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Interfering ex even though divorced 15 years ago!

52 replies

bigbumbiggerheart · 29/09/2020 18:59

Do any of you have problems with an ex of many, many years ago still interfering and causing problems.

Youngest of their children almost 18 now and still dictates and expects him to jump for the slightest thing.

He makes way for her plans and sees his children (rightly so) lots but she is getting worse. Almost as if she realises that her 'power' and 'control' are slipping away as the children are almost adults now.
Accused him of not caring about her feelings at all... Hmm even though yet again she got her own way over something. She is a very controlling selfish woman and thankfully has less and less say and children now have a fantastic relationship with my DP despite her bitching/moaning and causing trouble.

SO is she unusual or does anyone else have a partner with a mad controlling selfish ex of a very long time ago still working the misery?

OP posts:
bigbumbiggerheart · 05/10/2020 08:11

PS I didn't say we live together above, that wasn't really relevant. I just meant that a relationship of 5 years if only seeing each other once a month or so might be deemed 'newish' compared to one of just over 2 years when it is frequent contact from the start and living together now doesn't feel that 'new' but it fits that persons narrative and their pre conceived ideas.

OP posts:
bigbumbiggerheart · 05/10/2020 08:12

no not not !

Tired this morning. Or I just cannot type!

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