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Father/children relationship

65 replies

margaritadrakeina · 12/05/2013 20:13

If your DH told you that your children were entirely your responsibility because you are a SAHM and he is the one who works, what would you say/think?

OP posts:
LadyInDisguise · 13/05/2013 15:40

Yuck! I wouldn't want any of these men in life tbh.

Numberlock · 13/05/2013 15:44

No and I can't imagine you'd enjoy working with them much either...

lynniep · 13/05/2013 15:58

I would say you married a twt. Children are the responsibility of both parents. You are both full time parents. happens to work outside the home in 'office hours' You work inside the home. He is earning money by working outside the home. You are saving the familiy childcare fees by doing working inside the home. Outside of 'office hours' is family time and attention is required from both parents. A man who takes no responsibility for his children is not a father. He is a dck.

Numberlock · 13/05/2013 16:01

He is earning money by working outside the home. You are saving the familiy childcare fees by doing working inside the home

... as well as enabling him to work uninhibited by not having to do any childcare during working hours (eg childminder pick-ups, school drop-offs, football training, dentist etc etc) which would be the case if both parents worked.

theduchesse · 13/05/2013 20:52

He does so little for the kids you had to include that he says hello to them in your list of their interactions. That is not normal. Most dads want to spend time with their kids.

KatieScarlett2833 · 13/05/2013 20:54

I would have said...
No, just LTB, far quicker. What an arse.

Snog · 23/05/2013 20:21

I suggest you need to get a full time job then clearly everything should be split 50/50 in terms of housework and childcare.
If your dh won't pull his weight then consider why you would want to stay with him quite carefully

Mrsdarcyiwish10 · 20/11/2016 12:25

I feel for you, my dh is on his last chance of many with me to change, he ignores the dc, criticise's them, doesn't do anything with them, his hobbies come first always, dc are upset by this, I am seriously reconsidering my marriage and so should you be, I hate to see my children upset by indifference.

WickedBadZoot · 20/11/2016 12:34

Zombie thread. Mrs I suggest you start your own thread for advice Smile

Mrsdarcyiwish10 · 20/11/2016 12:45

Probably should, just wanted to say there are others going through the same thing.

corythatwas · 20/11/2016 14:02

margaritadrakeina Sun 12-May-13 20:13:05
"If your DH told you that your children were entirely your responsibility because you are a SAHM and he is the one who works, what would you say/think"

If my dh said that, I'd make him a doctor's appointment, as it would be totally out of character. I'd be thinking Alzheimer's...

Other possible reactions:

what does he think happens to children who have to working parents- are they nobody's responsibility?

what is he going to tell them when they grow up and tell him they don't feel they really know him- that getting to know them as people was less important to him than making a point to you about SAHM?

My dh works a fulltime job and has a 5 hour commute on top of that: he still manages to find enough time to interact with his children.

Myusernameismyusername · 20/11/2016 14:49

I think I would feel like have provided an heir and a spare to a man who wanted the kudos of a family life but from afar, to not actually join in and enjoy it. I would worry about his bond with them growing up and if he is emotionally detached from them and how that would affect them. I would also feel like a baby machine or some kind of house servant. Maybe he allowed me to have them to give me something to 'occupy' me so he could be free to enjoy his own free time. I mean without the kids tying you to the home of an evening and weekend you might get a life of your own or want to do things together

I would feel sad

LiviaDrusillaAugusta · 20/11/2016 14:53


Start your own thread if you want advice - this one is three years old FFS

Myusernameismyusername · 20/11/2016 14:56

I didn't check the date!

OurBlanche · 20/11/2016 14:57


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