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Domestic voilence

36 replies

Wankarella · 16/11/2012 18:54

I'm out of my situation now, I have moved house, now my ex is losing control. I have police on standby but I've had some news about 15 minutes ago.

I'm scared can anyone just tell me to stop this panicking please.

My doors are locked I cannot walk my dog so my Dad is coming up to do that, I have hid my car, even though I am unsure if x knows where I stay.

Has anyone ever been through this and came out the other side sane and with a happy ending?


OP posts:
waltermittymissus · 16/11/2012 20:23

Maybe hold off on getting into any arguments/discussions with them until you have the boys back.

I think it's a good idea to stop overnights if you can't trust them to keep your boys safe.

Try to relax for tonight. There's nothing you can do until tomorrow.

Wankarella · 16/11/2012 20:26

baby is in care of SW, baby born july, not left hospital, final decision made in 21 days.

spoke to outlaws, they say, 'oh our son would never phone your parents, he doesn't even know you have moved' bullshit! My son seen him the day we moved, he ran away, he was helping carry a bed.

Inlaws have just had a mouthful from me. I have told them, no more sleepovers and went into car insurance etc..... I have been nice for way too long as they deny what their child has done, ironically, they will not let hm even sleep over and never did even when we were married, says a lot.

So nice soon to be ex daughter in law just grew some balls. I don't care if I am honest, they fill my boys heads with crap.

Dog had walkies, I need to switch off so I'm off to take my switch off pills and have a 3 hour sleep!! Before the nightmares kick in. Smile

Thank you everyone and sorry I am fine and will be fine. No one will ever make me feel this fear again.

I also have my 999. (wimp)

OP posts:
Wankarella · 16/11/2012 20:29

Sorry Blush

My mum also tried to stop me, it just came out.

I'm going to switch off now.

Thank you again x

OP posts:
Wankarella · 16/11/2012 20:32

police know full situation,they know where boys are etc. Boys not back when due tomorrow I call 999.

Police told me to report everything, I am. I'm sick of living in fear if I am honest my eldest is a nervous wreck, they have safety plans in place, this is all very unfair to them.

I usually put a very good front on - I just kinda lost it!

OP posts:
waltermittymissus · 16/11/2012 20:34

You're allowed to lose it every now and then. This is as good a place as any for that!

You're doing great. Enjoy your sleep. Take care.

Wankarella · 16/11/2012 20:38

thank you again, I maybe shouldn't have even came here, I just panicked.

Thank you lots though, I feel quite sane again. Sometimes its good to type/talk and have other people point out your 'silly-ness' I'm good at helping others, its much easier. Thank you again.

OP posts:
waltermittymissus · 16/11/2012 20:42

Of course you should come here. That's exactly what this place is for!

I'm so glad you're feeling better. :)

TantrumsAndBalloons · 16/11/2012 20:45

This is the best place to be when you are stressing.

The collective power of mumsnet calms you down.

Take care of yourself. x

Wankarella · 16/11/2012 20:52

thanks again, I feel my pills working and oh dear my in-laws are phoning me.

OP posts:
seaofyou · 16/11/2012 23:54

Hiya Hun,

Just try and breathe please you are having panic attacks common with PTSD.

Stay cool with gp's they have your babies their and you wanna get them home ASAP tomorrow.

Does ex know they are with gp's? Does GP know you made a report about new baby....don't tell them! Honestly no one is more deluded/hidden from the the true things happening is the GPs.

What about the email made you go completely into fear mode...was it off ex?
Also does ex know where you or you parents live? Get some support for your parents too ie marker on house, attack/panic alarms.
If ex knows where your parents live you should not really have your parents coming over cause ex will follow they need to be vigilant to know ex not following them in any car!

Also I would advise you not to take your sleeping pills tonight...not until your babies are back home safe and yes you must not let them go their as ex may turn up and revenge is lays their key motivator...sorry to be blunt but I think I understand where you are coming from.

seaofyou · 16/11/2012 23:58

Ps if that is your ex sending you email he can track you down to an area by your IP address so do not rely to ex and delete this email tomorrow...change mobile too. Tell your parents to change there mobile number as he may be able to track them too!

You need to become lost and to do that Hun you need to lose contact with GP on ex side too as he can just follow you.

Stay safe x

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