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Black to get DLA and a Blue sticker

29 replies

Blandmum · 06/12/2006 14:11

Get the macmillan nurses on your side. 'all' you need is a letter saying you have less than 6 months to live and it all happens withing a week.

If it can happen like this for dh, why you you people have to wait and fight for it?

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Blandmum · 07/12/2006 15:12

peachy at your sheep 'issues'.

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Blu · 07/12/2006 12:50

LOL at your naughty (but not really, of course) dd's parodies, mb. Very pleased you made the concert.

Clarinet60 · 07/12/2006 12:44

MB, Hugs,

PeachyIsNowAChristmasFruit · 07/12/2006 10:14

Absolutely Dee, black humour keeps me sane. But gets me odd looks from people who don't live in my world

DS2 is a traveller in the play. That means, he stands up, says one line and the others go 'ooar oo ar' repeatedly. Now, DS2 has a very strong Somerset accent which stands out a mile in Wales.....

At least they're not singing where be that Blackbird too? I suppose

DS1 is a Shepherd, the bioys were the other way round alst year so we've just swapped costumes.

DS3 is a sheeep. Comes under the title of 'assorted roles for slow kids and ones that can't speak'. As it is vaguely possible he will emulate a sheep's toilret habits duringt he play, I shall watch that one on tenterhooks LOL!

Kristingle · 07/12/2006 09:05

Hmmmm I wonder where she gets her sense of humour from ?

yoyo · 06/12/2006 23:01

MB - so glad that the macmillan nurses were fantastic. They were briliant with my Mam earlier this year too. Do be open with them about your concerns and fears - they were an invaluable support to my mother.
I think of you every day MB. XX

notreallyhereDee · 06/12/2006 22:45

black black humour mb, but you need it to get through. you really do. you find the most obscure situations/moments funny. i cannot belive the stuff i have laughed at and its not actually that funny iyswim.

Thinking of you all often.

Blandmum · 06/12/2006 21:28

No, she was one of the chorus, and well pissed off about it! The school had chosen to 'star' year 3, so the rest of them were just singing the songs!

The songs were also awful, but we had some fun laughing at dd's merciless parodies of them on the way home!

ds has his next week. He is also hacked off as he is one of Herod's guards (? don't remember them in the bible?) but is molified at the thought that last year he was Joseph

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KristinaM · 06/12/2006 21:20

How was the carol concert MB? Was DD a star?

KrissKringleKokeshi · 06/12/2006 21:16

So sorry mb, I've been thinking of you and your family recently. Your situation really puts things in perspective for me. I've just lost my hearing...but it's nothing to what your poor DH and you are going through.

I'm praying for you all.

Much love, kx

JollyOldSaintNikkielas · 06/12/2006 20:15


geekgrrl · 06/12/2006 20:11

to be honest, hearing that it is so easy to get it all sorted under the special rules really puts the delays others have experienced into perspective. It is much more important that applications like your dh's are processed swiftly, other people can wait.

I'm so sorry to hear about the new timeframe. Glad that you're getting lots of support to make the most of it.

Jimjams2 · 06/12/2006 20:02

I'm pleased (about both of those things) mb. It's sounds like the system can show a bit of humanity. So very important.

Blandmum · 06/12/2006 20:01

They do all the paperwork for us at the hospice/ hospital.

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Blandmum · 06/12/2006 20:00

what I love about them is that they 'get' that the time, and quality of the time is so important.

We were in the hospital yesterday for dh to have his chemo....I told the Macmillan nurse that we wanted to get out early to go to dd's carol concert and she fast tracked us to the front of the queue, she went and got all our meds, so we could leave the minute the treatment ended. So we got to the concert. Priceless gift for all of us.

There is no , 'wait for your morphine' if he needs it, he drinks it. Totaly different mindset. A godsend.

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Jimjams2 · 06/12/2006 20:00

Oh bloody hell MB didn't realise you had to get a letter etc As I already said to you though I am glad the system works some of the time. You didn't have to fill in the 72 page form did you? I bloody hope not.

PeachyIsNowAChristmasFruit · 06/12/2006 19:25

Oh I am so sorry , but also grateful that Christmas is only 3 weeks away now.

Do lean on the Macmillan nurses- they are the best, they really are.

FWIW my DLA application took 3 weeks end to end, which was OK- the dx took almost seven years.

Hugs MB. To you all.

Blandmum · 06/12/2006 19:21

no, they gave us another estimate of between 3-6 months. If dh does 'weel' on the chemo it will imporve the quality of his life, and maybe buy us a further 6 weeks.

We saw the Macmillan nurse today, she is fantastic.

made a shit day more positive

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PeachyIsNowAChristmasFruit · 06/12/2006 19:06

Bugger, and I used to work for Macmillan too!

MB, you and Dh deserve all you can get. Whilst that doesn't mean we don't too I guess, your time is far too rpecious atm to go worrying about it.

Maybe I am out of date, thought you had 1 - 2 years?

jenk1 · 06/12/2006 18:56

mb, so sorry that you have are having to go through this.

COPPERfeelunderSantasTOP · 06/12/2006 16:09

It's such a crappy system, isn't it?

I'm glad you and dh don't have to fight for the help though.

Blandmum · 06/12/2006 14:19

But if they can do this for us, why can't they do it for everyone once they get a positive dx???????????

REally? Why not?

make you want to spit

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HumphreyCushiONtheFirstNoel · 06/12/2006 14:18

Agree that it's good that you're getting support from the system.

geekgrrl · 06/12/2006 14:16


good to hear you're getting excellent support though and that you're not being fecked about by the system.
The blue badge is such a useful thing to have.

Blandmum · 06/12/2006 14:15

My employers are being gold star about it all. Can't fault them

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