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Black to get DLA and a Blue sticker

29 replies

Blandmum · 06/12/2006 14:11

Get the macmillan nurses on your side. 'all' you need is a letter saying you have less than 6 months to live and it all happens withing a week.

If it can happen like this for dh, why you you people have to wait and fight for it?

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PeachyIsNowAChristmasFruit · 07/12/2006 10:14

Absolutely Dee, black humour keeps me sane. But gets me odd looks from people who don't live in my world

DS2 is a traveller in the play. That means, he stands up, says one line and the others go 'ooar oo ar' repeatedly. Now, DS2 has a very strong Somerset accent which stands out a mile in Wales.....

At least they're not singing where be that Blackbird too? I suppose

DS1 is a Shepherd, the bioys were the other way round alst year so we've just swapped costumes.

DS3 is a sheeep. Comes under the title of 'assorted roles for slow kids and ones that can't speak'. As it is vaguely possible he will emulate a sheep's toilret habits duringt he play, I shall watch that one on tenterhooks LOL!

Clarinet60 · 07/12/2006 12:44

MB, Hugs,

Blu · 07/12/2006 12:50

LOL at your naughty (but not really, of course) dd's parodies, mb. Very pleased you made the concert.

Blandmum · 07/12/2006 15:12

peachy at your sheep 'issues'.

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