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My ex takes the piss

33 replies

TaliZorahVasNormandy · 30/04/2015 20:53

My ex owes me 300 (Nearly 400) quid in child support. Hes jobless again and hasnt paid in 3 months.

Now I'm sat in tears because I cant afford to take my DD on holiday in wales in but he's paying for a wedding.

Now I wear crappy clothes, I have like 2 pairs of shoes, 2 pairs of trousers. I rarely treat myself. I'm on JSA which is utter shit, I'm getting poorer and poorer. I'm trying to find work but its looking pretty shit for me atm (70 cvs out in 6 weeks and only 3 had jobs.

He hardly sees her and if he does its because his parents do the running around.

Now I've chased him, he's magically going to find £150. He wouldnt have done this unless I actually chased him.

I'm so fucking annoyed, I fee like an utter failure as parent. But he makes no sacrifices like I have too. I've been picking up his slack 6 years, while he does what he likes.

DD just handed me a note say she loves me because I'm upset. Which is making me cry even more.

What do I say to the loser to actually get home the point hes a shit father.

OP posts:
LadySybilLikesSloeGin · 30/04/2015 23:26

Fab! Smile Do you have a blog? Get yourself a twitter account, there's a lot of writers/editors/publishers on there. What about articles that you can sell to magazines etc? There are sites where people advertise for writers, peopleperhour etc. It is possible to earn cash from writing.

TaliZorahVasNormandy · 30/04/2015 23:27

I used to do Open Uni, but they cut the funding and I didnt want to take on a debt that I'd never be able to pay off.

I want to work and support her. Just not finding the door that opens.

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Fallandfly · 30/04/2015 23:32

It is debt but not necessarily bad debt. I'm doing it and it's and investment in our future. Also if you can go to somewhere physically it's such a good experience. It's been my life line.both professionally and personally in hivingmyself ME back. Look at all your options. You sound great and just think how proud your daugher would be.

TaliZorahVasNormandy · 30/04/2015 23:40

Btw, thanks to those who noticed my slip with my exes name. I didnt even notice. Thanks for reporting it Smile

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cleanmyhouse · 30/04/2015 23:59

I had a similar situation with my ex. I can only tell you that in my case, life got a lot easier for me when i just stopped fighting him to be a parent. I was using up so much energy on being furious with him the whole time. I stopped asking for money, i arranged nothing and if he wanted to see them, i insisted on consistency or nothing, whatever that meant. It worked. Hes great these days, but was fucking awful for years.

As for the texts, stick to facts and "yes", "no" "ok". Nothing more, don't get pulled into arguments, he'll only use it against you.

TaliZorahVasNormandy · 01/05/2015 00:13

Clean I dont really talk to him, dont want too. I dont beg or fight to make him be a parent, because I have to worry about doing my part. I wont do his too. No interest in speaking to him.

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Coyoacan · 01/05/2015 03:17

Yeap, quite a lot of us have been there, it is enfuriating, when our child is going without while they give themselves the highlife.

You will be better off totally forgetting about him and any support he owes you.
There are some good suggestions on here.

TaliZorahVasNormandy · 01/05/2015 14:17

Things just a got a bit worse. Just found out I have a housing benefit overpayment and they are deducting in from my payments. Apparently, they sent a letter out. I never got it.

Then to top it off. I got a parking ticket.

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