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Deciding to go

101 replies

TotheLaunchBay · 16/05/2019 13:09

Hi, I'm trying to decide whether to leave my husband. I feel like this is such an old story on relationships but I really want to talk about it so here goes...

I'm 42, we've been married for 12 years. We have 2 DCs age 3 and 7. DS2 starts school in September which is a worry as he is being assessed for possible ASD and I think that his start at school will be quite rocky.

We have had sex once since DS2 was born. I occasionally try to initiate it but DH is always too tired.

DH is not terrible in lots of ways. He does wash up, empty and load the dishwasher, looks after most of the bills and sometimes vaccums and changes the sheets on our bed without being asked (thinking about those "mental load" cartoons). He is also supporting us financially at the moment. So he isn't a complete waste and sometimes I think that I just have unrealistic expectations.

We both worked in similar jobs- we are both NHS hospital consultants and before children we both worked in acute areas. He hasn't been willing to change his working pattern at all and also will not accept us having a nanny so I do all the school dropoffs and pickups. He also refuses to look after the DCs (particularly DS2) at weekends so I've had to stop doing on call. He did used to look after DS1 but would make a point of how awful it was for him and I would often be setting off for work having just been told things like "I'm in a situation that I can't stand, this is intolerable".
This has had a massive impact on my career- I was clinical lead for my department and training lead for our region in my specialty when I got pregnant. I gave these up when I went on mat leave and have gradually taken less and less prestigious roles to try to get a job that allows me to work while also dropping off at 8 and picking up at 5.30.
I find it really humiliating at work when there is an evening meeting or something in the morning before 9 and I can't get to it because I have no childcare. DH refuses to talk about other childcare options and says that it is impossible for him to have a day when he does drop-off or pick up because it would be "unprofessional".

DH has only taken 2 weeks of annual leave in the school holidays this year. He wouldn't talk to me about this, or even tell me what leave he'd taken for weeks and I ended up emailing his secretary to get a copy of his rota so I could find out when he would be about.

We have a holiday booked in a month's time and he will not talk about it at all- he says that he is in denial about it which I find really hurtful (he finds the idea of spending time with us so awful that he can't think about it).

He has also been agreeing to do things and then backing out- we were going to go skiing with his parents and after we'd talked to them, agreed a week and I'd spent ages looking at the best options he said that he wouldn't be able to stand it so I had to ring them and say that we had decided against it. The same thing happened last summer with him agreeing to us getting guinea pigs and a trampoline- he agreed to it and then after I'd told the DCs and we'd measured up and looked at the best guinea pig houses he decided that the garden had "too much crap" in it already and that we couldn't do it.

I am sure that people will be reading this and thinking that I'm being really wet- just buy the damn trampoline FFS but he gets so withdrawn that it just isn't worth the effort.

I am kind of a SAHM at the moment. My dad had a very serious accident about 2 years ago and spent 18 months in hospital. I couldn't manage doing all the school runs and seeing my dad (DH never once looked after the DCs so I could visit) and work, so I am on unpaid carer's leave and I'm due to go back to work in September. I feel like this has made the power imbalance between us much worse.

DH will not socialise with my family and tries not to see his parents (I've been to visit them with the boys but he doesn't come). I regularly take the boys away for the weekend. When he comes we often have what I think is a really good time, but he has told me that he's faking it and he hates it.

He also says that I'm very controlling but I feel like he is. He told me recently that I get everything that I want and I just didn't know what to say.

I feel like all he ever wants me to do is to take the children out do that he can have the house to himself. He says that he feels like a spare part when they are here and that he feels driven out of the house and that he can't concentrate on anything.

The thing is, he is supporting us. He will read to the DC and I'm hoping that as DS2 gets older he will be more confident with him.

I hope that I can get back to work and he will respect me a bit more and be nicer to me, but I also feel like it's very hard for me to work properly when I have to arrive late and leave early and can't do on call.

At the top of my long post I said that he would change the sheets without being asked. Just typing that made me feel a bit nervous at the idea of asking him- he'd do it himself but would hate me asking him.

He tells me that I'm controlling and that he tries not to give an opinion in case it's wrong but then sulks and mutters to himself so I spend all my time trying to guess what he wants. If I challenge him on it he stands with his hands behind his back and says that he's trying not to provoke me, but he refuses to talk to me.

I don't want a divorce, I want to have a husband who wants to spend time with us and who I can talk to without walking on eggshells trying not to say the wrong thing.

I just don't know what to do.

Thank you

OP posts:
RamblinRosie · 17/05/2019 01:16

Another thing to consider is that by cutting back your hours you are reducing your pension and thus your future options.

As you both have equal career potential, you should both have equal career opportunities, with childcare paid for equally! Anything else is not a marriage of equals, it’s an autocracy.

Oh, and get the trampoline and the piggies, both will be great for your kids’ development, both physical and mental.

StreetDreams · 17/05/2019 01:19

No, he is definitely the controlling one, not you. He does sound really awful tbh. He won't pull his weight with the kids, but 'won't accept' the idea of a nanny? He's basically calling all the shots, painting you into corners and still finding things to complain about. I know you say you don't want a divorce but this really sounds like an intolerable life for you. You're in a position to earn a decent living if you separate, which is more than many women can say, so I would do that in your shoes. You could live how you want, stop mothballing your career, have a nanny and a trampoline and all the guinea pigs you want (and maybe even some sex!) and stop walking on eggshells ffs. It sounds much better than what you've got at the moment. I don't think he sounds depressed fwiw and I'm not so sure about asd either. I found the cse angle interesting though, although it makes no difference if he won't talk about it. He doesn't sound like he's going to change, so I think you need to make some hard decisions about how you want to live, and the sooner the better, as the longer you leave it the harder it will be to pick your career back up again. You sound fab btw. Flowers

Monty27 · 17/05/2019 03:24

Kick him out and get a nanny.
He's awful. He's an awful husband and an awful father and son.
You really must feel miserable. Plan b now. Good luck.

AsleepAllDay · 17/05/2019 03:42

He sounds fucking awful.

A trampoline is no skin off his nose, would make your kids happy and be a form of exercise. He's just mean

A nanny would allow you to balance your life more, spend time on what counts and think about your future. He's just selfish

He gets all the good bits without trying - doesn't have to sacrifice work opportunities, take care of the kids during weekends and evenings etc

He's a terrible role model for the kids. I'm sure he's fine as a provider but he's modelling selfish and unpleasant behaviour. You're not a team

Do you have family members or friends you can stay with? How can you get yourself out of the situation - can you tell him to leave?

IronManisnotDead · 17/05/2019 03:53

He is treating you like he treats his junior staff, he is a typical old school consultant.

You do not need his permission to arrange your own childcare, and if and when you do leave, you will have too anyway.

Someoneonlyyouknow · 17/05/2019 04:01

My first thought was that you should let him read what you have written here. You are unhappy and it sounds as if he is as well. This is an unhealthy situation for your DSs.
Get your career back on track, using whatever childcare works for you. Talk to your DH and try to reach a compromise or mutually acceptable solution. Ultimately you deserve a much happier and fulfilling life. You shouldn't give up on that.

MrMagooo · 17/05/2019 07:34

I'd like to ask what your relationship was like before children? Was it a case that you were both so wrapped up in your jobs that you didn't notice things or has he always sulked / not been willing to compromise?

LatentPhase · 17/05/2019 07:54

Do the Freedom Programme OP.

See a solicitor.

Practical steps, you don’t have to decide anything just get. Just get informed for now.

As someone who left a selfish inadequate exH I say your future would be rosy and you won’t regret it.

He’s a grown up and needs to sort his own ishoos, whatever they are, gay, autistic, who cares.

You sound lovely. Flowers

PompeyBez · 17/05/2019 08:15

OP you are definitely not controlling, but your husband is! He wants his life to be the way it was before children. He doesn't want a nanny, housekeeper or any kind of help because he has you for that. You're not in an equal relationship. He controls what happens to suit his own needs and wants. He does not consider your wants and needs, or your children's. He doesn't want to spend time with your children, they are an inconvenience. They are probably to young to notice this, but they will. They'll see how other parents interact with their children and wonder why their dad doesn't do those things. As others have said, you should definitely consider the freedom program, I think you'll find it a big helpFlowers

Hobosno · 17/05/2019 08:27

With September, you already have a goal to aim for. Sort out the childcare you would ideally want, see if you can afford it on a reduced income too, have the children used to this person and then if you split they have more continuity. It might be the nanny (if that’s what you go for) is accepted by your husband and things improve a bit for you. Or they are not accepted, and he makes his true colours so clear that you find it easier to leave him.
What’s he’s doing isn’t fair at all, but you know that already. I wonder if the shock of you talking about divorce would lead to any improvements?

Deadringer · 17/05/2019 09:35

It must have really pissed you off when he said that arranging work so that he could do drop offs is unprofessional, but he expects you to do it. It shows how he views you, you and the DCs are just accessories, he is the only really important person in his life. As a op said you don't need to go straight to divorce. Get legal advice, decide what you really want, then sit him down and tell him the changes you are going to make. Let him know you mean it and he accepts with good Grace or you are considering divorce. Good luck.

TotheLaunchBay · 17/05/2019 09:52

I do like the idea of September as a goal. DH has no time off in the school summer holidays and the idea of going back to work then having to cover the whole summer straight away would be too hard I think.

He's on leave next week and will be less tired to I can talk about the nanny and trampoline.

If he didn't live here we could get a cat (steady on I know).

OP posts:
Nanny0gg · 17/05/2019 10:03

Don't forget if you split he will have to pay towards the children so a nanny may be doable. And then your earnings could increase.Don't forget you'll need a nanny for holidays too.

I don't think all the talking in the world is going to change your husband's mindset and his attitude towards your children is horrible. How do they feel?

Mama2EE · 17/05/2019 10:18

He sounds controlling and you sound scared of him. That isn't right. To me it's a no brainer. If it was me and my DH I'd tell him I am no longer willing to do school runs and therefore we either sort out childcare or he can do it. Yes it might be expensive but you'll feel better in regards to being less stressed and more like yourself again.

He sounds possibly depressed but more that he's trying to keep you busy and your self esteem low by being unreasonable

simplekindoflife · 17/05/2019 10:30

He sounds absolutely awful. Poor you. And your poor kids. They will be aware of all this, they will feel his rejection. Sad

The trampoline and guinea pig thing is so cruel! Sounds like a control thing. How dare he do that to them?! They must've been so disappointed. You shouldn't be scared, you should be angry he's doing this to your dc!

I'd get planning your life without even considering him, you sound like a single parent anyway. First things first, get the trampoline and the guinea pigs. Get the nanny. Focus on your dc and career and don't waste another minute worrying about him and his stupid, selfish sulking. He sounds absolutely vile. Angry

TotheLaunchBay · 17/05/2019 12:40

You are right about the impact on the children. Before we were going to get guinea pigs we measured the area, looked at houses together and went to practice holding one.
And we had been doing "skiing exercises" before the ski holiday that we didn't have.

A couple of weeks ago ds2 and I were building a tower out of duplo and he asked DH to help. DS1 looked worried and jumped up saying "I'll help you" and I'm pretty sure that he didn't want DS2 to be disappointed when Daddy said no.
DS1 is 7

OP posts:
StreetDreams · 17/05/2019 13:18

That's sweet...but so sad.

I think you need to get yourself to the launch bay, @TotheLaunchBay.

And yy to getting a cat. Smile

Hobosno · 17/05/2019 13:31

I assume if you has the guinea pigs you’d do all the looking after anyway? What do you think would happen if you tell him the children need a pet, and if you can’t have a cat you’ll be collecting some pigs on the way home? You’re living you life in fear of the consequences, but what would they be? He leaves you? Well that could be a win. If you think he’d be violent that’s obviously a different matter.
My dh can be quite sulky at times and I’ve found that if I just do my own thing anyway I feel much better. I don’t let him upset me I just laugh at the silliness, and he comes round more quickly with that reaction.

Corna · 17/05/2019 13:53

Oh god leave leave leave.

He is deliberately de skilling you so you become more dependent on him.

You sound like one of the amazing NHS staff who keep our health service going. He on the other hand sounds like one of those egotistical god complex consultants who think they rule the world. Get out and get your life back. Please.

TotheLaunchBay · 17/05/2019 13:57

I need to reply to a couple of things...
Before children we worked a lot, went to the gym or for runs, went out for meals and to see standup comedians. We also went on nice holidays and read a lot. We were each other's main support and stress was something that happened at work. We also both had periods when we were working away, living at work and coming home alternate weekends. We did have arguments- about housework mainly but they weren't bad. When I was pregnant with DS1 he got into Grand theft auto (a computer game) and would play it for as many hours as he could. Looking back I think that he was worried about having children.

I saw a solicitor about 4-5 years ago. It didn't go perfectly, I had made an appointment to see a "family" solicitor but she was off that day and I saw a guy who normally does company law. He seemed to think that I would be able quite a bit but he was so aggressive about DH that I was very put off- I felt like it was going to get acrimonious very quickly. And I just let it float off.

I should try again with a solicitor. I have a couple of friends in the village who have recently got divorced so I could get advice on who they would recommend. Last time my best friend from uni who is a solicitor herself offered to pay my legal fees so that I didn't get "someone shit" so I guess that I could ask her if that's still on the table- but she works with very high net worth people so her idea of what a divorce costs might be exaggerated.

About getting guinea pigs without the full agreement of everyone in the house- this is mumsnet- you can't say that- you'll get the thread shut down (that's a joke mostly).

OP posts:
TotheLaunchBay · 17/05/2019 14:02

Corna he does work incredibly hard. And he's really dedicated (to work). A couple of years ago I got worried that he was having an EA with the mother of one of his patients. The NHS really gets very good value from him.

This is annoying in itself from a family point of view- he works well over his hours with the top part of his salary taxed at higher rate. If I was working then it would be much more tax efficient as there would be all that tax allowance. (I've gone off the point there but it does piss me off that he gets such a small proportion of his extra hours when I could be working them tax free)

OP posts:
Hotterthanahotthing · 17/05/2019 14:05

The first thing you need to do is stop covering for him with family,friends,anything where he lets you down.They probably all realise by now but it will be better not lying.
As to him thinking possible Asperger's is not affecting his life!He has withdrawn from all social interaction,bullies you and your kids know it too.
You don't want to divorce but you already don't have a marriage .


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LatentPhase · 17/05/2019 14:45

You’re doing great, OP. Thinking of a way forward Flowers it’s brilliant.

Definitely speak to your solicitor friend. does she work in family law? Maybe she can point you in the right direction...

ukgift2016 · 17/05/2019 15:02

What a life eh.

OP sounds happy with it. Shame about the children having to grow up in that environment.

TotheLaunchBay · 17/05/2019 15:44

I'm laughing about my solicitor friend, she doesn't work in family law. She works helping very rich people to pay less tax (booooo, but she is a good friend). So while I'd love to need her services I'm not sure I'm ever going to be anywhere near it.

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