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Sudden horrible realisation of DS's lack of empathy :(

53 replies

Ben10isthespawnofthedevil · 10/07/2011 09:32

The paed at our first appt asked me what DS would do if he saw me crying, would be come and comfort me. I said that I didn't know as I didn't cry in front of him.

This morning I fell down the stairs with a scream that woke DH up. DS didn't even move from his beanbag where he was watching TV. When DH asked him if he had heard me, he said yes. DH asked him if he realised that I could have hurt myself as I had screamed he said no. Once it was pointed out that I might have hurt myself, then then came and asked me if I was OK.

This really upset me as was really not the reaction I would expect from a 6 year old. His difficulties really came crashing down on me suddenly - think that I minimise them so much by making sure that we avoid sensory stuff etc, it reduces the reality of it all.

OP posts:
mariamagdalena · 11/07/2011 15:59

Am sorry about the loss of your pet, Claw.

I keep visualising your ds's floating cats crashing into heavenly angels. My ds just didn't get death until I taught the concept with concrete examples. So it's sort of funny, but also yet another therapy task...

amberlight · 11/07/2011 16:09

Claw3, oh heck re cat - never easy. They're so much a loved part of families...

Claw3 · 11/07/2011 16:23

Thanks everyone, she was 17 years old, so had a good innings and it was no real shock, but im a sentimental softie!

Ds actually lightened the mood and i had to laugh too. Ds was really very fond of the cat, so quite a nice image, for ds to visualise, as oppose to a doom and gloom one. What else would cats do, in cat heaven, but float about meowing :)

He wants to be a vet when he 'grows up' so perhaps a little work is needed!

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