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105 replies

janethewitch · 26/01/2013 13:19


Has only been just over three weeks and we have a buyer, and one thats offered us just a few thousand under asking price.
So please please please do not give up if you are tring to sell right now, or have tried without much luck last year.

There is a real postive feel in housing market right now, if anything there is a massive shortage which will not improve soon, which is great news for those investing in property.

Thought I would share the good news, especially to all the doom and gloom merchants suggesting that I should knock 20% or more off the asking price (:


OP posts:
soverylucky · 27/01/2013 12:30

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Badvoc · 27/01/2013 09:52 were such a help to me - whether you realise it or not - in 2011 when we were selling/buying.
So a belated thank you from me.
Cuddy...hope things get moving for you soon.
I also live in an area where property does seems to be selling BUT I actually realise that this is just not the case in the rest of the Uk or indeed globally.
I don't assume that it means a housing market recovery is in the way!!

CuddyMum · 27/01/2013 09:32

Well it's not over until the fat lady sings as they say. I've seen so many houses repeatedly under offer and back on the market again.

RCheshire - thank you for thinking of me :)

CaptainNancy · 26/01/2013 23:20

I have to assume 'jane' is an industry plant- no-one else is that concerned about 'buoyant markets'. Hmm

We went almost to completion last year, pulled out due to all sorts of issues, mainly flooding, but the poor buyer had been on the market for 10 mo, still on now, and loads more properties in the same area are just not shifting at all.

maxmillie · 26/01/2013 22:55

Jane are you really that naive and inexperienced that you are celebrating and crowing because you've accepted an offer?

It will probably work out, but many, many don't. Particularly in the current housing market. Our neighbours have accepted three offers near asking price since going on the market 6m ago. ALL 3 have fallen through due to the buyers not being able to get a mortgage (surveyor valued under offer price on last one). Not sure why you are trying to pretend that it is buoyant, when any idiot can see that it's not (whether you think that is a good or bad thing).

You might be lucky. But you are not representative of the housing market in your area alone. Have you looked at land registry sold prices?

Weird, weird attitude.

RCheshire · 26/01/2013 22:48

Well I reported Jane's posts about the threatening PMs which MNHQ have now deleted as there was no substance to them... much hot air...

noddyholder · 26/01/2013 22:44

I agree RC we are in a strange no mans land of can't sell and can't buy.

Fimbo · 26/01/2013 22:44

I did a shocked face a la facebook, sorry wasn't meant to be smiley.

Fimbo · 26/01/2013 22:43

Omg I am like this :o

Who is this Jane person? Noddy has been here for years and years and years and gives sound advice on property.

And as for Noddy threatening. Get real. Just look at who many "Jane" posts have been deleted on here for breaking the rules.

I rest my case.

noddyholder · 26/01/2013 22:43

Smile thanks.

RCheshire · 26/01/2013 22:42

That's the irony. I'm all for good news threads. The 'House Sellers Support' thread contains loads of people trying to sell for ages (e.g. CuddyMum) who I'd be really pleased for if they sold. In fact my early posts in this thread were congratulating the OP before the odd attacks started again....

FlouncingMintyy · 26/01/2013 22:42

Grin at screaming Its Christmas.

Honestly, don't worry noddy, op's just a wrong'un.

noddyholder · 26/01/2013 22:39

I want it deleted because it is accusing me of things I wouldn,t ever do not because it is a good news thread!

RCheshire · 26/01/2013 22:37

Yes, I keep thinking that.

And 'Jane'/Fred, have you not realised that most (if not all) of those of us disagreeing with you ARE property owners?

AKissIsNotAContract · 26/01/2013 22:35

Why do you think noddy is male?

OneHundredSecondsofSolitude · 26/01/2013 22:33

Yeah you want to watch that noddyholder next thing is she'll be screaming 'it's Christmas' over pm

Seriously, lets not rise this time shall we

Can I urge a collective ommmmmmm

janethewitch · 26/01/2013 22:33

Yes Noddy, have it deleted, cannot have any good news on the housing market can we (-:

OP posts:
noddyholder · 26/01/2013 22:33

I pm'd by mistake I was actually reporting you but hitbwrong button. 2nd pm was me trying to explain this. Gavel

FlouncingMintyy · 26/01/2013 22:33

Pmsl! hope it gets deleted noddy.

janethewitch · 26/01/2013 22:31

Why does noddy find the need to PM messages and cause confusion, why not just post everything he has to say on here.?
And then act like butter does not melt in his mouth.

I do not know why, but there seems to be a little negative group on here that just wish bad things for property owners.

OP posts:
noddyholder · 26/01/2013 22:24

I have asked for thread to be deleted it is really nuts and I hope mnhq can see my inbox and see exactly what nonsense this is.

noddyholder · 26/01/2013 22:19

I sent a second to try and explain the error of me sending you the wrong message please send to MN


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FlouncingMintyy · 26/01/2013 22:17

Hq - you just need to ban this poster, surely?

noddyholder · 26/01/2013 22:17

Post them then because I know what I said. MN deleted the posts where you made a personal attack and the first message is what you said which I didnt like and I sent it to you in error which I apologise for.

janethewitch · 26/01/2013 22:17

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