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Current Year 10 2020/2021 support thread

993 replies

Alsoplayspiccolo · 14/08/2020 09:37

I can’t see a thread for upcoming new year 10s, so I thought I’d start one, as the long-running GCSE one I’ve been part of for DD has been a life-saver.

DS has opted to take history, German, drama and music, plus double science, maths, English x2, and RE.
He’s pretty bright and does well without having to break a sweat (much to my frustration!), but doesn’t really know what he wants to do in the future. He’s a music scholar at his school, so does a lot of music (DH and I are both professional musicians...or were, before Covid hit...) but loves history and English.

His school provided excellent online schooling and he was lucky to be able to go in 2 days a week for the last 3 weeks of term.

His sister has just finished year 11, so we are biting our nails, waiting for results next week. She has quite a different academic profile, having ADHD and possibly dyspraxia, and has had to work hard throughout the last few years.

I hope us parents of DCs just starting the GCSE journey can help and support each other over the next couple of years. 🙂

OP posts:
KoalasandRabbit · 17/08/2020 14:06

We have no extra curricular via school but DDs air cadets starts back in September and would imagine her singing lessons do too. DS won't do after school activities other than feeding/looking after our silkie chickens and cat / indoor rabbit, says he just wants to relax at home.

KoalasandRabbit · 17/08/2020 14:08

We have to wear PE kit on PE days - DS says he's not (ASD) so that could prove interesting. He loves school uniform and insists on wearing it everyday including weekends, school holidays, non - uniform days. Wouldn't let me throw out his knackered primary uniform on leaving y6 'as you never know when it could come in useful'. Grin

PaddingtonPaddington · 17/08/2020 15:36

Great a year 10 thread! Hello all. I recognise many names from the current Carry on Corona year 11 threads that I’m on for DD.

DS is taking English x2, maths, triple science, geography, history, computer science, business studies & German for business (too many in my opinion). He’s also a keen musician playing guitar and drums and nearly did music but decided on computer science instead.

DS is also been told to wear PE kit on PE days, year 10 are allocated to a certain part of the school and no extra curricular activities either.

QueenMabby · 17/08/2020 20:53

I’m hopeful for some co-curricular. Unlikely to be any music (not a problem for ds but gutting for dd going into yr7!) but 🤞🏻 for sport which is usually by year group anyway. Definitely no fixtures in the first term but he seems to have some fixtures via his out of school club so that’s interesting!
We’ll hear sometime next week about start/finish times and how the day will go.

whattodo2019 · 17/08/2020 21:01

Hi, DD is also going into yr 10. She's at boarding school. Last term she was at home with live lessons from 9-4.30pm Everyday.
She's taking -
English x 2
Triple Science

Yr10mom · 17/08/2020 21:17

Hi just marking my place. De is doing English X2, maths, each science, history, music, spanish and Latin. No news at all from school as to what sept.looks like. Provision since march has been pretty limited - no on line lessons just lots of set work, videos to watch and occasion tutor time.

dappledsky · 17/08/2020 21:19

DS is just starting Year 10 too. He's chosen Computer Science, Geography, French & 3D Design along with 3 sciences, 2 English & Maths. He is our eldest so I'm looking forward to tips from those who have been through it before!

kentmum11 · 17/08/2020 22:57


DD is starting year 10, having chosen History, Computer Science, Latin, RS, along with the 3 sciences, Maths, English and French.
Looking forward to the discussion on this thread.
No exams in year 9, wondering if she will remember anything in the subjects they already covered some GCSE syllabus...

Lengthy emails from school telling as to walk, cycle or come by car and not to reach before 8am! All this while we were planning to take the tube and go early to beat the crowds !!

Alsoplayspiccolo · 17/08/2020 23:34

Hello, Paddington!
What a day, eh? 😳
Hope the next 2 years are a bit easier!

OP posts:
WoodenKitty · 18/08/2020 00:11

Please can I join in. DD is about to start year 10 and she’s nervous. They do a 3 year GCSE course at her school so it was interrupted.

She’s taking:
English, Maths, RE, Triple Science, History, Art and Creative iMedia.

Her school (academy) is the best in the area and has experience of catching kids up with educational gaps, so they’re pretty confident they’ll make up for lost time. They’ve extended the school day and are talking about catchup weekend sessions if deemed necessary once they identify who needs them.

I’m just worried about the extra pressure as DD is a stress head.

crazycrofter · 18/08/2020 00:21

Hello, I'll join you too! Hi to the current year 11 parents!

I also have ds going into year 10 in September. Dd (going into year 12) is my easy one - I'm expecting to have a harder couple of years with ds. He's got ADHD, which makes concentration difficult and he hasn't yet worked out how to revise which is a bit of an issue. He's naturally very able, he's at a grammar school, but I don't expect him to do as well as he should at all. He's also not particularly bothered how well he does.

He has to take Computer Science and RS, alongside the usual Maths/English/Science. He's also chosen Music, History and Business.

Year 9 was very difficult, mainly because he was adjusting to his diagnosis (at the end of year 8), trying to work out whether or not medication helped and if so, what dose, and generally struggling with concentration and behaviour. I was honestly glad to get year 9 over with early! I'm really hoping he might go back in September with a more mature attitude all round!

nightshade1 · 18/08/2020 19:08

Has anyone been told what's happening with music tuition next year. We've had the bill for the terms lessons but as DD plays woodwind I'm wondering if they will go ahead? She is taking music so really needs to be playing regularly (as the case gathers dust in the corner)

KoalasandRabbit · 18/08/2020 19:26

Not sure about school ones but DD's private singing ones are going ahead - DH's piano ones are online via video atm.

Naem · 18/08/2020 20:58

Hi, DD is starting Year 10 as well. But I have a slightly bigger gap than many of you, so my DS is about to start Year 13. So we have missed the exam fiascos so far, but are anticipating having no university places for them and they have missed tonnes of school.

DD's school also start GCSEs in Year 9, but Year 9 tends to be relatively relaxed (knowing from when DS went through), and it ramps up in Years 10 and 11. Don't know how DD will cope. DS is very, very motivated and hard working. DD is on planet zorg half the time (has been all her life - it is much better than it was, but still). Quite bright, but struggles to focus or something. Was given extra time in Year 7, because of repeatedly only completing 70% of tests (although usually getting most of that 70% right). They ran a battery of tests (only internal), don't know what it is, decided to trial extra time - discovered it made a huge difference (moved from Set 2 to Set 1 in both maths and science once extra time given), but nobody actually knows what it is. Theories have been floated about either some form of ADD (presents differently in girls, I have been told) or slow processing. Still doesn't finish exams with 25% extra, but more like 90-95% attempted rather than 70% without.
Was actually happier at home during lockdown in terms of schooling (although missed her friends, she has a lovely circle at school of about 10 good friends, who seem to be all towards the youngest of the year and ignore the rest of the year). Apparently the teachers are going to come to them rather than they going from class to class due to bubbling, which I think will be better for her (I think she struggled with changing all the time, time being really not her thing). But I don't know how this will work with the various subjects.
She is doing the usual plus geography, modern Hebrew and biblical Hebrew (it is Biblical Hebrew or RS at her school as compulsory) and - this year, French. The French is a whole nuther story. French was her best subject ending Year 8, but a friend wanted her to do media studies, and she was a bit scared about taking two languages (even though she is good at languages), and media studies clashed in the pools with French, not Hebrew. I thought media studies was probably a mistake for her, but couldn't talk her out of it. So she did media studies. Anyway, lockdown happens, and part way through lockdown, once they get the online schooling going, she seems to have realised that, with the friend not there, she doesn't enjoy media studies, and she wished she had done French! She was too scared to tell me afraid I would say "I told you so", but she asked the head of year could she change , and amazingly they said yes in principle if we supported her - so she told DH to tell me! Presumably the fact that everybody had been out of school for months meant they felt she wasn't so far behind, and we promised to get a tutor over the summer (and DH speaks French and can help her). So I bit down on my urge, and wrote an email to the school, and the last two weeks of school she was in French! And we have got an online tutor for the summer to help catch her up, but it is only once a week so I don't know. And I feel very conflicted about it, because media studies was not the right subject for her, and for her to do it for another two years didn't make sense, but to in theory be a year behind ....
Oh and she is also doing photography out of school, because that is the subject she really, really, wanted to do - but the school dropped it a few years ago when the budgets of the state schools were cut so badly. But somebody mentioned someone who was doing it privately, and we contacted the teacher, and she has been working quite hard on that during lockdown. Not 100% sure about her doing that either, except that photography is something she is good at - this being on planet zorb aspect means she can focus on good (mostly nature and wildlife) photographs. It was the other aspects of media studies that just didn't fit my quirky DD.
So I am anticipating quite a journey with one who is a lot less conventional than DS.

WickedEmoji · 19/08/2020 07:13

Please can I join? Ds (adhd and asd) is choosing drama, geography, German and business studies as well as the usual triple sci, English x 2 and maths.

Off to read the rest of the thread now! (I also have a ds coming up the year after!!)

ShanghaiDiva · 19/08/2020 07:20

My dd is also starting year 10. We have just moved back to the uk after 25 years overseas so she is pretty nervous about starting at a new school.
She’s taking maths, English x 2, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, cookery and classical civilisation. She will also continue with mandarin outside school (need to find a tutor).

TheOnlyMrsW · 19/08/2020 07:42

Morning, I was hoping that someone would start a thread so thank you @Alsoplayspiccolo. DD is my only and DSS's are in Scotland so have done Nat 5's/Highers/AH's, and GCSE's seem to be very different to when I did mine (nearly 30 years ago!!!!).
DD is doing the usual English x2, Maths, all 3 sciences as compulsory. Also French, German, Geography and Food & Nutrition as her chosen options. She is a bright girl but a bit away with the fairies so keeping her on track is likely to be our biggest challenge!!!!

Shark2020 · 19/08/2020 08:09

Daughter going into yr 10. Doing maths, English, triple science, history, Spanish and PE. Unsure as yet if PE is btec or GCSE, on option form was btec but has got ite through as gcse. Having to do Spanish, first yr school insisted on a language, wanted to do RE. Got an older daughter who is getting GCSE results through tomorrow, nervous for that!!

GhostTypeEevee · 19/08/2020 08:21


Did they insist on a language so it counts as an EBaac?

Lightsabre · 19/08/2020 08:25

@nightshade1, ds also plays an orchestral instrument and is taking music. His music tutor has said it's all a bit up in the air at the moment as he's been shielding. Starting to panic slightly about it and wondering whether we need to look for another tutor which could take some time. It's all such bad timing.

Newgirls · 19/08/2020 08:27

I have a new y10 doing drama and music. She did a drama course in the summer in a bubble of 12 outside so I hope school can do lessons outside/indoors in bubbles. She has also done singing lessons wearing a visor. Again outside. So I really hope on dry days that schools do that and aren’t hand-tied by gov. Lab work seems to be on hold this term though for science - are other schools managing that?

Can’t wait for her to go back - she’s really missed it.

Newgirls · 19/08/2020 08:29

Music tuition is going ahead via zoom with a view to switching to live as soon as pos - which I guess means spring?


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Shark2020 · 19/08/2020 08:58

Yes I believe they have decided to follow the EBAC route this time around @GhostType

0DimSumMum0 · 19/08/2020 14:37

Hello! Would love to join. Having a year 11 this year waiting for his GCSE results I'm hoping that it will be a lot easier the second time round! My son is taking the usual including Triple Science, Geography, Spanish, Creative Media Studies and Business.

Alsoplayspiccolo · 19/08/2020 14:40

Hi crazy and ODimSum
Hope you’re both feeling ok about tomorrow 🤞🏻

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