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GCSEs 2018 (15) The Reckoning

992 replies

mmzz · 12/07/2018 22:58

thread 14
The next step of the all new GCSE journey.

OP posts:
mmzz · 09/08/2018 18:35
OP posts:
mmzz · 09/08/2018 18:34

I'll do it.

OP posts:
Stickerrocks · 09/08/2018 18:32

GCSEs 2018 (16) - The final countdown

mmzz · 09/08/2018 18:27

AlexanderHamilton that's great news. You must both be very relieved.

Only 10 posts left on this thread. What's the final verdict on the new name for thread 16? And are you around to do it @farangatang?

OP posts:
LooseAtTheSeams · 09/08/2018 17:53

Alexander so glad to hear your news - hope the referral comes through soon and treatment is sorted quickly.
Another great thread title suggestion Teen and congrats to your dd!

teenmum60 · 09/08/2018 17:26

Finally a call from DD (who is due back off her first week of NCS!). I think she has been extremely lucky - just sharing an en-suite room with one other ... sounded upbeat ...she got soaked today doing raft building ...BBQ tonight ...only other comment was that she had become friends with one of the boys who goes to the Boys school who she didnt know before this week.

PandaG · 09/08/2018 17:08

That sounds like good news AH🙂. Hope you get the ent referral quickly. X

HesMyLobster · 09/08/2018 17:08

Oh that is a great job Teen, fantastic experience for her cv too.

Stickerrocks · 09/08/2018 17:05

That's encouraging Alex.

I like The Final Countdown Teen - du-du-du-da, da da da da da, du-du-du-da, arum pum pum!

teenmum60 · 09/08/2018 17:02

Fab news AH.

HesMyLobster - She is one member of a team that looks after the Social Media for a company that runs events mainly on Saturdays - Its a great little job - dealing with the public - resolving queries (email/social media). She's had the summer off but I'm hoping that she will continue at least through to the end of her A Levels.

HesMyLobster · 09/08/2018 17:02

Phew! Good news Alexander. So relieved for you

AChickenCalledKorma · 09/08/2018 17:01

That's good news Alexander. I know he still has a lot to deal with, but it must be a relief to have ruled out some scary options.

AlexanderHamilton · 09/08/2018 16:50

Relief. Ent referral needed. No cancer in brain & no neuroma. Update later.

HesMyLobster · 09/08/2018 16:47

Ooh Teen I'm intrigued, what is your DD's job?!

HesMyLobster · 09/08/2018 16:46

Reservoir my DH always says exactly the same. That's why both DDs started waitressing/pot washing at 15 - building up that work ethic, and ability to follow instruction as well as work with others.
They actually ended up both enjoying it, and really value the skills it has given them. You can't be a shy teenager who doesn't like speaking to adults for long when you have to spend 6 hours a day serving them!

teenmum60 · 09/08/2018 16:43

GCSE 2018 Final Countdown (I keep on thinking of that song now)...

DD's friend who started at Cambridge last year worked at Homebase ...My DD doesnt get out of bed to do her part time job she just turns on the computer and spends the first few hours in her PJ's ...although she has to be on line for 9am and post updates at certain times throughout the day I guest time keeping is important.

HesMyLobster · 09/08/2018 16:41

Keep us posted Alexander Thanks

AlexanderHamilton · 09/08/2018 16:37

Running late. Last before us just gone in but she sounds routine.

hmcAsWas · 09/08/2018 16:35

Or Bad-Day (or am I being unduly pessimistic)

Stickerrocks · 09/08/2018 16:33

Ellen Thanks for posting that pic. It's back to standard British summer over here again today.

Stickerrocks · 09/08/2018 16:30


ReservoirDogs · 09/08/2018 16:27

Fingers crossed for you Alex

My DH always likes to see what he calls "shit jobs" on applications for training contracts/jobs at his firm (law) rather than DofE because it shows commitment to turning up somewhere on time, work ethic etc.

How about GCSES 2018 (16) D-Day!


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Stickerrocks · 09/08/2018 16:11

Alex was DD performing anywhere over the summer? Is there somewhere she can continue to train close to home over the summer? I've been chatting to a student who is fretting about keeping his mental muscles active over the long summer months, so I imagine your DD needs to keep her real ones going. Jufus is your DD the same? Is it a shock to the system going from such a professional atmosphere to something more ad hoc and local?

Stickerrocks · 09/08/2018 16:08

Alex keep on chatting away and we'll keep you busy over the next few minutes.

Now, not being funny, but have I missed a thread somewhere along the line? I thought this was 15 and I keep seeing suggestions for 17. Perhaps you don't want me on thread 16 and you're setting it up somewhere secret, leaving me to whitter away to myself on thread 17 without you all.

AlexanderHamilton · 09/08/2018 15:57

Hes just having blood pressure taken before going in.

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