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DH flies into angry rages unpridicatable and can be about anything

51 replies

summerparade · 19/06/2009 20:53

Atleast that is how my mil described them when she witnessed one recently she was shocked. THe thing is she had absolutely no idea that this has been going on for some time. Been married for 11 years and have 2 children aged nearly 4 and 18 months. He gets so angry with them when he spends any length of time with them and its affecting my relationship with him. He loses it with ds1 ezpecially. When he gets like this he lifts ds1 up to his height and bellows you YOU LITTLE HORROR!!! etc etc We have just returned from holiday and we had situations like this most days!

Mil is very worried and keeps asking me if things are getting better. When I said no she shook her head and said I just don't know whats wrong with him lately. I don't know either but I don't know what to do about it. When he isn't in a rage he is wonderful. He knows its wrong and says things like perhaps if ds1 behaved himself he would be alright! He says he tries not to get stressed but the kids know what buttons to press! I'm rambling now sorry!

OP posts:
junglist1 · 25/06/2009 13:57

OP, I agree with Blinder it ISN'T just temper. Does he shout at anyone who pisses him off, as in grown men? Not trying to upset you, I'm in contact with Womenaid myself, and I'm not trying to make you feel like you don't know your own mind. It just seems selective to scream at little ones, meaning he's controlling his anger elsewhere.

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