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Is there a line??

28 replies

Alicia870 · 17/07/2019 20:27

Hi all

Can anyone else see a line here or is it just me! Very faint x

Is there a line??
OP posts:
Alicia870 · 22/07/2019 12:46

I tested again with frer and negative :(
I don't want to make a fuss I'm going to gp if this is nothing But clearly I'm not pregnant.
Just wish I would bleed so I could move on from this as it's playing with my head!

OP posts:
Alicia870 · 22/07/2019 09:55

Based on my last cycle I'm 4 days late. The last test I took was Friday which was negative.
I know I should probably just be leaving it alone and letting nature run its course but it's just really over taking my thoughts! Thank you so much for your advice I might test again later today x

OP posts:
Keyboard91 · 22/07/2019 09:47

How many days late are you?

If I were in your position I would probably do another test (either FMU or a 4 hour hold as I usually get a stronger result with that) and use a FRER. Whatever the result I’d probably be going to see my GP too. You may be someone who produces very low HCG in your urine (they can do a blood test to check for the hormone) or you may need to be checked as if you have had a miscarriage you may need checking as you haven’t bled yet. Or it may be neither case. That’s just what I would do personally xx

Alicia870 · 22/07/2019 09:23

Ladies I would love some thoughts on this- I still have no bleeding at all and no signs.
I'm on day 50 of my cycle so very late (cycles do tend to be on the longer side and irregular but this is unusually long)

Is it worth another test or should I just give up on this now?

OP posts:
Alicia870 · 20/07/2019 11:36

Still no bleeding. I was awake most of the night with terrible night sweats! Similar to the ones I had post delivery with my daughter so assuming they are hormone related?
I'm thinking if I don't get my period in the next 5 days I'll just re test but I'm feeling so confused about what's happening.
Is it worth going to the gp or is that a huge waste of time? This has never happened before so unsure what to do!

OP posts:
Alicia870 · 19/07/2019 20:27

Thanks @SunshineSophia I'm ok- I may not have ever known had I not been testing. Just feels a bit strange to think something could have been xx

OP posts:
SunshineSophia · 19/07/2019 20:10

Aw @Alicia870 hope everything's okay xxxx

Alicia870 · 19/07/2019 19:21

I'm assuming this was either a chemical pregnancy or just a false positive as I've had two negative tests today :(
We weren't exactly planning rigidly for a pregnancy this month but I had sort of got my head around the idea. I'm just going to stop testing now as I could take out shares on pregnancy tests at this stage. I'm assuming I'll start bleeding soon.
Very confusing and odd!

OP posts:
SunshineSophia · 19/07/2019 11:28

I see a positive in the first pic OP - fingers crossed everything is well xx

keepingbees · 19/07/2019 11:28

Did you get the right early response test? Isn't there one more sensitive than the others?
I can see a shadow of a line on your photo but not enough to say it's positive. If the lines gone now I would assume it was either a dodgy test with an indent/evap line or you had a chemical pregnancy.

Keyboard91 · 19/07/2019 11:09

The one you took this morning was it FNU or after a long hold? If not then try that - I find it I pee first thing, then do a 4 hour hold with minimal liquid intake then I get stronger results. How late for your period?

Sometimes though this is a sign of a chemical pregnancy- I had a very faint positive then the next day a very faint positive again, then next day a negative and then bled a couple days later - hoping that it’s not though xx

Alicia870 · 19/07/2019 10:58

Guys I had a negative frer today.
Just don't understand what happened here? I thought a line was positive no matter how faint? And now negative? And still late for period. So confusing!

OP posts:
OhBcereus · 18/07/2019 10:53

I agree, try wait a few more days (if you can!) and try another FRER. Keep us updated!

Alicia870 · 18/07/2019 10:32

Ah ok, thank you! This has never happened for me before- last time I just got digital positive straight away and strong lines. This limbo is frustrating!

OP posts:
Cookit · 18/07/2019 10:06

If would definitely say not pregnant on a digi as that pregnancy line is SO faint. I’d try in a day or two with another FRER.

Alicia870 · 18/07/2019 09:57

I did digital and it says not pregnant- thoughts? 😬

OP posts:
Gettingonabitnow · 18/07/2019 06:35

I can see it!

Alicia870 · 17/07/2019 22:25

Will do. Tempted to do digital but afraid it won't show up yet. Feeling a anxious!

OP posts:
BillyAndTheSillies · 17/07/2019 22:24

Can definitely see a line. Looks pretty similar to mine and I'm now 27 weeks with DC2.

Is there a line??
OhBcereus · 17/07/2019 22:14

I couldn't see it at first but the more I looked I can see what you mean. I'd re-test with FMU to be sure it wasn't an evap line

Russell19 · 17/07/2019 22:11


georgialondon · 17/07/2019 22:08

I see it


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Alicia870 · 17/07/2019 22:06

Oh man - my mind is running away with me.
I have a 9 month old so there would be 18 months between babies. Only just kind of recovered from the first time. Excited but worried at the same time.

OP posts:
NavyBerry · 17/07/2019 20:39

It is there!

HollyT89 · 17/07/2019 20:35

I'd say that I can see a line! Eek! Good luck! Smile

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