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Current Year 10 2020/2021 support thread

993 replies

Alsoplayspiccolo · 14/08/2020 09:37

I can’t see a thread for upcoming new year 10s, so I thought I’d start one, as the long-running GCSE one I’ve been part of for DD has been a life-saver.

DS has opted to take history, German, drama and music, plus double science, maths, English x2, and RE.
He’s pretty bright and does well without having to break a sweat (much to my frustration!), but doesn’t really know what he wants to do in the future. He’s a music scholar at his school, so does a lot of music (DH and I are both professional musicians...or were, before Covid hit...) but loves history and English.

His school provided excellent online schooling and he was lucky to be able to go in 2 days a week for the last 3 weeks of term.

His sister has just finished year 11, so we are biting our nails, waiting for results next week. She has quite a different academic profile, having ADHD and possibly dyspraxia, and has had to work hard throughout the last few years.

I hope us parents of DCs just starting the GCSE journey can help and support each other over the next couple of years. 🙂

OP posts:
Land0r · 22/08/2020 19:53

I really hope they aren't doomed for missing 6 months as DD1 has missed pretty much the whole year.

NewModelArmyMayhem18 · 22/08/2020 19:58

I hope not @LandOr but I think those doing GCSEs over two years are going to struggle to fit in all the necessary content. I think they were supposed to be starting the triple science curriculum in the last term of Year 9 but not sure how much of that happened, given there was no teaching just loads of 'homework' set really.

Rollergirl11 · 22/08/2020 20:04

They haven’t missed 6 months though have they? It was 14 weeks.

DD’s school were actually pretty good and for the last 7 weeks after the May half-term they had Microsoft team lessons that followed their usual timetable as closely as possible. They also only had to do work for their chosen GCSE subjects so that freed up extra time which DD spent concentrating on her Spanish (as that was what she was most concerned about falling behind on)

I think time will tell how much catching up is required.

Alsoplayspiccolo · 22/08/2020 20:49

Rollergirl11, DD has ADHD and suspected dyspraxia and took geography and history - she’s just got 8s in both Smile

OP posts:
Gumbo · 23/08/2020 06:35

I'd like to join too please. DS is starting Y10 next Thursday; his additional subjects are French, History, Sports Science and Citizenship (which I don't fully understand but it seems to be a lot about how our country is governed, politics etc, which he'll love).

His school also has new staggered start/end times and are just having 3 (double) lessons each day to ensure less mixing in corridors etc. He's extremely academic (as are most of his friends) but none of them are particularly keen to go back to school which surprises me after so long, I'd have thought they'd want to get back to seeing their friends every day rather than just on the bloody X-box. I think perhaps it's because there is so much change at school (DS is high-functioning ASD)...

MercedesDeMonteChristo · 23/08/2020 08:18

Thanks for the thread OP.

DS is a hard worker and knows what he needs to do. I think he is a bit lazy because he knows he is capable, but he is sort of bored of being told he is great which is resulting in complacency. He won’t want to ‘fail’ (whatever that looks like to him) so I think he’ll be fine.

He has picked history, spanish, drama and Business (he opted for RE but it’s not running so this was back up) plus French which is extra.

He is a bit concerned about French as it’s taught twilight and he is worried about it clashing with possible after school commitment for drama. Plus he doesn’t really like it but the school has a really strong MFL dept and he was met with some surprise when he said he was only picking Spanish. I can help with a French to a point but I’m trying to back off and be supportive if he wants to drop it.

Arrangements for next year seem ok, a mix of what’s been said. He would like to be able to wear a mask but otherwise seems happy.

He focused on Spanish, History and English during lockdown with a smattering of Science and I really had to push maths.

Looking forward to the journey with you all.

MercedesDeMonteChristo · 23/08/2020 08:19

His list was simply ink pens in black, red and green. He is very specific about his pens.

HelloDulling · 23/08/2020 17:37

@MercedesDeMonteChristo, we’ve just been to Rymans. Have come home with many, many pens and some revision cards.

MrsAvocet · 23/08/2020 23:12

I'm psyching myself up to go back to school shopping this week. We have to go into a town which is a popular holiday destination and is busy at the best of times in the Summer, but this year it is absolutely rammed so it is going to be hideous. But unfortunately the only shop that sells uniform is on the high street and they don't sell online so there's no option. I am ordering everything else online to minimise the pain though! At least my elder son doesn't need anything new as he hasn't outgrown anything and with missing so much school nothing is worn out - every cloud and all that. But younger DS has shot up and needs everything new. I've just ordered over £100 worth of new PE kit and still have to get boots and trainers. They've been told they have to wear PE kit all day on days when they have it, so as he's doing PE GCSE that's going to be a few days so I didn't think one set wpuld be enough. I have no idea how that's going to work after a muddy rugby lesson.....maybe they won't be doing contact sports actually now I think about it. I might wait before buying new boots after all!
Our school has told us that they must wear masks on the bus, but that they are optional in school. I'm not sure what's best to be honest. Probably will decide based on how the situation pans out locally. We have low numbers of cases here currently though of course that could change. Both my boys are desperate to get back so I hope it all goes according to plan.

MercedesDeMonteChristo · 24/08/2020 08:41

We are going for everything online. We only have the blazer from a specialist retailer who are only online, he has finally outgrown his blazer from YEAR 7! Plus they have a different one for years 10 and 11. The school have made blazers optional for the moment due to them probably not being washed everyday. Everything else is an M&S job for DS1 and DS2. I'm not a panicker (? even a word?) but I am getting slightly miffed that DH is dragging his feet with the uniform - its his responsibility but they haven't even tried everything on yet and I am worried things will sell out.

Rollergirl11 · 24/08/2020 09:30

I told both DC’s I wanted them to try everything on again over the weekend so I know what doesn’t fit. Of course that didn’t happen! 🤨
Realistically they both had new blazers last year and DS entire PE kit so I’m hoping he’s okay. DD will probably need new skirts though which have to be purchased from the school uniform shop. I’ve just checked their website and they are saying all online orders are taking a minimum of 14-21 days to arrive so need to book an appointment to go in if you need anything sooner. What an absolute arse ache!

Everything else, shirts and trousers for DS, are M&S jobbie. Hoping DS won’t need new shoes as only wore for less than 2 terms, although he’s quite possibly grown. DD always wrecks her shoes quickly but will just order brogues from M&S/Next. Oh shit, then there’s PE trainers! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

RedskyAtnight · 24/08/2020 09:39

he has finally outgrown his blazer from YEAR 7!

I bought DD a blazer with growing room in Year 7 (as I imagine most parents do). Turned out she'd already finished growing so it has remained "slightly too big".

I suspect I may be the only parent to have ever asked their DC "Do I need to buy you a smaller blazer!?"

(She's got used to it overlarge and doesn't want a smaller one)

MercedesDeMonteChristo · 24/08/2020 09:49

We didn't even buy it that large but he has been small for a really long time, to the point we couldn't even hand it down to his younger brother who was already bigger in year 7, but he has shot up and is almost unrecognisable. It is crazy.

Rollergirl11 · 24/08/2020 12:52

Well I’ve had a result. Don’t need anything school specific from the uniform shop. DD informed me that her skirts are still fine (probably too short to be fair) and now negates the need to be rolled! Hmm What is it with girls rolling their skirts?!

DS just needs trousers so will order them online from M&S.

DD wants to do a Paperchase shop for stationary and pens next week.

whirlwindwallaby · 24/08/2020 14:41

MercedesDeMonteChristo DS has only just outgrown his year 7 blazer too. All his uniform fit for three years, blazer, shirts, trousers, PE and games kit. I didn't buy any of it that big either.

NewModelArmyMayhem18 · 24/08/2020 15:47

DS managed to make his Yr 7 blazer last until the beginning of Yr 10 too, although it was very scruffy by late Yr 9.

Had to buy DD new trainers, jumper and skort - only trouble is she is very slim and the next size skort up is a 30 inch waist one (the smaller one is just too short now), so not exactly a good fit. Let's hope she gets more wear out of the trainers than her last pair (reckon she had them for six months of PE/games...).

whirlwindwallaby · 24/08/2020 16:01

NewModelArmyMayhem18 Do they not have lengths for the skirts? Many grown women would need a 26 inch.

Shark2020 · 24/08/2020 18:44

We've been told the kids can't take in their own pens etc, in their bags will just be lunch box and water bottle. Not sure how they are going to be supplying all the stationary. Also yes pe days will be in kit all day, so my daughter said she will also be taking in antiperspirant.

MercedesDeMonteChristo · 24/08/2020 19:26

Weirdly we have to wear PE kit on PE days but can change into uniform afterwards. I have no idea why they can use the changing rooms after but not before.

I’m not taking him shopping for pens, he will bankrupt me in Paperchase, I’m going to order in.

whirlwindwallaby · 24/08/2020 19:34

DS has to wear games kit two days a week too, no changing afterwards at his school though. I'm guessing that changing after could be seen as necessary for teenagers but not before, so not worth the additional risk?

MercedesDeMonteChristo · 24/08/2020 19:38

I guess that makes sense.

I’ve just had him and his brother try everything on. He needs new trousers and shirts but won’t entertain hand me down from his (younger) brother who’s stuff will fit him. He is funny about these things though and is the least demanding, except when it comes to pens so will order everything tomorrow.

Shark2020 · 24/08/2020 19:44

On a day with pe kit if they get cold, of course the sensible option would be a hoody of some description, but school have come up with this ridiculous idea of wearing their blazer or coat on top!


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MrsAvocet · 24/08/2020 19:53

That's nuts Shark! We've been told they can wear either a school tracksuit or other black tracksuit over PE kit, with the proviso "No fashion items". I've ordered a school one, though it was stupidly expensive for what it is, but at least there can't be any arguments over its suitability, either from DS or the school. Its a great school generally speaking but they are a bit obsessive over uniform rules and I am sure lots of kids will be getting pulled up over their tracksuits being too fashionable Hmm.

whirlwindwallaby · 24/08/2020 19:58

We've been told they can wear the school sports midlayer (optional, DS doesn't have), school jumper (which DS doesn't have as the one he had for three years he never wore), or a outdoor coat on top of games kit. Luckily, the games kit is rugby shirt and shorts, so warmer than a polo. Silly that they can wear a coat but not a hoodie or fleece though.

whirlwindwallaby · 24/08/2020 20:00

Oh, and navy or black tracksuit bottoms, so I've had to buy those.

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