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How do you insulate yourself from despair?

146 replies

Livingtothefull · 29/08/2016 01:19

My DS (15) has severe and complex disabilities and learning difficulties, he is my only DC. I find it hard to deal with because nobody wants their DC to be more disadvantaged in life than they themselves are.

A couple of days ago I was out & about with DS and something happened to trigger a meltdown/tantrum. DS screamed at me that I was a 'f---ing bitch' and bit me on the arm a couple of times….really tried to dig his teeth in at my wrist, where the arteries are - although he has learning difficulties he is not daft you see, he knows what is likely to do the most damage.

I managed to restrain him but in the process of getting him off my wrist he tumbled out of the wheelchair and onto the pavement. The wheel came off the wheelchair, I was worried that it was irreparably damaged. My first thought: 'How am I going to get him home if the wheelchair is broken?'. Another thought : 'What if he hurts a member of the public?'. He was out of my control.

DS lay on the pavement, screamed at me, punched and and kicked me and passers by, and tried to bite me again. Then he tried to break a shop window by punching it and bashed his head against the pavement in a frenzy. I tried to stop him damaging himself this way & he bit me again, I have to say that bites are very painful.

At this point a little crowd had gathered, thought that this was all highly amusing & laughed at DS and me.

Some other people intervened & sent the 'little crowd' packing. There were 4 or 5 people who helped (both passers by & people from nearby businesses), they were all absolutely wonderful, lovely people. They helped to restrain DS, put a cushion under his head to stop him hurting himself, fixed the wheelchair, hailed a taxi & helped me put DS in so I could get him home.

The incident took a toll on me though, I was exhausted after & am covered in cuts and bruises. I have a demanding full time job, have to go back to it after the bank holiday and dread being asked about what my weekend was like/what I got up to etc. My family are lovely but they can't understand what it's like….that's not their fault. I tell them about DS, that he lashes out (like many regular teenagers do after all) because he can't express himself any other way and is so physically restricted that not wonder he lashes out. They are just like 'That's a shame'. It's not their fault; there is literally nothing to say about it, nothing I can say about the hurt & feel and no words of wisdom they can ever say to comfort me.

Nothing to be said or done to 'nail' and remove the emotional pain and that's nobody's fault. My experiences are so off the wall, it is very isolating. I know that I will have a repeat of this incident and I am fairly sure that one day, DS will really hurt me. He is getting bigger and harder to handle.

I am sitting up this evening, pondering how I keep going for everyone's sake and ensure that I don't give up or despair. The way that I deal with it is to keep some critical distance between me and my emotional upsets; to be a 'doer' a thing that simply does what has to be done. I live in the zone of 'not despairing just doing' and it works for me most of the time, I have found this strategy works OK but it may not be the best one, has anyone any ideas about what could work?

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OrlandaFuriosa · 18/04/2017 00:59

Well done.

Another friend has said, when you can, light a candle. It gives hope as well as light. When you can't, think if that candle, alight. She says it helps raise the spirits. Worth a go.

Livingtothefull · 19/04/2017 13:24

Yes I need to have strategies to raise my spirits, lit a candle last night.

I don't think I need insulating from despair any more….despair is self-evidently not an option for me so I have ruled it out. No matter how hard things get, I will keep plugging away; no matter what.

I am waiting & hoping for better times. They refuse to come though & I don't understand why. I get that tough times and experiences are character building; well consider my character well and truly built now.

I have long accepted DS disability and the limitations it has put on his & our lives, there is nothing anyone can do about that. I am looking for a job whereby I can support him now and in the future, and that is commensurate with my skills & experience. Why oh why is that too much to ask?

Just received the news re a recent job application that is not being proceeded with…following a 10-minute telephone interview, despite my meeting every single one of the job criteria apparently there are 'stronger candidates'.

So no matter what I do there is this massive pool of candidates more fabulous in every way.

I have 2 more interviews lined up this week….how to stop my despair showing?

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Eyebroe · 19/04/2017 13:29


I know you can sign up on line for anxiety etc... I think it is ieso online.

Not saying you have this however it has helped me no ends. There are lots of different types of anxiety and I was given lots of help with dealing with negative thoughts, people's perception of me, how to assert my needs .

All done on line and confidential.

I used to work with children with learning difficulties and I have seen the breaking points some can get to. Sounds like you are doing a great job though don't forget that xxx

Livingtothefull · 19/04/2017 13:30

So: I think I have done enough character building, I feel I have paid my dues on that score. Now I want to move onto new things…things that I can find personally & professionally rewarding, where I can actually give something back and benefit others, rather than having to ask for help all the time.

If you are reading this & are the praying kind (as I am) please please pray for the universe to be tilted a little more in my and DS favour, to give me an opportunity to work to make things less hard. My prayers don't seem to be working.

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AdaColeman · 19/04/2017 15:49

Hello there Living!

What bad news about the job, but the other candidates weren't all more fabulous than you, never think that, they were just luckier than you on the day.
There's quite a bit of info on line about tips for phone interviews, but I think the best one is smiling while you speak and using the interviewer's title and name.

Sending you lots of luck for the interviews this week, you are doing so well to get that far in these difficult days, at least they are reading your CV and are impressed by it.

Do you keep a journal? That can sometimes help to lift the spirit. I'll remember you and your DS in my prayers Living.

Thanks Thanks

Livingtothefull · 19/04/2017 19:13

Thank you so much.

Eyebroe - yes I do suffer/have suffered from anxiety so may re-investigate the resources available online or elsewhere. I have had counselling in the past. I have also recently been put on anti-anxiety medication which has actually helped a lot.

Ada - the rational response is that it is a matter of luck/perceived best fit and is not about who is intrinsically 'better'. I am trying to keep my spirits up though it is hard…was notified this afternoon that I was unsuccessful for a further role I interviewed for last week.

So the rejections are coming thick and fast now…..I just want a job, why is that so hard???

But I am resilient, will keep plugging away regardless.

2 more interviews tomorrow & Friday, plus I am still awaiting news re a further interview last week….so wish me luck!

OP posts:
AdaColeman · 20/04/2017 00:38

Oh I do wish you lots of luck with those interviews Living!

Eyebroe · 20/04/2017 06:31

Good luck for today!


Livingtothefull · 20/04/2017 17:23

Thanks very much for your good wishes. I had the first interview this afternoon….seemed to go OK in that their body language seemed positive/seemed to be a rapport, and so just have to wait & see now.

The job is fine & well within my capabilities, I have tons of relevant experience and meet all the criteria….there is no reason why I shouldn't get the job unless another candidate is deemed a 'better fit'.

I just want to be working again…the uncertainty about when/whether I will be working & earning is really tough on me & DH.

I do feel guilty, as if I am letting DH down….a few years ago I studied for a higher qualification in my field, with his blessing. Studying whilst caring for DS and working full time was no mean feat, I needed & got DH support.

The idea was that by spending time & money on getting qualified I could easily get better paid work so it would pay off for us all in the long term.
It isn't working out that way so I would understand if DH were to feel resentful & misled (though he has never actually complained about this).

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Livingtothefull · 21/04/2017 08:36

Another interview this afternoon, and I should get some news today about the previous one… wish me luck!

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AdaColeman · 21/04/2017 08:45

Lots of luck Living!

LobsterMac · 21/04/2017 09:15

Wishing you luck x

Livingtothefull · 21/04/2017 16:20

Thanks both. Well good news about yesterday's interview….i am successful through to the next stage so fingers crossed will be successful. Not so sure this afternoon's interview was a good fit; I am trying to sound positive at interview & not let any desperation show but I so want to be back in work now!

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AdaColeman · 21/04/2017 16:24

Oh excellent! Very well done you on getting to the next stage!
Is a celebratory Gin in order?

Livingtothefull · 21/04/2017 16:34

Yes a glass or two of fizzy wine is in the pipeline Ada….but will full on celebrate when I get a job! Here's hoping it works out.

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SnapCackleFlop · 21/04/2017 17:04

Sounds good! Sending you luck Cake Flowers Flowers Star

Eyebroe · 21/04/2017 20:04

Great stuff!!!

I changed career from working in care to law in 2008. No one would touch me after I qualified as I had no do you get experience when you can't get your foot in the door!!! It's a hard slog, you WILL get there xx

Livingtothefull · 21/04/2017 20:31

Thanks Eyebroe for the encouragement. Yes I will keep plugging away regardless and trust I eventually find that job. BTW I hope things worked out for you career wise in the end.

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mylaptopismylapdog · 21/04/2017 20:46

If the people around you at work don't understand how strong you are to cope with all this they aren't worth worrying about, it does sound as if you need more help with your son as your own health is suffering due to your the the difficulties you face. I hope you find a college to suit him so you can recover, you are a wonderful caring parent.

AdaColeman · 21/04/2017 21:14

I've got one of those champagne ice bag things in the freezer ready for when you get that job Living! It won't be long now!

Hope you have a good weekend, and that you will be able to relax a little, you are dealing with so much, and in such difficult circumstances, my heart goes out to you. Thanks

Livingtothefull · 13/06/2017 20:23


Sorry I have been quiet for a while…..a bit of a long story, I haven't been too well. I am sorry if I have given the impression of being unresponsive….I have been rereading all your support & advice on here, it is all taken on board and heeded & has really helped.

The good news is, I am a few weeks into a new job. Just a temp role but hopefully will last to the end of the year. It is so wonderful to be in work again! So yes I have been celebrating this…let's just say Prosecco has featured in the celebrations.

DS is lovely though demanding…we are starting to prepare for his adult care. So still just plodding on/plugging away.

I have been neglecting my health though, have been comfort eating & it is showing. Has anyone successfully got out of that cycle (i.e. of telling yourself that you 'deserve' to binge eat/relax on the sofa because the rest of life is otherwise so tough) and turn your life around?

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