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Waters broke 38+6 green mucous on pad

37 replies

PrinnyPree · 15/05/2020 23:57

I just need a handhold waters broke and I'm sat on a hospital bed on my own whilst being monitored, there was a little bit of green on the pad so I'm not going home. Really frightened and hope the baby is okay. Birthing plan conpletely out of the window, I'm a FTM and completely unprepared.

OP posts:
CoffeeBeansGalore · 26/05/2020 20:26

Congratulations Flowers

Bellag79 · 26/05/2020 04:21

Such wonderful news. Congratulations on your new baby!

Hodge85 · 26/05/2020 03:52

Aww congratulations, glad you got there in the end! Flowers Enjoy your little one x

octoberfarm · 26/05/2020 03:21

Huge congrats, OP! So glad you and your little one are okay!

Rebelwithallthecause · 26/05/2020 03:20

Congratulations Flowers

PrinnyPree · 26/05/2020 03:18

Hi sorry everyone didn't mean to abandon the thread its been a very tiring week but starting to come out the other end.

Its been a week since the birth now on 18th May and it was a pretty rocky ride, my waters went on Friday the 15th as you know however there was a tiny bit of meconium present so wasn't allowed home and DH wasn't allowed to stay. The hospital was very busy as my hospitals maternity ward shut because of Covid so was bounced to another hospital so they had 50% more maternity patients. Was pretty much left to it for 36 hours till Sunday morning (didn't sleep a wink) and told to inform them when contractions were 2 mins apart. By Sunday I'd found a midwife who took pity on me and found me a private room and DH was finally allowed to visit (although not overnight) by next morning Monday, I was finally transferred to a labour room and given an induction I'd been on gas and air plus a tens machine up until this point but by lunch I threw in the towel and asked for an epidural 😅 (they buggered that up first 2 attempts too and had to get the head consultant to do it lol) anyway was being induced but baby just wasn't coming I started the morning ar 3cm and was only 4-5cms by 9pm so had to have an emergency c-section as it'd been 3 days since my waters broke.

Anyway got there in the end and DS is doing fine(although a bit jaundiced) and was a healthy 8pound 4 oz, sorry to have taken so long to reply. DS is currently on the boob and barely lets me put him down at the moment sleep is a distant memory 😅 xxx

Thankyou everyone x

OP posts:
justAquickQuestion101 · 25/05/2020 17:32

Hope u r ok

minmooch · 22/05/2020 20:16

@PrinnyPree how are you Op? Hope all ok

CoffeeBeansGalore · 19/05/2020 14:33

Hi OP, how are things?

RandomMess · 17/05/2020 20:36

Arghhhhhhhh how frustrating Sad if they suggest the drip I would recommend an epidural first!!

You must be knackered Thanks

Gallacia · 17/05/2020 20:29

Good luck OP xx

PrinnyPree · 17/05/2020 20:26

@RandomMess my waters have already gone they went at 10:30pm Friday night. X

OP posts:
RandomMess · 17/05/2020 19:40

I really think you will have progressed since you were last checked, they are likely to ask to break your waters to speed things up.

Hang on in there the end is in sight Thanks

Sexnotgender · 17/05/2020 19:30

Try and breathe through your contractions and relax as much as possible, hard I know. In through your nose for 4, out through your mouth for 8. It relaxes you.

PrinnyPree · 17/05/2020 19:28

I'm just waiting for there to be space on the Labour ward I'm apparemtlynat the front of the queue but the queue can change for those in an emergency.

I get put on a fetal monitor every 6 hours and antibiotics. Just literally waiting. My contractions are incredibly painful but 5-10 minutes apart. Last cervical exam only had me at 2cm at midday today, I had a softening pill inserted into my cervix yesterday at 11am when I was at 1cm. So frustrating.

OP posts:
Whatshername20 · 17/05/2020 19:24

Hi OP,
Hope you're doing okay, try to keep yourself relaxed although easier said than done!

I wanted a lovely calm water birth and was all set for one until waters broke mid labour and had meconium! I had to have my worst case scenario birth of being on the bed, monitored but in actuality it wasn't half as bad as I'd thought. Hang in there 🤞

Gimmecaffeine · 17/05/2020 19:16


My waters went at home but contractions stopped at the hospital. I was induced 24hrs after, and when this was ineffective a further 24hrs later I had a EMCS.

Are you on a fetal monitor?

Sexnotgender · 17/05/2020 19:13

Oh that sounds shit. Have they told you what the plan is?

PrinnyPree · 17/05/2020 19:12

Well its been 44 hours and still not been induced, Covid has meant the hospital I'm at is completely packed as my hospital maternity unit closed down to treat extra Covid patients and can't get on the labour ward, on antibiotics as we speak completely gutted.

OP posts:
IAmReportingYouForBBQing · 16/05/2020 12:12

Fingers crossed for you op. Good luck!

WreckTangle95 · 16/05/2020 12:04

Hope you are OK OP, fingers crossed for you! 💐

Incrediblytired · 16/05/2020 12:03

I had green mucus and it was all fine in the end. Had the babe about 14 hours after they were found to be green and all healthy. They won’t let you go part about 24 hours anyway once your waters break. Good luck love, you will be marvellous


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CoffeeBeansGalore · 16/05/2020 12:00

@PrinnyPree Hi, just checking in to see how you are getting on. Hope all ok.

PrinnyPree · 16/05/2020 08:20

Hi sorry I've been trying to sleep but only really managed an hour, not in labour yet just hooked up for monitoring at the moment. I think I'm having some contractions. Xxx

Thankyou so much for the replies everyone

OP posts:
custardbear · 16/05/2020 07:36

Good luck, hoping the lack of you answering means you're in labour? .. or maybe sleeping?

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