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POPSYCAL!!!!!! help me (and anyone else)

36 replies

misdee · 06/01/2007 09:32

dd3 has gone to not sleeping again. she has been ill which is part of the reason, but last night she was up screaming and wanting me from 2-7am. i am shattered.

how is it going with ds2? i need some support to go through CC again. though getting her to sleep isnt the issues, it keeping her asleep.

OP posts:
popsycal · 11/01/2007 21:01

the routine
still cry with laughing every time i see this..

back to CC

misdee · 11/01/2007 21:05

that is the best bit EVER!!! still cracks me up.

i cant wait till peter can sleep i na normal bed and serena can move back to her own room. mind you we'd have to start a new routine and more CC.

OP posts:
popsycal · 11/01/2007 21:08

the the routine though

kittypants · 12/01/2007 10:09

lol at the routine!
last night was awful.ds went to bed at 7pm after bath,massage ,story etc.then up from 10pm onwards.really need to do something,i just cant function.

misdee · 12/01/2007 11:01

terrible night here. dd3 didnt sleep very well, she is very grumpy right now.

OP posts:
popsycal · 12/01/2007 12:10

I found ds2 in bed with me at around midnight
put him back in his cot and found him in bed with me again at about 4am
at this point i had been up twice already with DS1 having nihgtmare
so i left him there

tonight is the night

popsycal · 13/01/2007 10:52

I cant do this
I just get so tired in the night and bring him into bed
the fact is though that he sleeps worse in my bed and i get no stretch of sleep
I feel like I have just dozed on and off all night
I am in a foul mood
My back is killing me
thankfully dh has taken the boys out
god help him - i have just come back from asda with them and they were a nightmare

kittypants · 13/01/2007 13:20

popsycal,poor you.totally agree i sleep bad with lo in my bed now but doesnt stop me putting him in!lastnight he spent all night in travel cot although woke about 6 times.i feed him and he went back to sleep.staying in cot alnight is result though!next steep for us is maybe no milk just water.

popsycal · 14/01/2007 18:14

and agin last night
i have to do this
maybe tonight!

kittypants · 15/01/2007 13:28

were still same old story.up 6 times for milk 7pm-5am then up another 6 times 5am-7am!i refused to get up for day though!tonight going to try just water before going whole hog and stopping completly.

kittypants · 17/01/2007 12:29

the cotbed arrived yippee!we can start new routine.i'll leave it tonight just so its not scary new bed.

popsycal hope you dont mind im going to try your routine.weve been doing the first bit but without bringing him into our bed,which as we have been cosleeping full time is big result anyway.for us now its no milk in night,as hes waking anywhere from 6 plus times!!!but think hes having bottle for comfort.
so were starting tomorrow night!!!!

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