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I am curious to know....

54 replies

gemsangels123 · 04/07/2016 19:17

How many of you lovelies drink wine and how much?
Me and my friends at work/uni laugh about it as we are always joking about always having an excuse for wine. Wine Wednesday. Thursday is the new Friday. It's fridayyyyyyy. It's the weekend! Bad day. Good day. The list goes on.....
I'm asking because I'm wondering if I rely on it a little bit too much 🙈

OP posts:
RingUpRingRingDown · 04/07/2016 22:32

Never drink wine on 3 days of the week (Tues, Fri, Sun) because I am driving or doing an activity that requires me to be sober.

Rarely drink on Mondays just because it feels wrong and I'm usually too busy.

Always have a couple of drinks on Saturday evening.

Sometimes a small glass of wine on Weds or Thursday evening.

I consciously don't drink too much now. I definitely drank too much when the Dcs were small - used to count the hours until they were in bed and I could relax with wine.

BabooshkaKate · 04/07/2016 22:34

I drink wine 2-3 times per year, at work dos. I drink beer and spirits maybe once per fortnight, but I binge drink and only on weekends.

Fomalhaut · 04/07/2016 22:36

Used to really like wine - gave up for a bit while ttc, drank nothing while pregnant and now co sleep so not drinking due to that.

I've really changed the way I view alcohol over that time period. I'd not class myself as tt but I don't want to start drinking again. Why not try an extended period of abstinence? I think that gets you more into the right mindset - just a dry January and you're looking forward to X days time when you can have a drink. An extended period lets you be a non drinker rather than 'not drinking this week.' Not sure I explained that well but it's a real difference to me.

NataliaOsipova · 04/07/2016 22:39

I love wine. I drink too much and am trying to cut down. Since DCs anything more than half a bottle and I'm ill, so that saves me from myself to some extent!

Shizzlestix · 04/07/2016 22:39

Get one of those water bottles, add fruit (cucumber, lemon and mint is good), chill overnight, sip like wine. Very refreshing.

Mintychoc1 · 04/07/2016 22:50

About twice a year for me. I like wine but it gives me a hangover, and I could do without the calories!

StickTheDMWhereTheSunDontShine · 04/07/2016 22:52


Too much.

Prob 3 bottles a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

Luckyfuckyducky · 04/07/2016 22:53

I feel like an alcoholic reading the replies!

I drink at home a couple of days a week, usually a bottle of wine and a couple beers, and maybe one night out or and afternoon beer on the weekend. Is that a lot!?

StickTheDMWhereTheSunDontShine · 04/07/2016 22:55

I can only manage a whole bottle of really weak stuff, though. Prob 2/3 of a bottle of a 13.5% red.

VeryFoolishFay · 05/07/2016 15:11

I've started drinking elderflower cordial with fizzy water and loads of ice and fruit. It has helped lower my wine consumption during the week and I do feel better for it!

PurpleDaisies · 05/07/2016 15:13

One or two glasses a week. I'd rather not drink the calories.

LisaMed1 · 05/07/2016 15:49

13.5% isn't weak for wine. You can get 8% wine. It's weak if it's whisky or gin or similar.

A drink now and again isn't a bad thing. It's just defining 'now and again'. I suggest that you count up how much you drink and then compare it to what is on here. //

Two bottles of 14% wine per week are over the recommended limit of alcoholic units. I know that there are arguments about the limits and that, but I suppose it's as good a place as anywhere to start.

For full disclosure, I drink alcohol at least once or twice a year. I don't have anything much against alcohol, it's just I prefer tea. I refuse to miss Eurovision and I refuse to watch it sober.

WhisperingLoudly · 05/07/2016 16:03

DH got into a habit a couple of years back of drinking a bottle between us every night with dinner. That started creeping up to two bottles and so I started consciously avoiding mid week drinking.

Now I drink at home once or twice a fortnight. I probably drink whilst out three times a fortnight.

As I get older my hangovers get more debilitating so it's easier to pass wish I'd borne this in mind last night

misszp · 05/07/2016 16:13

I consider myself a 'social drinker', so in the week, or in the evenings I don't really touch it, unless I have had a REALLY SHIT day.

Weekend tends to be more relaxed, and I can easily have a few glasses or even a couple of bottles over the course of a day/evening, particularly in summer with BBQ's etc. Only tends to be one weekend or two a month though!

I do love wine. Not red... The hangovers are horrendous!

hellsbellsmelons · 05/07/2016 16:18

I drink it most nights.
This month we are doing dry weeks.
So only drinking 2 nights a week.
I don't drink loads and I don't do falling down drunk (control freak).
But we are cutting alcohol right down through July.
Did dry January as well and wasn't an issue.
But I just like it.
I drink tea and water all day.
Don't like squash or juice and want a glass of wine in the evening.
But it's stopped for now!
And I slept soooo much better last night.

gemsangels123 · 05/07/2016 20:18

I have tried the fruity ones but same alcoholic units. I have just got in from a 12 hour shift and caved 🙈 I was arguing with myself the who journey home but could picture myself without it and just thought what a boring night after a heavy shift. I feel annoyed with myself because it's not good for me. Relying on wine to make you feel happy really is it? I don't watch TV to chill. I don't know what to do to take my mind off it!

OP posts:
Fomalhaut · 05/07/2016 22:57

Don't beat yourself up. Enjoy the wine, don't overdo it.
Try again tomorrow- dont try to substitute other drinks that look like wine. Arrange something to keep hands and mind busy - paint your nails, sew, knit, do diy .... anything that will really absorb you for a few hours. Or the gym, or swimming - anything that makes you feel good. Have an early night too.
I really think the key is to distract yourself and think longer term. For me, knowing I was pregnant and wasn't going to drink at all was easier than giving up for a week/month or whatever.

newworldnow · 05/07/2016 23:13

Used to drink loads and I love it. But like you was using it as an emotional support thing. So now don't really drink at all unless special occasion when I can be relied upon to drink too much. So I'm right in saying I shouldn't drink at all.

honeybunny14 · 06/07/2016 00:27

Used to drink a bottle of red a week then was up to 3 nights a week I put on weight and looked like shit for it only drink one night a week now Fri or Saturday and it's a few vodka tonics feel so much better for it Smile

Strokethefurrywall · 06/07/2016 00:51

The last few months have been stressful so have been heavily relying on food, wine and cigarettes.
At one point we had wine and beer in the house at all times and it was becoming a crutch.

I'm trying to get back to health after a knee injury so back to alternate day fasting avoiding alcohol in the week.

00alwaysbusymum · 06/07/2016 01:02

I come from a family of alcholics, not the 'drinking all day type' although we have a couple of those, more the 'I need a glass to relax' type who actually drink a bottle or two of wine every night. So I never drink during the week and only sometimes drink if socialising with friends so maybe 3 / 4 times a month and only a few. But can happily go for months with out a drink. I do love a drink but seeing my family and their drinking and health health problems worries me too much

FurryLittleTwerp · 06/07/2016 01:31

I'd been drinking every day for years, sharing a bottle of wine in the evenings plus at weekends pre-dinner drinks, sometimes whisky afterwards as well!

This year I've stopped drinking in the week & have much less on a Sunday, still quite a lot on Friday & Saturday. Feeling better for it & more in control.

Last week I had a couple of midweek drinks for various reasons & felt really guilty!


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Philoslothy · 06/07/2016 01:38

We have a glass of wind with dinner most nights.

Philoslothy · 06/07/2016 01:38

Fab typo, am not aware that my glass of wine a night gives me wind

springydaffs · 06/07/2016 07:19

If you can go a period of time without it I'd say you don't have a problem. 21 days, a month?

Alcoholics regularly abstain for a month. Just saying.

I didn't used to drink but I've given up sugar and have noticed I drink actually, glug wine when I have the chance. Family of alcoholics going right back so it's in the genes. I realise I'm going to have to watch it.

I also feel SHIT the next day. So, all in, I'm on it.

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