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Afraid to have sex after giving birth

55 replies

blingblingbling · 17/11/2014 02:13

Hi, my dd is two months old. My dh has asked me am I ready to have sex. I am a bit scared and unsure. I dont know what to expect. Im being irrational but I cant help it :( any advice is much needed.

OP posts:
blingblingbling · 19/11/2014 04:13

Sykadelic, your right. And tbh, I have finally taken off the rose tinted glasses. He isn't as caring and understanding as I thought. I kicked him out and havent decided if I even want him back

OP posts:
CogitoErgoSometimes · 19/11/2014 08:36

Good for you. Don't waste your life with anyone who is selfish or uncaring. It's far too short.

BugritAndTidyup · 19/11/2014 08:59

Don't feel you have to answer this, OP, but are you breastfeeding? I ask because I am still finding sex very painful seven months after giving birth, and after a silly panicked (OMG am I never going to be able to have sex again?) google I realised this is probably down to hormones (low oestrogen) and something that will go away once DS is weaned.

Point is, if you are breastfeeding, it's not all about giving your body time to heal and it could take a lot longer than you/he might think before you feel ready to have sex again. DH and I have had full PIV sex a handful of times (maybe 3 times, certainly not more than 4?) -- in seven months. When I think about that, I feel a bit faint, but the pressure on me is entirely self-inflicted.

He's pressuring you now after two months. What's going to happen if this goes on for five, six, seven months? I've only been able to cope with the pain of PIV sex through taking it veeeerry slowly, at my own pace. Will he give you the same luxury?

Only a dick pressures a woman into having sex when she doesn't want to.

BugritAndTidyup · 19/11/2014 09:01

Oh wow cross post, good for you, OP

NoShirtNoShoesNoService · 19/11/2014 20:16

OP good to hear OP. How did he take it?

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