. Hugs. xxxxx

maddiemo · 07/03/2005 20:32

Ouch, poor poor little dd

I am so glad for you that you now know what caused her distress. I do hope it goes well with GA and hospital.

Oh, I really feel for all of you.

Socci · 07/03/2005 20:35

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JaysMum · 07/03/2005 20:41

Thinking of you and little JakB jnr....hope all goes well....keep us posted.

Blossomhill · 07/03/2005 20:43

Oh honey, how awful Poor little mite. Loads of hugs Blossomhill xxx

p.s. don't tell anyone you've seen me I just had to post on this one...


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lunavix · 07/03/2005 20:54

Oh poor little dd

katierocket · 07/03/2005 20:55

ah - that's awful, poor dd. At least you've found out what it is now.

JakB · 08/03/2005 19:46

Hurrah! Home and dd is calm- at last. Hospital were fantastic- she got her own room and went first on the list. Got a special spray for her mouth and we're pureeing everything for her and she's already happier.

Funniest quotes...
Doctor 'I've been reading her notes. Does she have a "little bit" of autism?' (!)

And 'Has she pointed to the area in her mouth where the pain is?' (!!!!!)

Anyway, so relieved. They said that whatever the foreign body is had worked its way out but they have cleared away the scar tissue etc and checked her teeth at the same time.

Thanks for all your support. Hopefully, life can return to normal (whatever that is!)

Sorry I've not had chance to support anybody else X

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