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If one more person tells me sickness is a good thing...

52 replies

10storeylovesong · 15/02/2017 10:26

I will not be responsible for my actions!!

I'm currently sat at work on the toilet floor after heaving away for the 5th time today. Nothing's actually come up yet, probably because I've only managed to eat a rice cake and a few grapes despite being up since 5am.

We've been ttc #2 for 3 years with 4 early losses so I know full well how lucky I am to be pregnant (7 weeks today) and am grateful, truly I am!

But I feel like shit, and I'm so sick of being told by people as I come back out of the toilet with my packet of mints that sickness is a good thing. I'm not complaining to you - You don't have to comment on it!

And now I feel so ungrateful again!

OP posts:
10storeylovesong · 15/02/2017 20:05

I definitely do feel better on the few occasions I'm actually sick. Sometimes wish I could make myself.

Thank you all for just understanding. I really don't feel I can say anything to anybody in RL as it's been such a long hard road to get here. And it's such early days that I don't want to jinx things.

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user1471495191 · 15/02/2017 20:09

This might be another irritating comment but I had terrible sickness with my first. This time I tried sea sickness bands and the results have been miraculous. Am sure that they don't work for everyone but worth a try. I remember thinking about them in my first pregnancy but feeling too rough to go and buy some and thinking that I couldn't imagine that something so simple could help me when I felt so bad. Know they won't work for everyone though.

10storeylovesong · 15/02/2017 20:14

I did try them during first pregnancy and didn't work - willing to give anything a try though. Will pick some up!

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Batteriesallgone · 15/02/2017 20:17

Oh and I have to be honest, purchasing straws and drinking small amounts at a time through a straw does help. Yes I am an adult who understands what a 'sip' of water is but still - straws help.

Hollyhop17 · 15/02/2017 21:39

I completely sympathise. I have hyperemesis but at 18 weeks all I get is 'shouldnt your morning sickness have stopped by now'. Sick and tired of explaining it is completely different. Also wept at the number of times I was told to 'try ginger'. Well done for struggling into work. I hope you feel better soon.

user1474299685 · 15/02/2017 22:19

I feel your pain I'm 16 weeks pregnant and been very sick I've lost weight since being pregnant it's most draning thing I found as long as eat something light I'm not half as sick but I no how u feel but it will get better x

kalidasa · 15/02/2017 22:29

Counterintuitive but try total junk if there's anything you like the sound of - stuff like hula hoops and chips and burgers. I spent seven weeks in hospital with no 2 receiving all anti emetics and massive steroids via IV and when I finally managed to eat anything at all it was KFC zinger burgers, they were my safest bet for weeks. Really really weird (I hardly ever eat stuff like that usually), but on balance can't actually have been worse for the baby than all those drugs I suppose!

10storeylovesong · 16/02/2017 08:17

Anyone any magic tips for teeth cleaning without retching?!

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Squeezed · 16/02/2017 09:06

I used mouthwash when I couldn't brush my teeth. I went days where I couldn't brush. I would try to do it after vomiting also if I could.
Definitely go on the hyperemesis board, they get you through the tough times.
Don't worry if you throw up in a bush or your feeling so sick you just curl up on the floor. Just do what makes you feel better. I survived on coco pops, tinned fruit, coke and a combination of medication for most of my pregnancy. Still managed to have a chunky healthy girl at the end of it.

10storeylovesong · 16/02/2017 10:51

I'm at the gps after being sent home from work. They wasn't going to make me an apt as they don't prescribe anti sickness meds for pregnancy any more. They said it's not safe. I've broke down at receptionist and they've made me an apt so gp can "give me advice". If he tells me ginger, I really might punch him.

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Lules · 16/02/2017 11:43

That's nonsense - just look at the hyperemesis board on here. I was prescribed some a couple of weeks ago.

10storeylovesong · 16/02/2017 11:45

Luckily I'd looked on there before I went in so was armed with knowledge. The GP was lovely and took one look at me before prescribing cyclizine. It wasn't great for me last time but he said he's not comfortable prescribing anything else at such an early stage so to try it and go back. I'm going to need to get my mat exemption certificate sorted or this is going to be a dear do.

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BlahBlahBlahEtc · 16/02/2017 12:14

Can you see a different gp? What he said about not prescribing is nonsense.

BlahBlahBlahEtc · 16/02/2017 12:15

Sorry I missed the last post, ignore me

WarblingWail · 16/02/2017 12:22

Op have you tried kiddies fruit flavoured toothpaste?

Also, bollocks to not being able to prescribe meds. Go armed with a printout of the nice guidelines for the management of women with hyperemesis. And get yourself into the hyperemesis thread. They're lovely there.

Letsgetreadytorumbleagain · 16/02/2017 13:12

Expecto I am on the other end of the spectrum then - I had 2 MMC and had bad sickness with both - so sickness doesn't always mean things are good!

By the time I was on my third pregnancy (my rainbow baby) I would shut down anyone that ever said such nonsense!

Sickness is shit and people should stop trying to make people feel better or telling them crap things that don't help. People should just be sympathetic and keeps all other thoughts to themselves!!

Letsgetreadytorumbleagain · 16/02/2017 13:13

Sorry I ranted - it just upsets me!

OP hope you're doing ok Flowers

Batteriesallgone · 16/02/2017 13:21

How long where you on the cyclizine for last time OP? I found it made me drowsy for the first 2-4 weeks of taking, then my body adjusted.

10storeylovesong · 16/02/2017 14:16

I was probably only on them for around 4 weeks and then I came off them so I could back to work. I took sick bags with me for the car journey and spent a lot of time in the toilet. I'll pesevere with the meds if the drowsiness eases! So glad I stuck my ground with the receptionist - I think he felt sorry for me as I was a blubbering mess and had very loudly thrown up in the toilet seconds earlier - but if I'd just listened and gone away I'd have been none the wiser. Thank God for mumsnet wisdom giving me the knowledge to fight my corner!

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Batteriesallgone · 16/02/2017 15:08

Did you tell the doctor what the receptionist said?

I know they are supposed to ask what you need an appointment for but it is totally not appropriate to say that. The receptionist isn't a doctor and can't make prescribing decisions!! I'm quite shocked they said that to you

BlahBlahBlahEtc · 16/02/2017 15:56

If cyclizine isn't agreeing with you (it didn't for me, turns out I'm allergic :/) they can prescribe ondensetron or metachlopramide (spelling...) try not to be palmed off, it's horrendous all this nausea vomiting malarky

Writerwannabe83 · 16/02/2017 16:17

I hear you OP.

I'm almost 14 weeks and I'm so, so miserable. I've been signed off sick for a month due to hyperemesis and I'm due to go back on Sunday but I'm currently bed bound except when running to the bathroom to be sick. I cry a lot because of how miserable I am, I'm hating being pregnant.

I nearly had to be hospitalised about 2 weeks ago because of dehydration and I felt so ill and low that I didn't even have the energy to care. I was prescribed cyclizine but it's risky to take with a medical condition that I have and so I haven't touched them.

I was weighed last week and had lost about 2kg in weight in a month.

It took me over a year to convince DH to TTC, then it took 10 cycles to actually get pregnant, including one miscarriage, so I know I should be grateful to be pregnant but I'm so unhappy.

I'm also tired of people telling me to sip water slowly and eat ginger biscuits etc. I'm also very tired of people telling be it won't last much longer seeing as I've been hearing those words for about 8 weeks now and things aren't really any better.

I'm petrified this is going to last all pregnancy.


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hollinhurst84 · 16/02/2017 16:20

Bizarre but try salted stuff - plain hula hoops might work
Ginger is grim to throw back up and at least plain salted hula hoops aren't!

10storeylovesong · 16/02/2017 16:59

I did tell GP who said he had no idea why I was told that as it wasn't true. I'm just glad I stood my ground.

Blah, thanks for the advice - he's only given me a short prescription to see how I get on then I have to go back so I'll mention those to him.

Writer - I'm so sorry you're miserable. It's such a double edged sword as it's something that's really wanted, but then makes you so miserable when you want to be happy.

And on top of that are the usual pregnancy anxieties about whether it will last and be healthy etc. I am so envious of women who sail through pregnancy!

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10storeylovesong · 16/02/2017 17:00

Hollin - it's like you read my mind. Salted crisps and Tuc crackers are my staple diet at the minute.

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