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I've done something really, really stupid and now I'm shit scared

54 replies

ReallyShouldKnowBetterAtMyAge · 02/06/2016 20:50

NC regular poster but I'm so ashamed of how stupid I've been. I was drunk last night but that is no excuse, I honestly don't know why I did it, lonely and horney is my best bet.

I've been a single mum for 10 months now (thankfully DC is with their dad for the half term and this coming weekend) I don't get out at all what with DC and work and general lacking of friends and cash.

I logged on to one of the OLD sites I occasionally log onto, not really had much luck there either. I was quite drunk and it was late and I started talking dirty with a supposedly local guy and I gave him my address!!!

Of all the most stupid things to do and now I'm terrified he is going to turn up. I've locked all the doors and not turned front of house lights on...

I'm such an idiot. I've managed 10 months of no drunken text messages to ex and not showing myself up and then I go and do this.

I'm never going to be able to sleep again Sad Angry at myself.

OP posts:
OnceThereWasThisGirlWho · 03/06/2016 14:17

Actually, in all seriousness that's a good point. On the offchance he is a wanker who's just waiting for you to get pissed so you sleep with him. No alcohol if you do meet up!

Pearlman · 03/06/2016 15:15

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MummyBex1985 · 03/06/2016 16:08

Well done for being honest with him!

Maybe nip to the charity shop for a cheap wedding dress, wear it every night in case he does turn up and if he does, greet him at the door with an enthusiastic "I do!!!!"

That should do the trick.

ReallyShouldKnowBetterAtMyAge · 03/06/2016 16:10

He was very good about it so I don't think he is an axe murderer, well I'm still hoping not.

I don't know what the matter is with me recently, such a stupid thing to do but I'm feeling really lonely and a bit what's the point in it all.

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