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Slow Processing

59 replies

IndigoBell · 15/07/2010 10:07

After a year and a half of fighting asking, and moving school, I have finally managed to get school to test DD for dyslexia. (Not that they disagreed she had dyslexia, they just didn't want to test her....)

Anyway, it said exactly what we knew already. That she can do all the parts of reading, i.e. knows her letters and can blend, she just can't read. And that she has problems with her working memory, and slow processing.

Does anyone have any ideas how to help slow processing?

OP posts:
maizieD · 05/09/2016 11:05

This one works for me:

maizieD · 05/09/2016 10:59

I can't get your musec briefing link to work, mrz.

mrz · 04/09/2016 17:21

Making Sense of Interventions for Children with Developmental Disorders. Guildford: J&R Press. ISBN 978-1-907826-32-0  Cellfield chapter 9

mrz · 04/09/2016 17:18

Macquarie University say the evidence doesn't support Cellfield claims and it's not recommended

user1472945980 · 04/09/2016 16:51

Thanks for this. Encouraging to hear your story. You've done brilliantly.
We are not looking for a cure or a magic bullet. But wondering if Cellfield could help as part of the process.

Has anyone tried Cellfield? Would appreciate any feedback- positive or otherwise. Thanks

Seryph · 04/09/2016 11:55

Braingym is a load of rubbish, as shown in Mrz links.

The underlying condition of dyspraxia/dyslexia IS dyspraxia/dyslexia, and it doesn't go away, it can't be cured. Sorry.

They can however be tackled, and you can learn to cope with them to the point where many of the issues they cause can be worked around. I am dyspraxic and dyslexic, I am hypersensitive to touch and sound, I can find crowds highly difficult to cope with, on my worst days I have really struggled with sudden changes to the planned events.

However, I gained 10 GCSEs (and would have got much better grades if I'd actually done my coursework, but 9 of them were Cs or higher), put myself back through an access course and uni and now have a MA hons degree in English Language and am about to train to be a teacher.

Don't give up, or look for magic cures. Keep trying, yes obviously seek help but you have to keep trying all the same.

mrz · 04/09/2016 06:42
user1472945980 · 04/09/2016 00:56

Our son (aged 9) has just been diagnosed with dyslexia. Does anyone have any experience of Cellfield? Interested to hear anything about method. Thanks

GreenGoth89 · 27/06/2016 11:19

They people who set it up are US based but there are practitioners in the UK - edu-K is worth searching

sh77 · 27/06/2016 11:09

Katclo I don't think indigobell posts anymore (unless under a different name). Her posts have been so helpful for me.

Katclo · 27/06/2016 10:08

Hi, thanks for advice. Just been looking at Brain Gym, is it all based in the US? Can I follow something online with him?

GreenGoth89 · 27/06/2016 08:37

Brain gym! It sounds stupid, it looks silly but it works! My mum was a practitioner for years and didn't recognise my dyslexia and dyspraxia because I'm high functioning but as soon as I was formally diagnosed aged 17 I started on daily brain gym and it helps. It helped me get through college and uni, I've let it slip since and I can see the difference. Don't focus too much on the bits she struggles with, make sure you give plenty of time to things she loves - most of us neuro-diverse peeps are very creative so let her make and create!

Katclo · 26/06/2016 23:37

Indigo bell just curious a few years on how you have got on and what you can recommend? I have a dyspraxia son, very interested in this info on retained reflexes

reddragon1 · 11/09/2013 11:42

Hi I am new to mums net and joined to get some help for my son who has dyspraxia like symptoms. Could you tell me how things worked out with the different therapies you tried and if you ever tried the Mulhall Centre. Thx so much

DebbieSolloway · 24/10/2011 10:30

RandomMess Indigo,

Did you contact Bob Allen? Did he have anything to say on the effect of RR and INPP on working memory & processing?

RandomMess · 24/09/2011 21:03

email address [email protected]

He doesn't have anything on the internet, too busy - he teaches as well. I have a work mobile too if you want to contact me and you get no joy with email him.

IndigoBell · 24/09/2011 18:01

RandomMess - do you have a link or contact details for Bob Allen?

OP posts:
RandomMess · 24/09/2011 16:21

Just wanted to add if anyone is looking into retained reflexes their is a practioner who is brush and INPP trained (very experienced) who practices in Windsor and unlike INPP doesn't charge for any sort of assessment prior to starting. Bob Allen, not sure where else he holds clinics. He is also a Johansen sound therapist.

Anna85 · 24/09/2011 16:09

What is it which your LO has problems with? x

IndigoBell · 24/09/2011 15:46

Anna - :) We've already done vision therapy with DD, which sounds like what you are talking about.

And yes, it did cure her vision problems. I was very pleased with it.

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Anna85 · 24/09/2011 12:12

IndigoBell - Not sure if this is the same but my DS had an assessment done which showed he was delayed in visual perception which by looking into it and the report I recieved seems to mirror dyslexia.

We have been sent by an OT a programme to follow and apparently it can be corrected!!

This may not be any help at all!

IndigoBell · 24/09/2011 10:36

Hannah, I don't think you'll get retained reflex therapy on the NHS.

It is done by some occupational therapists, so get a referral (trhough your GP) to an NHS OT and ask them...... Sometimes they also do Sensory Integration Training, which if you can get for free is also worth doing.

If you can't afford to go private then I recommend doing these 2 things:

GAPS diet - we're having very good results with this diet at the moment.

And Disconnected Kids - which is the closest program to Retained Reflex Therapy I have found in a book.

Doing those two things should help a lot, for almost no money.

Good luck, and PM me if you want to ask me anything.

OP posts:
Hannah06 · 24/09/2011 09:26

dear cpbp, new to mumsnet.
my eldest son is 5. he is gorgeous yet so frustrated by various rrs symptoms. already i have yanked him out of school in his nursery year - because he was not thriving.then after a term at home he went to a steiner kindergarten who 1 week before this summer holiday suggested my son do not return as they were unable to contain his challenging behaviour or provide any resources to support him.
so now he is at home with me awaiting a schoolplace ,we live in a very oversubscribed borough for schools and i just don't feel i can chuck him in anywhere. he has not even begun formal learning yet.
do you know what is available on the nhs comparable to the body brushing and sensory integration programmes described above? and how does one go about accessing them? when i google nhs rrs nothing is coming up. x h

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