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Stupid question alert...if I have a glass of wine at 8pm, can I have another at 10pm?

55 replies

Dozymare · 09/08/2008 21:02

well can I? Is that just wishful thinking??!

OP posts:
expatinscotland · 09/08/2008 22:46

gaviscon and hot peppermint tea to quell the nausea.

oh joy!

bigmouthstrikesagain · 09/08/2008 22:51

Just fantasising about a glass of chilled rose - has given me heartburn! Ten weeks to go[sigh]

Rhian82 · 11/08/2008 13:19

I'm weird, alcohol just hasn't appealed at all during pregnancy - I thought it would be really hard to give up but it hasn't been!

I was at a wedding at the weekend and was given a glass of champagne for the toasts. I know that a small amount is fine, and DH (who has a medical degree) was urging me to have it and enjoy it. But in the end I just had three small sips (one for each toast) and then gave the rest to him. I can't believe I turned down free champagne!

miomaolalalalala · 11/08/2008 14:47

i'd say luck you to still be sociable at 10pm...zzzzzzzz....

i'm sure as a one off its fine (ie once a week)...i put ice cubes in my white which is probably heinous but it lasts a bit longer

MrsMattie · 11/08/2008 16:53

I'm 24 weeks and have started having the odd glass of wine with food. I had rather a large one with dinner last night, in fact. Will abstain now for a week or two. I honestly don't believe that a glass or two of wine now and then is harmful, but obviosuly you need to go fairly easy. Sure you know that, though

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