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Partners at the booking in appointment?

31 replies

kezmarie · 15/01/2017 16:11

As the title says really.
Are partners required to attend the booking in appointment at the local maternity unit?
Or is it personal choice?

I have my appt at 4.30 tomorrow & my partner may not be able to get out of work but I said it's fine if he misses it?

Thanks for any advice.

OP posts:
haveacupoftea · 15/01/2017 19:30

Oh god i didnt want mine there while I was discussing my medical history etc. As long as he is there for the big 2 scans and the birth i'm happy.

SunnyDayDreaming101 · 15/01/2017 19:49

My DH stressed like hell to make it on time, only to be told to wait in the hallway and he never came in at all. I found it really weird that they were only asking about my history and not his.

It's actually the most disappointing appointment of your pregnancy, nothing happens.

They will want to ask you about domestic abuse and the like so if he is allowed in don't be offended if they ask him to leave at some point but honestly I wouldn't worry about him missing it

ConvincingLiar · 15/01/2017 20:07

As others say, partners never compulsory. Useful/nice to have them at scans and any consultant appointments. Otherwise they're only really good for transport/company. I drive myself and take a book.

Imavinoops · 15/01/2017 20:23

DP hasn't been to any of my midwife appointments as has been at work or looking after DSS. I haven't really minded tbh, he has been at the scans, the midwife appointments just feel a bit like going to the GP, would be dull for DP anyway, he would be like a spare wheel I think.

Redpony1 · 16/01/2017 12:14

I feel a right wimp after reading that most of you don't take your partners for appointments where blood is taken, noone gets near me with a needle at the best of times, nevermind if i am alone! If i am alone, i'd run for the hills Blush

MoonshineJungle · 16/01/2017 12:35

I've got mine Wednesday, my boyfriend is insisting on coming, he doesnt want to miss anything lol he's done it 3 times already and this is my first so he's more clued up about each appointment/scans etc!

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