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How much does a prostitute cost?

58 replies

pombearsscarvesandpenguins · 07/04/2017 18:29

Long timer, asking for a genuine relationship related reason.

I know its a bit "how long is a piece of string" but does anyone know what a prostitute would cost for sex?

OP posts:
MarshmallowAra · 23/05/2021 12:49
  • without signing up
ItsCokeFFS · 23/05/2021 13:12


The OP was asking this 4 years ago
I expect the situation has been resolved

Wegobshite · 23/05/2021 20:19

Depends on the area and the escort and the services
An old friend of mine is an escort
She charges between £120 -£170 for the hour
She will easily make 1k plus a week doing 2 -3 bookings a day over 4 days
She’s been doing it for a long time so mainly the punters she has are regulars
She seems happy I’ve known her for a long time and she has no trauma abuse she doesn’t smoke or drink or take drugs or anything like that in her background
She just likes the money and a easy life

JorisBonson · 23/05/2021 21:15


Misslexi92 · 14/12/2022 22:22

I'm a working girl who has worked in brothels massage parlours escorting and the red light District since I was groomed at fourteen forced on heroin and crack cocaine massage parlours cost sixty pounds half hour escorting fifty pounds half hour red light District fourty pounds half hour twenty for a blow job thirty for sex fourty for both it has effected my life I Don't like looking in the mirror I have been attacked raped

WhirlyTwirly · 15/12/2022 00:02

Triple zombie thread 😯

That is shit Misslexi92 - Have you ever tried to get out of it?

This is the thing that gets to me - even though the men are paying for it, they’re still taking advantage of vulnerable women.

Johnp7 · 11/03/2023 21:08

where did he get this

Matteusz · 13/01/2024 00:10

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