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61 replies

jimjamshaslefttheyurt · 16/09/2008 08:54

DS1 is saying Mummy properly and with meaning. He must have ready my thread last week, because he definitely wasn't. It changed over the weekend (must have been the surfing ). Apparently he sits in school saying 'mummy' and signing home.

OP posts:
bullet123 · 16/09/2008 10:37

That is wonderful . It reminds me of a few months ago, when you said how he didn't care about Chistmas and then he grabbed his dad's hand to take hi mdownstairs to get the decorations .

electra · 16/09/2008 12:31

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dustystar · 16/09/2008 12:46

Thats wonderful

streakybacon · 16/09/2008 12:52

Chuffed to bits for you jimjams

FioFio · 16/09/2008 13:24

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misscutandstick · 16/09/2008 13:51

oooh JJ thats fantastic!

allytjd · 16/09/2008 15:58

Yurt, how exciting for you all.

sphil · 16/09/2008 17:51

Oh this is FANTASTIC Jimjams. I was just thinking the other day about how good he was about walking 'our speed' on the beach that day we met - if you think of all the progress he's made in the last year it's just amazing.

anonandlikeit · 16/09/2008 19:50

Fantastic & just the BEST word for him to pick

sickofthisrain · 16/09/2008 20:35

oh, lovely news. I had a long wait for it too, and it's still only really "bubby" here.

MmeLindt · 16/09/2008 20:38

That is fantastic, you must be so proud of him

Troutpout · 16/09/2008 20:43


MommyUpNorth · 16/09/2008 20:53


jimjamshaslefttheyurt · 16/09/2008 20:58

Lots of Mummy's again tonight, but Daddy came out as 'Mummy" so we may need to work on that. He knew he'd said it wrong though, which is also new......

OP posts:
theheadgirl · 16/09/2008 21:03

What a star - this is my favourite sort of thread Well done to your boy

drowninginlaundry · 16/09/2008 21:34

oh wow, and you thought he'd never speak!

DS1's speech has also come on loads in the past two weeks. Loads. No new words as such but it's like he's trying, really trying. A combination of leaving London and Light on Literacy maybe?

Seuss · 16/09/2008 21:35


sphil · 16/09/2008 21:36

DS2 only says it in answer to the question 'What's my name?' (and even then he says his own name half the time) which makes me suspect it's rote learnt rather than functional. He does say Grandpa though .

Slightly off the point JJ - can DS1 recognise people in photos? And if so, has he always been able to? I'm pretty sure DS2 has a kind of 'face blindness' - finds it very difficult to recognise people, including himself. So names are bound to be tricky as a result I guess.

Thomcat · 16/09/2008 21:39

That is so utterly wonderful that it's very bloody hard to put it into words. I'm trying very hard not to get overly emotional but if you could see me now you'd see I'm not doing a very good job and clip me round the ear for being a soft get!

jimjamshaslefttheyurt · 16/09/2008 21:42

ds1 has always been very good with photos and people's name sphil (over active associative memory). Did you see the thread on here last week about face blindness and autism?

OP posts:
TotalChaos · 16/09/2008 21:42

well done DS1.

wannaBe · 16/09/2008 21:43

that is fantastic!


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daisy5678 · 16/09/2008 22:09

you must feel amazing!

Blu · 16/09/2008 22:14

oh, the little sweetheart.

I can imagine him sitting signing 'home' and saying 'Mummy'. Gorgeous boy.

Twiglett · 16/09/2008 22:19

oh wow

how amazing

I'm filling up here

and he needs a sign for shiatsu because...

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