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Primary education

DS not coping with teacher

53 replies

jrrtolkien · 28/01/2013 12:19

DS (age 10) is in year 6 at primary school and I?ve been having problems with him for the last couple of months that are getting worse each week. He seems to have lost his self-confidence and I think its down to his overly critical teacher who is at the end of her career.

I don't know what to do though. I've tried talking to him to make him see sense but it only works for a while and then something else happens. I suspect she thinks that sniping at the children will make them try harder but in DS's case, he is just giving up (on himself). Its a shame because he's never struggled with the work but now he believes that he's just not good enough.

She's only part-time and some other parents have made written complaints but I don't think the head can do anything and anyway she'll probably retire soon.

Any thoughts?

OP posts:
cansu · 30/09/2015 20:05

Tbh you need to make an appointment and listen to her take on how he is at school. Nothing in what you have said screams out that she is singling him out or is a bad teacher. You seem a bit too ready to blame the teacher for your ds seeming unhappy. I think you could be over thinking it. He will also pick up on your feelings and being year 6 will milk this for all its worth. Go and see her. Ask if he is behaving in class. Is he getting into trouble? How does she see him? You might be surprised. It may reassure you. If nothing else you can ask her to try and boost his confidence.

var123 · 30/09/2015 20:33

cansu - thanks for replying, but did you notice that I've come back and updated an old thread. It turned out that I was not quick enough to judge...

amarmai · 03/10/2015 01:40

If you decide not to home school, make sure your son understands that the teacher is at fault not him. She is failing not him.. Perhaps put this bad experience in the context that he will not always get good teachers. Make your complaints with as much proof as you can muster. This is not acceptable for your son or the others who are being harmed. Insist on seeing the notebooks as they may also give you ammunition.

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