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School bag got year 7 dd

31 replies

xsquared · 23/07/2019 12:55

Just looking for some inspiration please.

Dd will be in year 7 in September and would like a bag that doesn't look as if she's hiking.

We've had a look at some generic sports brand one but she doesn't like any of them.

I think she's going for fashionable without looking as if she's tried too hard.

If you have a similar age dd, what sort of thing is "in" now please? TIA

OP posts:
CarlaJones · 28/07/2019 19:21

Dd going into year 11 has had Hype but i think is getting a Vans Backpack.
Dd going into year 8 had Adidas which is still fine, but she wanted a backpack which is more like a hand bag in style, so has bought this,acc_1.40/6899280300?skipRedirection=true&gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=Cj0KCQjwj_XpBRCCARIsAItJiuTo7iyaacPHwh0hCVUMhsJeZtvhe2iRFXT-wzyMjt_eW81WD1eQoLAaArrSEALw_wcB

I've checked it fits her A4 folders in. If you click on it in pink you can see it is a backpack. Mine have always put their water in the main part of their bag and never had a leak.

She can use the Adidas for school/weekend.trips

CarlaJones · 28/07/2019 19:24

She's got it in black. I keep water in the main part of my bag too

reluctantbrit · 28/07/2019 20:22

Our head just banned shoulder bags for year 7-9, only backpacks are allowed.

DD had a laptop bag in Y7, decent shoulder strap, not too business like but enough space for her as she is like a squirrel, collecting everything and forgetting that she has it in her bag.

She asked for a new on e for her birthday and asked for a hype which seems to be the brand of choice in her school.

llangennith · 28/07/2019 20:56

Find out what bag every other Yr7 will be using and buy the same type.

MarchingFrogs · 28/07/2019 21:12

Please get decent backpacks.

Yes, please do. Even the local boys' grammar that used to instruct parents to buy only briefcase-style bags, 'because backpacks damage school books'Shock , now instructs them to buy backpacks as if the contrary advice had never passed its lips, so to speak.

Find out what bag every other Yr7 will be using and buy the same type.

Not if it's a flippin' handbag...

llangennith · 28/07/2019 22:10

Not if it's a flippin' handbag


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