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Levels at end of Y3

33 replies

PasstheTwiglets · 07/07/2011 17:35

In her Y2 SATs, DD was a Level 2B in maths. She has been given extra maths tuition this year because she was struggling and they've assessed her at a Level 2B again. Firstly, is a 2B really bad for Y3, does anybody know? I know it's average for Y2. And secondly, should a child be expected to progress up a level during a year?

OP posts:
EllenJaneisnotmyname · 12/07/2011 22:35

I don't think you've had a similar experience to me, feenie. My DS's school is a primary and they still assess on the single level SATs papers in Y2. All 3 of my DS's did both the level 2 and the level 3 papers and the Y3 job share teachers told me at parents evening that it was harder to get a level 3 in year 3 than in year 2. In the 3 schools I've worked in it's still a commonly held belief that there is a dip in Y3 due to the change in the syllabus. I'm not arguing that that is how it should be, just that that is how it is in those 4 schools.

Tonksthecat · 12/07/2011 22:39

Ok looks like my 'two sub-levels per year' rule of thumb is mistaken/ a bit ambitious.. it was all a while ago that I was on he other side of the classroom door Blush [wrings hands and shakes head over prospects of returning...]

Feenie · 12/07/2011 22:40

Y2 assessment does use the tests - but only as a small part of the evidence. Y2 teachers are required to use a wealth of evidence besides the tests. However, children may only be tested once. Teacher assessment should be so thorough that teachers know exactly which test to use.

I hope the LEA moderation cycle/OFSTED catch up with your dc's assessment procedures soon then! That has to be shortly.

I think a Y3 teacher who uses the excuse that a level 3 is different in KS1 in their own school, using their own assessment procedures, is hiding their own incompetence, tbh, and should be challenged.

Feenie · 12/07/2011 22:41

Not at all, Tonksthecat - 2 sublevels is seen as 'a challenging target' and 'good progress'. You'd fit right in Grin.

Tonksthecat · 12/07/2011 22:42

phew, thanks!

BusterGut · 12/07/2011 22:42

They are talking crap Ellen, and not following the guidelines which clearly give the rules for teacher assessment at KS1. (Including the rule that children only need to do one test paper - e.g. the paper that the teacher has assessed the child to be working at.)
Levels are ongoing and do not change between Y2 and 3, allowing a smooth transition between KS1 and 2.

EllenJaneisnotmyname · 12/07/2011 22:47

Hmm, my DS's school is so called 'outstanding' unfortunately, so gets the shorter OFSTED assessments! My DS in Y4 this year, did firstly the level 2/3 Y4 paper, then the second half of the level 3/4 paper, as the first half repeats the level 3 questions. Not ideal, obviously!

Tonksthecat · 13/07/2011 18:35

Twiglets maybe you'll be able to encourage her with Mathletics-as-a-fun-computer-activity over the summer when the pressure's off all the homework etc. There's a lot of cool stuff on there..

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