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Alone - just got dumped

52 replies

TheEarlOf · 24/06/2013 22:13

Using the word dumped doesn't sound quite the right word, sounds very teenagery but essentially that's it. It's a fairly long-term relationship c.5 years but the only one I've ever been in.

Apparently it's not my fault, it's just a life-change that i'm basically not compatabile with. He still loves me but doesn't wnat to be in a relatioship with me and will still be there to support me (I have some 'issues').

I feel lost, I don't know what to do. Help. Suggestions. I'm stuck. I'm crying evrywhere, all over my laptop (and not good tears like the strangers kidness thread). I have a important meetig and big dinner tomorrow and so much to do but I can't do anything. Ah. (Am I just being pathetic?)

OP posts:
Labradorwhisperer · 25/06/2013 21:08

Good luck x hope today hasn't been too hard

parno · 25/06/2013 21:39

I am 3 weeks into a break up after a 6 yr marriage. He just needs some space apparently. All I can say is that what you are feeling is totally normal and you should accept it. You have to have a long hard think about what you really need to do in order to protect your your emotions and be kind to yourself. I have taken 3 weeks off work and it has been a god send. I have been able to take long walks and clear my head. It's a cliche but the fresh air and exercise has made me feel so much better. You are bound to be hurting and confused. My stbxh wanted to stay friends but basically all that meant was he wanted a quick bunk up whenever he wanted.

I feel so much better even though it is only 3 wks and you will feel better as well. You will get to the angry and indignant stage. Which is very liberating. I know what has worked for me but fortunately I have a close group of friends who I have been able to cry, shout, snot and more importantly laugh with.

As a number of posters have already mentioned you have suffered a loss similar to a bereavement so just take your time and don't feel silly about feeling the way you do. Oh and cut all contact.

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