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I think I need serious help!

34 replies

talie · 03/01/2005 18:52

Thought I'd start a new thread - DH left me 4 wks ago with two young dd's.

He comes round twice a week to see them and I get really stressed out before he comes round and am taking it out on the elder dd - then I burst into tears for being horrible! I feel like the worse mother in the world! I am like jekyll and hyde because when he is here I act all nice etc. or just keep out of his way while he plays with dd's for a while and then when he goes, I'm still positive for a while and then I change back and sink into a depression again.

He came round NY eve to look after them while I had a couple of hours out and when I returned home he stayed for two hours, lying on the sofa as though he still lived here - but still proceeded to tell me he doesn't regret leaving me but he does the kids!! Am I really missing something here or am I just looking to find a little hope that he will return? Surely you wouldn't sit in the same room for two hours with someone if you really didn't love them and want to be there?

I think I can't hit rock bottom any more but each day I seem to be sinking deeper and deeper into depression - I've even thought about just handing the dd's over to him and walking away myself from it all - but I hate myself for even thinking that and would hate myself more if I actually carried it out - I love my dd's so much but I just can't seem to snap out of this mood - I'm crying all the time and I know it's affecting the dd's. I haven't eaten properly since he's left and have lost lots of weight but I just don't have an appetite. I'm still breastfeeding my youngest dd but think I better put her on formula as I'm sure she's getting no goodness from me whatsoever!(I hate him for doing this to me - I wanted to stop when I chose to, not when I felt I had to!) I don't sleep properly at night and my dd's are waking several times a night (since he left!).

I really think I'm cracking up - I sat on the floor in a heap sobbing tonight and I can't believe I've sunk to this level - I'm usually a very strong person!

I tried to phone my Drs to get help but couldn't get though and thought it's a good job I'm not the sort of person who would do anything silly, but I may be on the way there! I have no local support - family all live away - I have to ring several of them every day to just speak to people and lift my mood temporarily, but no-one was in today for me to speak to. My life just seems to be sinking deeper into darkness and I know I need to snap out of this for the good of my dd's and myself!

Can anyone give me any helpful advice, or just talk to me. Does this get better with time? It just feels like it's getting worse for me at the minute. Maybe if I didn't want him back so much I wouldn't be clinging on to anything and would be able to snap out of this quicker? He hasn't given me any answers as to why he left either which doesn't help - just the crap about not loving me anymore and hasn't for ages! So he didn't love me but managed to conceive a child (planned) with me???????? I don't understand!!!!!

Are all men B's or will I meet someone nice out there in time? On second thoughts I don't think I want anything to do with another man!!!!!


OP posts:
karenanne · 11/01/2005 09:59

hi talie glad your ok .cat is contact another talker,which means mumsnet send an email from me to you.

as for the flirting etc,go for it but just flirt,dont let him have his cake and eat it if you know what i mean
be polite ,calm and strong when you see him ,make sure you look good and dont go on about the split.tell him you realise that it may have been for the best ,that youve been out somewhere nice (either you alone or with the kids).make him think you getting on with your life and enjoying it.dont bring up anything about the split thats not neccessary.
dont just let him sit there for hours ,you tell him when to go.

this may just be about sorting things out with the split or he may be changing his mind .by doing the above you are showing him what hes missing,it may give him a shock and he'll come running back.dont do things for him that he can do himself,remember hes left ,and that means he's responsible for himself ,you dont look after him anymore.

and most of all dont let him walk all over you,make sure you get what your entitled to.i know all the above will be hard after all you still love him but if you let him get it all his own way what incentive does he have to come back?

im doing ok lol it does get better and im also doing all the above and ive finally realised i dont need ex to make me futures looking brighter by the day ,im not now relying so heavily on him maybe coming back,and if he did he would have to make big compromises for us to work.

good luck and let us know how it goes

talie · 11/01/2005 07:43

Been to a different Sol. who gave me better info this time but I'm still stuffed whichever way I try and turn! Can't believe it.

Asked him to stay away for a while and I do feel more positive, but he has phoned and asked yet again for me to do sort a few things out for him!!! And yet again he has sorted out nothing for me!

Tried being fun and flirty and he sort of responded back but then had a change of heart I think and ignored my texts! Thought I may have tugged at a few emotions and got him thinking but then he reverts back so still don't know where I am with him.

Sometimes after I talk to him though I just end up crying because I want him back so much!

I wish I didn't think the marriage was salvageable and then I could get on with my new life better.

Asked him to come round and sort out things Sol suggested (after kids have gone to bed so he can't see them! so it's just him and me) - he's coming but don't know whether that's because he wants to get the legal stuff sorted or whether he is coming a bit for me???? I suppose I can only wait and see.

I may be wrong in this, but does any one think if I flirt with him and perhaps seeing where it leads get me anywhere as in rekindling any of the love we do have for each other - I honestly don't believe him when he says he has never loved me!

Karenanne - don't know what "cat" is? Don't know all abbreviations used on here. Thanks for caring about me enough to see if I'm ok. Hope you are too.

OP posts:
karenanne · 10/01/2005 10:13

talie i hope ok ..havent seen u posting the past few days....

Janna · 06/01/2005 15:56

Don't despair too much because you feel you weakened and asked him to come back. At the moment you would do anything to try and get your family back together and its a normal thing to do. I've been there and done that and it never works. well it didn't for me anyway.
Bloody men. They're all tossers lol. Anyway hope your ok.

sobernow · 06/01/2005 13:32

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

karenanne · 06/01/2005 11:59

talie is it ok to cat you .i know what your going through and feel i can help with some things that have helped me through.i still have my down days but im coping better now.
let me know
hugs karenanne

lulupop · 06/01/2005 09:09

haven;t posted here before but just want to offer some support.

this is an awful time for you and your girls. there's no doubt about it, it will probably keep getting worse for a while. But you have to hold inside you the knowledge that though you are crushed and broken now, you will get through this, and you will be stronger in time. You must be strong for your girls. he has walked out on you and now you have to hold it together for them as much as yourself. It's harsh but that is a mother's lot!

Don't let his bitch of a mother get to you. Men always run back to their Mothers in the end, IME. My advice is:

take one day at a time
every day, aim to show him and his mother how you can get on just fine without them
be kind to yourself - it doesmn't matter what you said last night. Just think of it as a blip, and move on to today with new resolve.
I know it's easy for me to say all this, and you feel absolutely wretched right now, but I promise you, you will get through this.

Be strong honey. xx

talie · 06/01/2005 07:40

I don't know what to do - I have sunk so low that I did something stupid last night!

I asked him to come back and try one last time and asked him to at least talk to me, he said he wouldn't talk to me the time wasn't right because we'd argue and that he definitely didn't want to try again!

I was still awake early hours sobbing, so phoned him again because I was so low - asked him just to talk (say anything to me) because I was feeling SOOOOO low - he just said things would get better, then silence, then "it's late, got to go", so I told him I didn't want to live and that they wouldn't either!

What has this man done to me???? I am lifeless and in so deep I feel I can't get myself out of this dark depression. HELP ME.

OP posts:
talie · 05/01/2005 22:52

Thanks for the story sobernow, but I really think he'd take them - straight to his mothers! So it would backfire on me. Funny how mothers can all of a sudden be this wonderful supporting person when divorce approaches but a complete B*TCH when we were together! He can forget what she's put him/US through quickly but can't communicate with me to save the marriage!

He's not really worth keeping is he!!!!! Just wish I could stop loving him and just keep hating him!

OP posts:
lowcalCOD · 05/01/2005 20:35


princessinapeartree · 05/01/2005 20:25

jolly good thing too. if judge flounce is a barrister (let alone a qc) I'll eat my practising certificate.

sobernow · 05/01/2005 20:23

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Yurtgirl · 05/01/2005 20:05

Message withdrawn

Yurtgirl · 05/01/2005 20:05

Message withdrawn

JudgeFlounce · 05/01/2005 19:45

Message deleted

talie · 05/01/2005 19:40

Whats the best way to sort out the house which is jointly owned? Accept him handing it over to me and give up other rights - eg pension?, let him remortgage and buy me out, or sell and take the equity? Although I can't see that I can afford to stay where I am or be able to afford another place of my own, so will probably end up in council or rented!!!! Not the secure future I would want for my dd's!

Access to children - have been letting him see them one night a week and putting eldest to bed (which is usually 1-2 hours) and unlimited access one day on weekend - although always supervised at the minute, until I feel able to deal with the situation better. He has just been round tonight and I am extremely stressed and yet again have lost my appetite - so I won't be eating! I really don't want to lose any more weight and I don't want to feel this stressed, because I'm getting too snappy with the dd's and then I hate myself. What is the minimum access I have to allow until things hopefully get better.

He keeps on about taking them away for longer and taking them to grandparents (who have had no contact with me since the split, although I have said they only need to call before to come and see them - and they hardly made the effort to see them when we were together!) Think it's just another thing to rub my nose in it personally, as never really got on with them. Do they have any rights?

Someone told me I should keep him sweet because he is paying all my bills at the minute (for how long I don't know) and that if he stops I.Support etc. won't pay the amount that he currently pays, so basically I'm stuffed! I really don't feel like keeping him sweet.

He's applied for a car loan and used this as his home address - is he entitled to do that? Don't know where the money is coming from as there is no spare cash (apart from cutting my bills!) I know about the monies because I was the one in charge of finances! He doesn't need a car as he lives and works within walking distance but refuses to stay around the area on a weekend - so travels back and forth to his parents!!!! Oh sorry, needs a car to see the dd's - what about public transport?!

Has just got p'd off as well because he's realised he has to insure new car and won't be entitled to any no claims? as insurance was in my name! Shame! He's feeling really sorry for himself. Poor hard done to bloke.

God I really hate him today. I wish I could never see him again but know that I'm stuck with him for the rest of my life because of the dd's.

Why is it that he seems to be coming out on top - seems like he's going to be the one who's better off from all this, not me?! Why should he end up with a ready made house and most of his wages and me and the dd's end up on benefits in a council house (no disrespect - I lived in one when I was little and I just hoped for a better life for my dd's!)

Why should he be this fantastic fun part-time dad to the dd's and I end up being the disciplinarian and bad mother, having to deal with the tears, the tantrums, illnesses etc. Why should he enjoy life as a single person with no ties now apart from having to come and see the dd's every so often and I end up having to try support and bring up my dd's the best I can.


Sorry, for the rant, but I'm really angry with him tonight and I just need to get things off my chest.

OP posts:
JudgeFlounce · 05/01/2005 08:40

Message deleted

talie · 04/01/2005 22:18

Judgeflounce - any advice on finance, house, kids, maintenance etc. etc. would be gratefully received! Don't really know what sort of things I should be asking or need to know.

OP posts:
JudgeFlounce · 04/01/2005 20:03

Message deleted

talie · 04/01/2005 19:05

Thanks for all the lovely comments - it helps to know people care and that I'm not the only one going through this.

I've been to the Drs today and been given anti-depressants, although I've just read up about them on the internet and not really sure whether I want to take them - he said they'd probably take up to 14 days to work for starters and it's not known if it affects dd through breastfeeding. Dr says it will make dd drowsy! Not sure if I want to do that to her?! After all it's me that needs to buck my ideas up! Maybe I should just try some vitamins etc.? and give myself a kick up the behind and snap out of this!

Weighed myself at the Drs - lost a stone and a half already! so I really do need to get back on track before I waste away!

Been told roughly what I'll get from Income Support which sounds like peanuts?! How do people live?!!! They said Tax Credits make up the extra amount but it still sounds like peanuts to me! Wont be able to live here unless DH still contributes! But then I think the best thing I can do is to move away from the marital home and start afresh - maybe that will give him the kick in the teeth that he needs? Especially if I move quite far from him and then he cant have easy access etc. to the dd's!! Or am I not being fair here?

Puddytats - sorry I'm not very close to West Sussex or I'd take up your offer.

Janna, I feel a bit guilty feeling sorry for myself when you seem to be having a harder time than me. I don't know if I could take this for a year - I need out now but then I suppose as he's always going to be their dad then I will never really escape from him will I, he's always going to be in my life - I just hope I'm strong enough to make my own life from now on and not feel I need to still have him in it, but that's easier said than done when I really feel the marriage could be saved if he'd only opened up about his feelings! He's never opened up to me though and wouldn't dream of going to Relate, so I suppose there's no hope.

Karenanne, was it ivillage you told me about? Did have a quick look but don't always manage to get onto the internet, so it's difficult for me.

Thanks again everyone, I do feel a bit better today but then I'm up and down like a yo-yo! He's coming to see the dd's tomorrow, so no doubt I will be stressed all day until he comes, exchanging niceties whilst he's here and then not know where I stand again when he's gone!!

OP posts:
Janna · 04/01/2005 12:06

Hi Talie
Firstly big big (((hugs))) to you. I really feel for you in this situation because its happening to me too at the moment.
I'm quite new to this forum and I posted for the first time about my relationship on boxing day and got some really good advice.
Your dh sounds just like my ex in the way that he dosen't know what he wants from you and your relationship. My dp even though he again recently told me he dosen't love me anymore will still come round and spend time with me and the kids, still will cook me tea when I come in from work and still treat the house as his own which really really confuses me
You must feel absolutely awful after just four weeks. You may not feel like eating but even little and often is better than nothing. I got loads of ready meals and fish fingers and stuff for the kids after it all happened last march. I just couldn't funtion properly and hit the lowest I've ever been in my life. I started to self harm again.. which is a problem I've always had.
You will start to feel stronger in yourself. The absolute and total despair will start to fade although it won't go straightaway. The pain dosen't go away but it lessens with time and you start to see light at the end of the tunnel.
Even though its been nearly a year for me and ex and he's still messing me about, think he's still seeing someone else but spends time here. I can't let him do this to me over again. I still want him back and it still hurtts like mad but I can't put my life on hold anymore.
Let your dh see that you can survive without him and be nothing but nice even though you might feel as if you are dying inside. I've tried to do this as much as I can recently and I find in a bizarre way it helps me cope a bit better.
On a practical note do you have homestart near where you live? They offer fantastic support. I've got a volunteer and I go to group too. It gives you a chance for a break and a chat with other mums that have been through the same. I've found thats it's been a briliant help to me this past year.
Anyway hope I haven't rambled on too much
Please take care.

aloha · 04/01/2005 09:51

Call the dr again. Arrange proper contact times with the kids so he's not just popping round and upsetting you. Not all men are bastards. And don't worry about your breastmilk, it will still be wonderful stuff for your dd even if you aren't eating properly atm -honestly. Though if you can try to eat it will benefit you.


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polkadot · 04/01/2005 09:47

It sounds like you are having an awful time. Have you thought of asking your HV for a visit? If you get on with her she might be a good listening ear and it would all stay confidential too. I hope that you start to feel a bit better soon.

ElectricBlue · 04/01/2005 03:46

Talie - my heart goes out to you. How awful that this has happened and you are going thru it alone. I posted recently on here about my marriage ending and, like you, I got lots of support and comfort here. I keep switching from euphoria to frozen depression, but I know the reality of my situation: it's over because he cant/wont change and could never be proactive about bettering the relationship - he'd just want the relationship to miraculously fix itself.

You haven't let go of the relationship but before you look for ways of getting him back, you have to ask yourself the same questions - can your DH change, is he strong enough to, is there anything new you can try that could work that you haven't tried before? Otherwise you'll be doing the compromising and more unsatisfactory years may roll on. Having said that, it doesn't sound like he ready to fix things even if you are. Has he suggested anything, other than what you "read" into his behaviour?

I saw bits of your other threads and I can feel how emotional you are and how badly you want him back. The only advice I can offer whichever way it goes, is to try pretend you are calm and strong in front of him in the face of all this adversity, it sounds like you are doing a great job of that anyway. I think that being nice is the best thing you can be when times are troubled. Let him remember you at your best if he should have a change of heart.

Please don't be too hard on yourself, thinking that you've driven him away by YOUR behaviour. It sounds like you both went thru a lot of hardship and struggle.

You are doing the best you can under very extreme and isolating circumstances.

Hugs and I hope that you things get better for you.

puddytats · 03/01/2005 19:28

Hi Talie,

What an awful thing to go thro. I am fairly new on here so do not know what area you are in but if you are anywhere near Chichester, West Sussex then I am always avaliable if you need a real shoulder to cry on. I have a car so can get to you if needs be. In the mean time huge hugs to you.


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