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Severe pregnancy related heartburn - Any remedies?????

43 replies

empen · 10/09/2007 21:24

I have got seriously bad heartburn and no sympathy from those around me. Has anyone got any tried and tested remedies I can take/do whilst 7 months pregnant?

OP posts:
whomovedmychocolate · 10/09/2007 21:25

Gaviscon - tastes like minty sick but does the job.

Also anything peppermint.

loonylovegood · 10/09/2007 21:25

Mint choc chip ice cream! Cool and soothing and oh so yummy! It used to work for me!

Quootiepie · 10/09/2007 21:26

I had this and was admitted to hospital because I thought I was having a heart attack tons and tons of Rennies and sucking polos helped mine, I couldn't stomach that liquid stuff.

lulumama · 10/09/2007 21:26


you can get it on prescription for free or buy it over the counter

or your doc can prescribe ranitidine

Lazylou · 10/09/2007 21:31

I was prescribed Maalox for this as I suffered terribly and managed to become immune to the Gaviscon.

empen · 10/09/2007 21:32

I felt bad bothering the doctor with it. I did not think I was allowed to take Gaviscon whilst pregnant??!!

OP posts:
SunLover · 10/09/2007 21:36

I'm almost 7 months and have very bad heartburn as well.

Gaviscon is great. I have the liquid at home and take the tablets on my handbag wherever I go.

purplemonkeydishwasher · 10/09/2007 21:37


couldn't live without it for 9 months!

PigeonPie · 10/09/2007 21:43

I just drank pints and pints of milk last time. Haven't got it yet this time, but hope that milk helps again as am not very keen on gaviscon etc

Gemy · 10/09/2007 21:50

Gaviscon worked fine for me (the cool one) and in liquid form. Or the fruity Rennie Rapeze were also good for minor heartburn and the strawberry flavoured ones were my favourite

kaa0901 · 11/09/2007 09:20

gaviscon - swigged straight out the bottle! and rennies. try to sleep upright and don't sit for long periods (like in the car)as i found this squashed my stomach making it worse.


BunnyBaby · 11/09/2007 09:22

Didn't want to take Gaviscon as I'm someone that doesn't take any over the counter medicines. I've also heard that Gaviscon used to only be available on prescription, can burn holes in stomach lining and lead to ulcers - though not sure how true these rumours are.

I found that a pint of milk before bed, and actually raising the head board end of the bed stops the indigestion rising up your throat.

Also look at your diet. If you're eating a lot of fatty things and junk it made the heartburn worse for me, so I took it as my body saying - c'mon give me nice food and I won't give you heartburn!

Good luck

lilymolly · 11/09/2007 09:32

Gaviscon by the Litre, until I was overdosing on it!
I was eventually prescirbed Ranitidine 2 x a day whcih did help, but I still swigged the gaviscon too!!
Lots of full fat milk on an evening too.

empen · 11/09/2007 09:45

Thanks everyone.

I had some ice cream last night which took away that particular bought and have taken to drinking milk.

If I can't control it I will have to go the Gaviscon route.

OP posts:
Twinkie1 · 11/09/2007 09:49

Don't eat ice cream or drink milk they are both acid - you need to eat yogurt - it is an alkaline and so neutralises the acid - I was told this whilst naked leaning over a toilet bringing up huge amounts of stomach acid whilst peeing myself from the heaving - believe me I was at the end of my tether - it works too.

TaLcYBuRlEsQuE · 11/09/2007 09:51

rennie rapeze...the couloured fruity ones ....they were the only things that worked for me!

You have my sympathies.

mishymoo · 11/09/2007 09:53

Rennies did it for me and propping myself up in bed so wasn't lying flat seemed to help! Also, your midwife should be able to prescribe Gaviscon for you... if you can stomach it - I couldn't!

RGPargy · 11/09/2007 09:56


I've got a large bottle which i keep at home and a small bottle which i keep in my handbag and fill up from the large bottle when it runs out. Free on prescription of course. I just asked my midwife to get the doc to do me a prescription. I didn't even need to see the doctor so maybe give your MW a buzz and see if she can do the same?

BabyValentine · 11/09/2007 11:45

Hi there,

I am 35 weeks and suffering too (although not quite as badly as Twinkie1

However, apart from the Gaviscon, I find that lying on my left really helps - apparently the stomach lies slightly over to the left, so if you lie in your RHS, your stomach contents are more likely to make a reappearance due to gravity.

Try it - the difference is astonishing (but I'm sue I'll have bedsores from sleeping continuously on my left!)


Mumpbump · 11/09/2007 11:50

Try Gaviscon Advance tablets. You can get them on prescription. It's like eating soap, but you can take half a tablet at a time and they really work!

GoodGollyMissMolly · 11/09/2007 12:02

I use gaviscon, it is now a new food group for me .

Also my mum swears by pepermint cordial, she says to add a little bit of boiled water to some (not a lot) of pep (as she calls it), let it cool and sip.
I keep pep at home in case I run out of gaviscon.


StarlightMcKenzie · 11/09/2007 12:11

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MrsBoo · 11/09/2007 12:11

I really suffered too with this both times. I bought (or you can get prescription) MAALOX. It comes in a big bottle, and i couldn't go anywhere without it in my bag. Had to be careful though, cos it can leave a milky/chalky mark around your mouth if you're in a bit of a rush!!
Also, milk worked for me too

toadstool · 11/09/2007 12:30

Gaviscon tablets for me (can;t stand the taste of aniseed) and a v-pillow to keep upper chest propped up. I've never got it to quell completely but these have worked too: ginger ale (in moderation), not-too-sweet fruit sorbets (not in moderation), peppermint tea in the evening.

startouchedtrinity · 11/09/2007 12:33

I agree with the yoghurt - full-fat, natural yoghurt is wonderfully soothing.

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