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Sex with kids/teens in next room

64 replies

mum2014 · 27/07/2014 23:21

Myself and dh have sex most nights but have a 12 yr old plus 2 other kids who like to stay up late over the holidays. Went through phase of sex maybe once a week but since dh has had a vascectomy and I have stopped the pill my sex drive has gone through the roof!

Finding it harder to have sex and we are both getting annoyed with kids. Have tried them going to bed earlier and us waking earlier but have no comfort knowing they could disturb us.

So wondering how people with older kids manage their sex life.
We don't have anyone that could take them over night for us .

OP posts:
Step · 28/07/2014 13:17

Yay - I'm not the only one! Brilliant Kristina.... :-)

Needadvice5 · 28/07/2014 13:29

We've been caught twice recently!

Dd aged 13 burst into the bedroom, we tried telling her that dp was giving me a massage but she demanded that we should have quieter sex, I was mortified.

I'm now very quiet, they're both away this weekend and I can't bloody wait!

MostWicked · 28/07/2014 14:27

Definitely a lock on the door for the duration, and a little background music.

ivykaty44 · 28/07/2014 15:17

10 minutes!?

ivykaty44 · 28/07/2014 15:19

learn to have sex quietly - not easy but better than going without..

Mabelface · 28/07/2014 15:21

Lock your door and get on with it, albeit a bit quieter than you'd like.

PuppyMonkey · 28/07/2014 15:22

Your thread title makes it sound like you want to have sex with the kids/teens in the next room. ShockWink

We have a lock on the door, a loud telly and a teenager who wears headphones in bed while listening to music. Phew.

Minime85 · 28/07/2014 15:37

Heavy object pushed up against living room door. A dyson works well Grin

PoirotsMoustache · 28/07/2014 15:40

If a lock isn't possible, get a door stop and put it under the door on the inside when you're 'in the mood', and remove it when you're done. Works a treat Grin

Twinklestein · 28/07/2014 16:08

Background music is not a good idea, it just means you can hear them come in...

AppleAndMelon · 28/07/2014 19:43

With difficulty. Usually downstairs with one creaky door shut to give us time to cover up.

I still have a crick in my neck from a quickie we stole in the bathroom one Sunday morning.

Fairylea · 28/07/2014 19:48

I used to call dh upstairs during the day to help me clean the bathroom or sort out the washing and we'd lock ourselves in the bathroom while dd was downstairs totally oblivious (aged about 8/9 and on moshi monsters on pc or watching tv).

Now a few years on we now have toddler ds and our sex life is pretty much non existent. We are fucking shattered. Well not so much fucking.

I'm sure it will pass.

areyoubeingserviced · 28/07/2014 19:50

Doesn't matter what you do, the kids KNOW that you are having sex.

mum2014 · 28/07/2014 20:24

Thanks for replys good to know we are not alone :)
No locks on bloody doors and the bed can be noisy at the best of times Blushmay need to invest in a new one and sound proof the room lol

OP posts:
KristinaM · 28/07/2014 21:31

Our kids think we are too old to have sex

It's for the young and beautiful, Dontcha know ?

Loletta · 28/07/2014 22:54

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

1lov3comp5 · 28/07/2014 22:58

My uncle used to put a traffic cone in front of the bedroom door when him and my aunty were getting jiggly so the kids knew not to come in...I always thought that was really weird! (And was just relieved a cone never appeared in out house!! Grin)

1lov3comp5 · 28/07/2014 22:59

Haha jiggy not jiggly, although it kinda works as well!

areyoubeingserviced · 28/07/2014 23:07

I thought that my dcs didn't know what me and dh were up to. Until the day my dd told me that she knew that we were doing ' thingy' when we locked our bedroom door.
I was mortified.

Selks · 28/07/2014 23:15

My friends have found an awesome way round this with their teens...they built a summerhouse in their garden, now often go there "for a glass of wine" if their DC are up and about late in the house Grin

Dayshiftdoris · 28/07/2014 23:33

My son launched into sexual moans of pleasure at a children's party and rounded off with 'that's my mums favourite words when it's dark'

Turns out the teenagers at the park were taking the mick out of each and he decided to repeat.

Son has ASD, is likely to repeat so furthermore I had to tell school

So unfair that the teaching staff are weighing up if I am a screamer or not when I have smears more often than sex

Your children thinking you are having sex when you are is far less embarrassing

KristinaM · 29/07/2014 07:58

My kids ( 8 and 10 ) get out their beds and batter on our locked bedroom door

" mummeeeee I can't sleep "

" mummmeeee I need a mummy cuddle "

" I'm lonely"

" I heard a strange noise, a bad man is trying to get in my window "

It fair puts me off. Doesn't bother DH, who just shouts at them to go away . They don't . Sigh .

For those of you who are worrying about the bad man -we live in the middle of no where , have a large noisy dog, we don't even lock the house or cars and their bedrooms are on the first floor.


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KristinaM · 29/07/2014 08:02

We once had a 16 year old banging on the bedroom door on a Saturday morning , shouting

" what are you two doing in there ? I need to be at Emma's for 10"

She's 27 now, I must remind her sometime .

IAmNotAPrincessIAmAKahleesi · 29/07/2014 08:11

We make a point of locking the bedroom door at random times like when watching a DVD or sorting out clothes just so they don't always think locked door=us getting it on Grin

JohnFarleysRuskin · 29/07/2014 08:15

Loft extension?

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