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Is he a Mommy's boy?

47 replies

IsHeAMommysBoy · 14/01/2014 01:00

Met a guy online a few months ago. He isn't very experienced with the opposite sex. He lives at home with his parents as he says he financially supports them. He said he is looking for a mortgage this year and has discussed moving out with his Sister.

He is a friend of mine on FB. He has a high paying salary. We have talked a lot on the phone and Skype. He has been badly used in the past by three other women. He is infatuated with a married woman at work and they have kissed. Hmm

We arranged to meet this March but he said he couldn't stay out overnight as his parents and family would ask questions. He is 33!!

Should I cut contact with him?

OP posts:
GlitzAndGiggles · 14/01/2014 22:19

Are you sure things aren't further with this other woman and it's her he lives with so she'd be the one asking questions?

AnyFucker · 14/01/2014 22:10

< takes a bow >

Utterly · 14/01/2014 16:32

You didn't have to mind read OP, it said on his facebook page. So, not only is he a b$stard, but obviously a bit thick too!

Layter · 14/01/2014 15:00

What a beautifully composed post AF,Smile I stand in awe.

You're well away OP.

AnyFucker · 14/01/2014 14:43

There is an alternative to "solid gold" just to ring the changes

the "cock studded with diamonds" Grin

It is not meant to be sarcasm against the the OP. It is an (often justified) reminder that some men are just crap and deserve no more special status than such just because they are in possession of said member. Also, an indictment of the arrogance of some of the male species fanned by the serial adoration of naive women

it is something that occurs to me often as I read this site

women bending over backwards to excuse the behaviour of men, and how they just don't see that telling him to simply fuck off is quite often the most appropriate response. It is quite mystifying to me why this needs poiting out so often. It doesn't always make me many friends though < sigh >

good for you, OP, but you should have seen the red flags a-flying sooner and applied the head not the heart/hormones

Offred · 14/01/2014 14:35

Solicitor gold? Excellent! Ha ha ha!

Offred · 14/01/2014 14:34

It's a MN meme usually attributable to AF that is trotted out when an OP is umming and ahhing about a man who is clearly a loser.... As in 'he's so crap, can't understand what you see in him, perhaps he has cock of solicitor gold(!)' said with a dose of sarcasm...

JeanSeberg · 14/01/2014 14:33

what is a cock of gold

When the cock is clearly so amazing that he can get any woman he likes, despite being a 33-year-old liar/loser.

Offred · 14/01/2014 14:31

Eee... Calm down people she spotted it in time for there to be no harm done (to her) and has dumped him!

walterwhiteswife · 14/01/2014 14:29

what is a cock of gold?

JeanSeberg · 14/01/2014 14:20

He isn't very experienced with the opposite sex

At least you'll have something in common then.

So you've not even met and are talking about meeting up in March but he can't stay out all night?

Come on, wake up

AnyFucker · 14/01/2014 14:16

You don't need mindreading capabilities to pick out a no-hoper like this one. Come on.

IsHeAMommysBoy · 14/01/2014 13:20

I can't mind read AF.

OP posts:
Utterly · 14/01/2014 13:15

Wow! Well shot.

brokenhearted55a · 14/01/2014 13:14

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AnyFucker · 14/01/2014 13:11

No big surprise.

Like I said, do you not get out much ?

brokenhearted55a · 14/01/2014 13:10

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

CogitoErgoSometimes · 14/01/2014 13:06

Ta-daa!... Didn't I tell you he wasn't single?

IsHeAMommysBoy · 14/01/2014 13:04

I scrolled down to the very bottom of his FB posts and he is engaged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I knew it!!!

Seasoned, experienced liar. Poor Woman.

OP posts:
Utterly · 14/01/2014 12:51

What's happened OP? I don't understand. Why is he a liar?

IsHeAMommysBoy · 14/01/2014 12:42

What a pig, what a liar, what a mess, what a bastard !! [angry--


OP posts:
IsHeAMommysBoy · 14/01/2014 12:37

His Mommy :) is a nurse and is married to his Father. Gut instinct tells me he is a liar!!!!! Urgh!!

OP posts:

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Offred · 14/01/2014 12:36

Brusslesprout - not exactly in my experience. Some men with Madonna/whore complexes who can be exceptionally lovely to their mum and terrible to a partner.

Offred · 14/01/2014 12:32

Ha ha! 'Twas not a serious accusation more a reference to a MN meme!

brusslesprout · 14/01/2014 12:31

My friend always said if a guy treats his Mum well that's a good sign?!

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