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Pregnancy choices

Found out I'm pregnant last night. WTH do I do!

52 replies

confuseddot · 26/03/2017 09:26

Hi all

So I found out I was pregnant last night. Not planned whatsoever. Been with my partner 8 months and although we live together (mortgaged house) I was hoping to be together longer and possibly be married first!!! We are shocked to day the least. Me more so than him. He is so calm and I haven't stopped shaking and crying.

I have always wanted to be a mum. I knew I was put on this earth to do so from a young age but I feel we have so much time left as a couple, that sounds selfish doesn't it?

I am 22 BTW and I feel so scared and worried. I feel too young but then again I know I'm not THAT young. The thought of telling family horrifies me so I have no one to speak to. My other half seems generally happy and wanted to tell his parents but then today I think he is in shock and is just quieter than usual.

I have so many questions. How will I afford a baby? How much do they cost? Other half is on good wages and mine not bad but with maternity how would I afford it all. Child care I think we would be fine with when I go back to work but how do I afford the house and bills etc! How old were you with your first? Please tell me your reactions? And when you told your family and what their reactions were? How do I know if I'm making the right decision by keeping the baby?

What do I do next? Doctors? What happens after that?

I'm sorry i have rambled on I'm not sure what I need to know nor how I feel. I guess I just wanted some reassurance from people that have been there.

OP posts:
Confuseddot · 06/06/2017 07:32

Hi bumble bee. We decided to keep the baby and I am now 15 weeks and we find out the gender next weekend. We are very happy and excited and my family have now been very supportive and my other half's family are over the moon Smile

OP posts:
Laurenannxo · 06/06/2017 22:30

Amazing! So pleased for you Smile

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