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Slow Processing

59 replies

IndigoBell · 15/07/2010 10:07

After a year and a half of fighting asking, and moving school, I have finally managed to get school to test DD for dyslexia. (Not that they disagreed she had dyslexia, they just didn't want to test her....)

Anyway, it said exactly what we knew already. That she can do all the parts of reading, i.e. knows her letters and can blend, she just can't read. And that she has problems with her working memory, and slow processing.

Does anyone have any ideas how to help slow processing?

OP posts:
mrz · 04/09/2016 06:42
Seryph · 04/09/2016 11:55

Braingym is a load of rubbish, as shown in Mrz links.

The underlying condition of dyspraxia/dyslexia IS dyspraxia/dyslexia, and it doesn't go away, it can't be cured. Sorry.

They can however be tackled, and you can learn to cope with them to the point where many of the issues they cause can be worked around. I am dyspraxic and dyslexic, I am hypersensitive to touch and sound, I can find crowds highly difficult to cope with, on my worst days I have really struggled with sudden changes to the planned events.

However, I gained 10 GCSEs (and would have got much better grades if I'd actually done my coursework, but 9 of them were Cs or higher), put myself back through an access course and uni and now have a MA hons degree in English Language and am about to train to be a teacher.

Don't give up, or look for magic cures. Keep trying, yes obviously seek help but you have to keep trying all the same.

user1472945980 · 04/09/2016 16:51

Thanks for this. Encouraging to hear your story. You've done brilliantly.
We are not looking for a cure or a magic bullet. But wondering if Cellfield could help as part of the process.

Has anyone tried Cellfield? Would appreciate any feedback- positive or otherwise. Thanks

mrz · 04/09/2016 17:18

Macquarie University say the evidence doesn't support Cellfield claims and it's not recommended

mrz · 04/09/2016 17:21

Making Sense of Interventions for Children with Developmental Disorders. Guildford: J&R Press. ISBN 978-1-907826-32-0  Cellfield chapter 9

maizieD · 05/09/2016 10:59

I can't get your musec briefing link to work, mrz.

maizieD · 05/09/2016 11:05

This one works for me:

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