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I am curious to know....

54 replies

gemsangels123 · 04/07/2016 19:17

How many of you lovelies drink wine and how much?
Me and my friends at work/uni laugh about it as we are always joking about always having an excuse for wine. Wine Wednesday. Thursday is the new Friday. It's fridayyyyyyy. It's the weekend! Bad day. Good day. The list goes on.....
I'm asking because I'm wondering if I rely on it a little bit too much 🙈

OP posts:
2nds · 06/07/2016 07:24

I used to be like you OP, always finding an excuse to drink alcohol and then when I finally realised that I was really damaging myself I gave it up.

pieceofpurplesky · 06/07/2016 07:34

I have a bottle that lass me Friday and Saturday night about twice a month. Drink more if I go out.
When ex left I drank far too much.
I also give up drinking completely when I go back to school in September until the October half term and the same after Christmas to Feb half term

Isetan · 06/07/2016 13:51

Pregnancy allowed me the freedom of refusing alcohol without being made to feel weird. My yearly 12 unit intake happens in the summer when mixing alcohol with copious amounts of fruit juice is less frowned upon. Never developed a taste for wine and if I do partake, I am a notorious lightweight and am now far too sensible old to be doing with hangovers.

If sticking to the recommended limits is a struggle, then you should be asking yourself why.

gemsangels123 · 10/07/2016 16:40

Do you know what....until I wrote this post I thought I was completely happy. I am single and sometimes lonely but all other aspects of my life are good.
Reading all comments which I'm very grateful. I realise I'm more lonely than what I thought and the wine kinda clouds that feeling.
I struggle with finding time, childcare so don't go anywhere at all. Wirk/study and making sure my munchkins are happy. Always's my only 'feel good'

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