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If one more person tells me sickness is a good thing...

52 replies

10storeylovesong · 15/02/2017 10:26

I will not be responsible for my actions!!

I'm currently sat at work on the toilet floor after heaving away for the 5th time today. Nothing's actually come up yet, probably because I've only managed to eat a rice cake and a few grapes despite being up since 5am.

We've been ttc #2 for 3 years with 4 early losses so I know full well how lucky I am to be pregnant (7 weeks today) and am grateful, truly I am!

But I feel like shit, and I'm so sick of being told by people as I come back out of the toilet with my packet of mints that sickness is a good thing. I'm not complaining to you - You don't have to comment on it!

And now I feel so ungrateful again!

OP posts:
hollinhurst84 · 16/02/2017 17:03

Trying to think of other things!
Dry cereal, McDonald's chips, toast with marmite (obvs only if you like marmite!!), twiglets

ememem84 · 17/02/2017 06:38

Salt and vinegar squares are my saviour at present.

And pretzels.

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