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1930's original tile flooring

130 replies

freesolo · 23/02/2021 19:32

We moved into our house last year , it's a 1930's house and is carpeted throughout, very modern. After visiting a few neighbours I noticed they all had beautiful, original tiled halls I decided to have a look tonight and with the help of my trusty screwdriver I can see beautiful red tiles underneath the carpet! What do I do now? I want to show the tiles but I have barely any disposable income and don't know if i could take up the carpet and get the tiles cleaned myself, any advice?

OP posts:
morenachos · 24/02/2021 13:07

We made a lovely discovery after moving in to our Victorian terrace and lifting carpet.

We had them cleaned up, polished, sealed and I just love them!

JemimaTiggywinkle · 24/02/2021 13:09

We have original red quarry tiles in the kitchen, they aren’t as fancy as yours though.. just square and from the 50s.

We’re about to cover them in laminate when we have the kitchen done... will be a nice surprise for a future generation hopefully. I don’t like them at all personally.

The previous owner of the house left us some red tile polish.. you could try that.

PosyWella · 24/02/2021 13:16

Wow the tiles are gorgeous! 🤩
We found lovely floorboards under the carpet and laminate flooring in our house.

morenachos · 24/02/2021 13:21

Reposting - previous post had my insta name on so is now deleted.

We had a lovely surprise when we lifted the beige carpet in the hall of our Victorian terrace after moving in.

They were quite grubby being over 100 years old but we had them polished and sealed.

I think they came up lovely!

1930's original tile flooring
1930's original tile flooring
ShowOfHands · 24/02/2021 13:25

We've just found the original quarry tiles in our 1930s house. Hidden under terrible carpet and a load of levelling compound. Just, why? They're beautiful.

NewHouseNewMe · 24/02/2021 13:26

@morenachos divine !!

RoSEbuds6 · 24/02/2021 13:30

Wow @morenachos how wonderful!

freesolo · 24/02/2021 13:43


Reposting - previous post had my insta name on so is now deleted.

We had a lovely surprise when we lifted the beige carpet in the hall of our Victorian terrace after moving in.

They were quite grubby being over 100 years old but we had them polished and sealed.

I think they came up lovely!

These are stunning! I think we'll have just red with a black border from what I can see so far, nothing quite as amazing as yours
OP posts:
TowandaForever · 24/02/2021 14:44


You lucky thing!

Knittedfairies · 25/02/2021 14:14

Ohh, @morenachos... I'm so jealous!

@freesolo - we, er.., I used something like this

LoudestCat14 · 25/02/2021 14:20

I'm so jealous of all you who've found tiles! We were praying we'd find the original hallway when we moved into our Victorian semi but alas it was just floorboards.

CattyCactus · 25/02/2021 14:21


I haven't lifted the carpet yet but I've taken the carpet tiles out of the porch and found these beauties. Why would anyone put carpet tiles over them??

They’re gorgeous!
Hope you find similar in the hall. 🤞🏻
freesolo · 25/02/2021 14:26

So I've lifted a bit....

1930's original tile flooring
OP posts:
freesolo · 25/02/2021 14:28

@Knittedfairies thank you!

OP posts:
DailyMaui · 25/02/2021 14:31


that looks like a lovely tiled floor you have there. Very jealous, there's nothing nice under my late seventies house floors

TeenTitan007 · 25/02/2021 14:37

@freesolo - ooh that looks lovely! Do show us more...

LoudestCat14 · 25/02/2021 14:39


So I've lifted a bit....

Oh, they are going to be stunning! Nice helper, too!
Mamette · 25/02/2021 14:40

Oh my god, I am rarely envious but I am swooning with jealousy of you OP and others upthread!

Our house was built in 1979- we pulled up the lino to find bare concrete 🙃

Enjoy your beautiful floors all!

WhatWouldMaLarkinDo · 25/02/2021 14:45

OP are you my neighbour?! 😆 We’re in the process of having our hall, stairs and landing redone and planned to get someone in to restore our hall tiles but I might try the cleaner recommended upthread first to see if we can do it ourselves. It’s worth checking with yours if you have any broken tiles, we had a couple where a radiator had been plumbed in but we’ve been able to replace them with some lifted from our porch which we’re having to have re-tiled to make it waterproof.

1930's original tile flooring
PosyWella · 25/02/2021 15:08

Wow - they look amazing!

MedusasBadHairDay · 25/02/2021 15:19

I'm a little jealous! Those are gorgeous!

Jelandguilty · 25/02/2021 15:26

They look fab. Placemaking for the grand reveal (please!)


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viques · 25/02/2021 15:29


So I've lifted a bit....

Glad to see you have called in expert help!
TinyGlassOwl · 25/02/2021 15:35

Goodness, they are gorgeous OP! Also placemarking for the photos when you've ripped the whole carpet up Grin

Geppili · 25/02/2021 16:42

Love this thread! People covered them with carpet because without CH and double glazing they were freezing. But my god, they are all gorgeous. Please do a big reveal!

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