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School bag got year 7 dd

31 replies

xsquared · 23/07/2019 12:55

Just looking for some inspiration please.

Dd will be in year 7 in September and would like a bag that doesn't look as if she's hiking.

We've had a look at some generic sports brand one but she doesn't like any of them.

I think she's going for fashionable without looking as if she's tried too hard.

If you have a similar age dd, what sort of thing is "in" now please? TIA

OP posts:
llangennith · 28/07/2019 22:10

Not if it's a flippin' handbag


MarchingFrogs · 28/07/2019 21:12

Please get decent backpacks.

Yes, please do. Even the local boys' grammar that used to instruct parents to buy only briefcase-style bags, 'because backpacks damage school books'Shock , now instructs them to buy backpacks as if the contrary advice had never passed its lips, so to speak.

Find out what bag every other Yr7 will be using and buy the same type.

Not if it's a flippin' handbag...

llangennith · 28/07/2019 20:56

Find out what bag every other Yr7 will be using and buy the same type.

reluctantbrit · 28/07/2019 20:22

Our head just banned shoulder bags for year 7-9, only backpacks are allowed.

DD had a laptop bag in Y7, decent shoulder strap, not too business like but enough space for her as she is like a squirrel, collecting everything and forgetting that she has it in her bag.

She asked for a new on e for her birthday and asked for a hype which seems to be the brand of choice in her school.

CarlaJones · 28/07/2019 19:24

She's got it in black. I keep water in the main part of my bag too

CarlaJones · 28/07/2019 19:21

Dd going into year 11 has had Hype but i think is getting a Vans Backpack.
Dd going into year 8 had Adidas which is still fine, but she wanted a backpack which is more like a hand bag in style, so has bought this,acc_1.40/6899280300?skipRedirection=true&gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=Cj0KCQjwj_XpBRCCARIsAItJiuTo7iyaacPHwh0hCVUMhsJeZtvhe2iRFXT-wzyMjt_eW81WD1eQoLAaArrSEALw_wcB

I've checked it fits her A4 folders in. If you click on it in pink you can see it is a backpack. Mine have always put their water in the main part of their bag and never had a leak.

She can use the Adidas for school/weekend.trips

sitlux · 25/07/2019 21:17

@peteneras small bag means she won't be able to fit her school equipment in it, it's as simple as that. Most school bags are 20l capacity, that's double your bag. And again, no water bottle compartment.

You've already bought it so no point in commenting more. Best wishes.

IsobelRae23 · 25/07/2019 17:13

PLEASE LISTEN TO A PP! Regarding over the shoulder bags. I’m 38, and me and several friends have neck and shoulder problems which have been put down to 7 years of carrying books, PE kits and instruments over one shoulder. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, we didn’t think at the time- we felt fine, the odd twinge but it would be fine, and it was fashionable. Oh how I wish I could have seen into the future!
Please get decent backpacks.

ImTheCaddy · 25/07/2019 16:21

It's a lovely bag. I'm sure she'll use it even if not for school. DD needs at least 16L to get her stuff/books/etc in.

peteneras · 25/07/2019 15:18

Thank you, @friskybivalves and @sitlux for your responses. I've already bought the bag!

It's not for me or my DD. I wanted to buy something 'decent' and suitable for school use for a friend's DD who'd worked very, very hard in the last couple of years and is now rewarded with a place in a super-selective London grammar - my daughter's old school. I've never met the girl nor know anything about her except that she's eleven years old and the family came from Eastern Europe. But I'd been advising my friend about the complexity of UK schools admissions and am very happy for them with this success.

And the small size @sitlux, is actually what attracted me about this bag in the first place. Something I thought would be most suitable for a young girl of eleven?

Mummymonika · 25/07/2019 12:46

My little sister has a Herschel backpack

sitlux · 25/07/2019 12:40

@peteneras ignoring the cost... that's a fashion backpack, not a school backpack. It doesn't even have a compartment for a water bottle and it seems small (9l volume).

Unless you want your daughter to make a fashion statement with her backpack (case in which go for a Gucci one), stick to

friskybivalves · 25/07/2019 09:00

@pateneras The Lipault bag/ sac à dos is beautiful but unless you can afford to lose £200 on Day One I wouldn't send a child into school with such an expensive possession. The Kanken ones are bad enough!

MrsPnut · 25/07/2019 06:58

My daughter has had a Kanken for 18 months and it is still going strong.

ImTheCaddy · 25/07/2019 06:51

Kanken are by far the most sought after here. Hype are used a lot too but the quality is crap.

DD has a kanken and it was bloody expensive but it's been brilliant and is still going strong a year later. They sort of look better and better too!

I would recommend a darker colour though, ours is yellow and it's pretty grubby!

peteneras · 25/07/2019 06:22

Please, may I have your opinion(s) on this bag for a 11-year-old girl starting secondary school in London this September? More details are given on link on the left.

xsquared · 24/07/2019 14:23

Thanks again for all your suggestions. I will take a look online as well take a trip to the bigger city with dd.

OP posts:
TheDrunkMoth · 24/07/2019 12:48

I bought my daughter this one from New Look.

It’s generous enough to slot her workbooks in (A4 size - I’d say you’d probably fit around 6-8. But i’m hoping there won’t be as many as that in there at one time!) and you can adjust the drawstring if she’s only carrying her lunch.

LolaSmiles · 24/07/2019 11:44

There's loads of great suggestions on the thread. Hype and Superdry are good starts.

Many of the girls in our area seem to like the oversized shoulder handbags or the rubbish Michael Kors ones that fall apart easily. I hate them because they contribute to poor posture and back issues.

sitlux · 24/07/2019 11:40

We got this one for £25:

DD's backpack in primary was also superdry and she used it from spring term year 4 until end of year 6 so why change...

christmas2020 · 23/07/2019 21:08

Eastpak and Kenken round here..


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DerelictWreck · 23/07/2019 20:44

Kanken would be the best bet - it's what all teens - 30 yo use round here!

iwantavuvezela · 23/07/2019 19:33

Adidas ones are pretty neutral, and big enough. I found them well made.

MeMeMeYou · 23/07/2019 19:23

We got DD a super dry one that’s both practical and looks nice, altho understated (dark blue with little metal gold stars on it). We looked at what the other girls had and there were hiking ones and fashion ones so let her just choose what she liked

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