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What to make of this report?

32 replies

Misstic · 27/11/2016 09:51

My DS is 5 and in reception. His maths report was on the lines of: DS can write number sentences and understands the symbols +, -, and =. He uses his 100 square to work out answers and is very quick at remembering number bonds. DS clicks very quickly with new topics. His english report was very good. Along the lines of DS has a fantastic phonic knowledge and is able to recall tricky words from memory. He reads fluently and can answer questions about what he has read.

His target is for maths is: to slow down working out written sums to ensure there are no silly mistakes.
His target for english is: to ensure he does not rush his written work and writes to his full potential

My question is, what does these targets mean? Apart from telling him to slow down, I can't see what these targets mean or are implying. How can these be targets?

OP posts:
Misstic · 27/11/2016 17:15

I had a look at the linked document. It is very high level and I would say he meets these high level goals.

OP posts:
mrz · 27/11/2016 17:17

Slowing down and taking care would come under dispositions and attitudes (prime)

mrz · 27/11/2016 17:21

Nit sure why the link isn't working it's a much simplified version

mrz · 27/11/2016 17:23

Many schools use digital assessment systems such as Tapestry or Target Tracker

Ginmummy1 · 28/11/2016 09:35

I, too, would expect each Reception report to record progress against the early learning goals. Each of DD’s Reception reports had a separate page listing the 17 early learning goals, with E, D or S (Emerging, Developing, Secure) against each (for the 40-60 month bracket). I would think these would be assessed regularly, and therefore providing this info is probably the easiest part of a report.

The written blurb is an opportunity for the teacher to write any special additional info, and it sounds like your son’s teacher has recognised that he’s comfortably above expectations in maths and literacy, and is providing suitable opportunities for him, which is great.

From what you say it sounds as though your son will be at least on track with the EYFS goals, but it seems surprising that the school haven’t offered this information as part of their report. You could ask the teacher now, but certainly if he gets a second report in the Spring that fails to provide this information, I’d be asking for this info.

Misstic · 29/11/2016 15:27

Thanks Gin.

Mrz, I've not come across Tapestry or Target Tracker. Is this something I need to look into?

OP posts:
mrz · 29/11/2016 20:06

Not unless the school use them

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