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I've never admitted our problems on MN before...

101 replies

Chubfuddler · 03/02/2013 05:07

But I've read an awful lot of threads about abusive husbands. And imagining what my thread would look like, imagining your replies, knowing what you would say (because I've read the same threads over and over, and even dished out advice I wasn't ready to take myself) finally gave me the courage to leave.

The DCs and are are crammed in my mums spare room. For a while my life will be a topsy turvey mess but I don't care.

Because no man is ever going to hit me again.

So thank you. From the bottom of my heart.

OP posts:
Chubfuddler · 03/02/2013 08:24

I can't even begin to describe the relief. I am fortunate in that I work and have a supportive family, but this is so much less hard than I thought it would be. Compared with living on eggshells this is a fucking breeze.

OP posts:
tribpot · 03/02/2013 08:25

Well done you. I think your post title should read 'his problems'. You don't have a problem. You were trained to suffer sustained abuse in silence but you broke the pattern and got out. That's a massive achievement.

Keep going. You can only get stronger from here.

MmmnoodlesoupIsDueXmasEve · 03/02/2013 09:12

Well done you. I hope things become less topsy turvy soon x

MushroomSoup · 03/02/2013 09:14

Wow! You've made me tearful Chub! Bloody well done.

beachyhead · 03/02/2013 09:26

Well done Chub. First day of the rest of your lives!Brew

SminkoPinko · 03/02/2013 09:30

You are amazing. Well done and I hope things continue to get better and better and better.

JugglingFromHereToThere · 03/02/2013 09:41

Well done Chub ! A wee tear from me too.

Yes, what beachy says, the first day of the rest of your lives Thanks

You sound very strong already, but I agree again, with trib this time, you can only get stronger from here x

wordyBird · 03/02/2013 09:47

Oh Chub, well done you Flowers

I hope people reading and wondering, and clinging on, see your words:

I am fortunate in that I work and have a supportive family, but this is so much less hard than I thought it would be. Compared with living on eggshells this is a fucking breeze.

JugglingFromHereToThere · 03/02/2013 09:51

Yes, and everyone's got some resources to draw on ... the most important are your own !

MrsWolowitzerables · 03/02/2013 09:56

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ArtemisiaGentileschisThumb · 03/02/2013 10:00

You are an inspiration, well done for taking such a positive step for you and your children. I really wish my mum had felt able to take the same step when I was a child, from experience I know that this will make the world of difference to your children's future and your own.

MrsDeVere · 03/02/2013 10:06

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

YouKnowNothingoftheCrunch · 03/02/2013 10:07

Amazing. Women like you, Chub, are nothing short of amazing.

Welcome to living. As has been said, there will be tough times ahead. Buy there will be an actual life for you and your dcs. And you will be happy and safe.

Amazing. Xxx

scottishmummy · 03/02/2013 10:12

clearly you've found your inner resolve and fortitude.well lookey you
sorry you had to endure this,least you're all safe and ok now
will be bit upheaval but you'll get there.good luck first days new life

scarletforya · 03/02/2013 10:22

First post I read today and it's made the tears fall! Congratulations Chub and welcome to the rest of your life Thanks

Duritzfan · 03/02/2013 10:29

What an amazing strong woman you are x
I don't even know you but I'm so proud of you -
Will be thinking of you x

ThePathanKhansWitch · 03/02/2013 10:31

Wishing you a bright happy future chub. Well done, I,m sure you,ve just made the best decision of your life.

MrsAFlowerpot · 03/02/2013 10:34

Enjoy your new life Chub Thanks

BerylStreep · 03/02/2013 10:38

Well done. Onwards and upwards.

MissAnnersley · 03/02/2013 10:42

I want to wish all the very best. Enjoy your freedom, it's the best thing. And when you've been deprived of it as you have it is better still.

Your shoulders will go down and you eyes will go up and you will be yourself again.

Thanks for you and your bravery.

BornInACrossFireHurricane · 03/02/2013 10:47

MASSIVE well done, I wish you all the best xxx

MerlotAndMe · 03/02/2013 10:47

Good for you chubfuddler. i did a long stint at my m&d's house too. i put up with it for years first too though.

wannabedomesticgoddess · 03/02/2013 10:49

Well done!

So pleased to hear that you are getting great support from your family. Stay strong and be proud of yourself.


MerlotAndMe · 03/02/2013 10:50

Yes. compared to waljing on eggshells all the time , everything is a breeze. so true.

when u r no longer channelling all energies in to keeping the peace you can finally take two steps forward.

Gotitwrong · 03/02/2013 10:57

Hello :-)
Stay strong and focused on you and your children. I was where you are 20 months ago although luckily I stayed in the house.
I am now divorced and free and happy :-)
I don't know how long you had suffered for but like me I suspect too long.
Strong women with kids stay "for the kids" but trust me that's the wrong decision on so many levels and I can see that now!!
You and your children deserve peace, love, harmony and happiness, respect and me that will happen :-)
Just dig deep and look forward not backward and your dreams will become a reality - good luck xx

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