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How do I get him to leave? Prostitues & lies

59 replies

Hithere820 · 27/08/2015 10:04

I found my husband viewing prostitutes and then I found a map on google from our house to an escort agency near by (when he was meant to be looking after our baby) not sure if he's done anything but he is a huge liar, looks me in the face and can lie about the most trivial thing, porn for example. I need him to leave, we share a rented property but me and my children have no where to go and all our things are here. He said he won't leave? Anyone got any ideas? I'm going for a full STI check aswell today. Absolutely disgusted.

OP posts:
Hithere820 · 29/08/2015 20:57

I confronted him about the maps, told me about 3 different things he was looking for which unfortunately I can't say is true or not, as for the pathetic porn lying I told him I saw it on his phone and he said I must be mistaken. Oh right, xxx must be mistaken.... I don't know where I am right now, I can't process what is happening in my head, am I wrong to be upset about searching for escorts after a few month? I feel like I'm the one in the wrong here, I feel like I'm cracking up...

OP posts:
summerwinterton · 29/08/2015 22:06

how would searching for escorts ever be right? And if you saw porn you saw it. For many of us porn alone is unacceptable.

As has been said before - you don't need to justify why you want him to go, you just need to tell him it is over. There is nothing to discuss. He is gaslighting you and tying you up in knots. There is no conversation to be had with him.

Joysmum · 29/08/2015 22:56

He's tying you up in knots, you are entitled to your feelings, he doesn't respect you and is playing you like a fiddle.

SmillasSenseOfSnow · 30/08/2015 10:26

You feel like you're cracking up because he's gaslighting you. Get this twat out of your life.

Hithere820 · 30/08/2015 18:03

He's just rang from work to say he will be an hour and a half late, he never rings off the work phone, he also got my texts on his mobile. Now I feel like what if he's not going to be at work this hour and a half? I can't just start accusing him?....

OP posts:
Joysmum · 30/08/2015 18:08

Once again, you don't have to start accusing him for him to tie you up in knots. You aren't happy, that's enough reason to split and you don't have to debate it.

Hithere820 · 30/08/2015 18:45

I just feel I need an excuse I can't just say I'm not happy because he won't accept it. I don't want to be took the piss out of though if he is up to something. Feel very trapped and sick....

OP posts:
pocketsaviour · 30/08/2015 18:46

I can't just say I'm not happy because he won't accept it

He doesn't have a choice. If you decide things are over, they are over. He's not your boss.

summerwinterton · 30/08/2015 18:48

Why do you need an excuse? He cannot decide to be in a relationship with you on his own you know. You are allowed to not want to be with him.

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