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Is there a line??

28 replies

Alicia870 · 17/07/2019 20:27

Hi all

Can anyone else see a line here or is it just me! Very faint x

Is there a line??
OP posts:
Keyboard91 · 22/07/2019 09:47

How many days late are you?

If I were in your position I would probably do another test (either FMU or a 4 hour hold as I usually get a stronger result with that) and use a FRER. Whatever the result I’d probably be going to see my GP too. You may be someone who produces very low HCG in your urine (they can do a blood test to check for the hormone) or you may need to be checked as if you have had a miscarriage you may need checking as you haven’t bled yet. Or it may be neither case. That’s just what I would do personally xx

Alicia870 · 22/07/2019 09:55

Based on my last cycle I'm 4 days late. The last test I took was Friday which was negative.
I know I should probably just be leaving it alone and letting nature run its course but it's just really over taking my thoughts! Thank you so much for your advice I might test again later today x

OP posts:
Alicia870 · 22/07/2019 12:46

I tested again with frer and negative :(
I don't want to make a fuss I'm going to gp if this is nothing But clearly I'm not pregnant.
Just wish I would bleed so I could move on from this as it's playing with my head!

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