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Struggling with housework and the other half :(

51 replies

StepMummaToBe · 29/04/2020 14:01

Hi all,

I'm a teacher and still doing a fair amount of work each day and my other half is a TA, who has no work at all. I seem to be doing 90% of all housework even though I'm the only one working.

It's really getting to me, I know I doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things but it's starting to bother me. We've been together just under a year.

Whenever I mention it he gets defensive. I got up at 7am this morning to do housework before school, and he stayed in bed. Hmm

Does anyone have any tips? - positive only please!


OP posts:
something2say · 03/05/2020 08:10


Thanks. I was a DV advisor for many years and saw this all the time. I genuinely think that women are changing but men are not, because they don't care and don't want to. Why would they suddenly want to start cleaning the toilet? So they don't want to have to bother.

This means more and more women live without men as we've got money now so we don't have to put up and shut up.

A man actually sent me a website debunking feminist myths and attempting to explain to me why men are being done down and one of the things was, women spend more household pounds than men do. Well why is that? We kick lazy workshy sexist men out and then we run our own households.

But the analogy of the shoes that although beautiful are just not comfortable was a favourite of mine. That and the one about not texting back. 'If we are playing tennis and hitting the ball back and forth to one another and I put my racket down and refuse to hit back, no tennis will be played.' On how to stop abusive textsandmhow to look better when they are shown to the police or read out in court.

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