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8 weeks pregnant and looking for people to talk to.

80 replies

MrsM2016 · 04/07/2016 16:42

Hi ladies, I am new to this forum. I am 8 weeks pregnant today with my first baby. Thought I would join in hope to speak to other ladies for advice and support. Lots of love. X

OP posts:
louiseplusditi · 05/07/2016 15:26

Hi zannaahh. I had and still have that pulling sensation. It almost feels like trapped wind lol!
I have only so far been to my doctors and he's sent me to the early pregnancy clinic for a scan and then had to go back to the doctor with my letter to show him what they estimated me at and then this week I am having a dating viability scan but that's cos I have a pre existing medical condition.
I don't think you have your bloods done just yet. Just explain to the nurse that you are frightened. Just look away and get her to keep talking to you, take deep breaths and think of all the happy baby related things xx

louiseplusditi · 05/07/2016 15:29

Hey MrsM! Haha we are about the same. I'm 8 weeks plus 3 days.
I was a bit worried about my symptoms cos a lot of people say they have morning sickness and bigger breasts now which I haven't had.
I'm feeling alright. I sometimes get really low moods and then feel happy as Larry...then other times I'm happy and feel so angry ! It's crazy.
I spend a lot of the day feeling under the weather. How about you? Xx

louiseplusditi · 05/07/2016 15:30

Oh the symptoms I've got are just feeling sick from the early afternoon onwards, not being able to use the bathroom, my breasts are sometimes a little sore, always going for a wee, feeling so tired, put off of a lot of foods I used to really like! What are yours?

zannahhhh · 05/07/2016 15:36

Louise - it's quite nice having that sensation, it almost makes it more real, if that makes sense? Oh and I forgot to mention other symptoms, my boobs are really tender and huge, and I'm feeling a bit emotional but maybe that's because I've only just found out and it's really overwhelming Confused
Sounds like a lot of back and forth! I'm just excited to have a scan and be able to tell people, it's only been one day and keeping the secret is already driving me insane!!! xx

louiseplusditi · 05/07/2016 15:54

Hahaha. I think they suggest you wait until 12 weeks to tell people because the first 12 weeks are the most risky! Don't rush into telling people yet. Enjoy it for now with your partner xx

Bellabelloo · 05/07/2016 15:57

Louise, my sickness starts in the afternoon and gets worse until I feel terrible in the evening. But I feel fine in the mornings! It starts when I eat lunch. I have been avoiding breakfast in case eating that makes the sickness start earlier! Bleugh!!

louiseplusditi · 05/07/2016 18:07

Oh my god me too bellabelloo!! I find when I've eaten my lunch I start feeling quite sickly &
Often don't want my dinner on the evening! So usually have crackers ha!

MrsM2016 · 06/07/2016 09:24

I am finding recent mornings I am sick once or twice, then I am much better for the rest of the day. My boobs are swollen to. I am not coping well with the sickness though. Boo. Hoping it stops soon X

OP posts:
louiseplusditi · 06/07/2016 11:27

MrsM apparently ginger buscuits and crackers help with sickness? At least it's over and done with in the morning. I havnt been sick yet thank goodness! Although it kinda makes me worry, I saw on another post earlier that a woman's baby stopped growing at 4 weeks and she's supposed to be 10 weeks now...I am always a worrier and worry that something bad will happen to mine Sad I got a dating viability scan tomorrow so keeping my fingers crossed!!

MrsM2016 · 06/07/2016 16:20

I have got myself some ginger biscuits, I'll let you know how I get on. Ah I saw that, so sad :( x

OP posts:
louiseplusditi · 06/07/2016 17:16

Good luck! I hope they work, I instantly turn into a baby myself when I have been sick. I cry haha! Te bizarre how pregnancy affects people. I have always hated ginger biscuits but lately I been thinking how nice they taste Confused

louiseplusditi · 06/07/2016 17:17

MrsM or anyone else - is it normal to be getting period feeling cramps? It's not constant just now and then x

chicken2015 · 06/07/2016 17:46

I got period cramps last few weeks but they have stopped now I'm 8 and 2 days , not enjoying the sickness feeling like more constant it was in waves before with cramps. Went to first mid wife appointment today

happiness85 · 06/07/2016 17:50

Hello an also 5 weeks, feeling very confused, back pain,a and sore breast, I just noticed a bit of tension between me and my husband, could he be scared? I have been very moody and emotional, .has anyone been thru this?

louiseplusditi · 06/07/2016 19:58

Hi chicken2015 how was your appointment? what did they do? is this your first child? Have you been sick? I find I start feeling sick around lunch time until about 8pm, sometimes im waking up hot and feeling sick but havnt been sick yet!!
Happiness85 You might feel tension because of your moods - I felt the same way, smetimes I am sooo happy and laughing and then in the next 20 minutes im crying then im pissy! Its hard to handle and my other half sometimes doesnt know how to react! Maybe just talk to him when you are alone and ask how hes feeling.

happiness85 · 06/07/2016 20:44

Louiseplusditi thank u for a reply,its comforting to know am not alone, I spoke to him in the morning and he said he was ok with the whole thing, ,,wish this 1st weeks can be over already,and proceed to the next ones, this is not a so easy phase hey,

louiseplusditi · 06/07/2016 21:14

When is your next scan? Glad you both spoke to each other. Sometimes some men will panic. I have a dating viability scan tomorrow and I am terrified !!

happiness85 · 06/07/2016 21:57

I went today for scan confirmation, I only saw a round ball look alike in my tummy, lol, but am thinking of going again on week 12 if I will be able to hold it that long,coz m so exited I might go in week 8 , good luck fir tomoro, m sure u cant wait.tell us how it goes

chicken2015 · 06/07/2016 22:29

At my appointment they took a load of details filled in few forms told me I need to go hospital and get booked in then around 12 I'll have scan. Yes it's my first child, and yes been sick nearly sick a lot but been sick about 4 times today feel sick all day most of time pretty crappy

abbieparkes20 · 06/07/2016 23:06

Hi guys, I was wondering if someone could help more or tell me if I'm write or wrong, I'm 5 weeks pregnant, that's what my doctor dated it from my last period am I right to take two weeks off and that is when I conceived or have I got this totally wrong? If someone could help that would be amazing thanks!!

Melmam · 06/07/2016 23:26

Hi zannahhhh, yep that makes you 4 weeks we are the same my last period was the 05/06/16 too I think we are due around the 12th of March.. Congratulations

zannah91 · 07/07/2016 03:06

happiness85, I know exactly how you feel!! I'm almost 5 weeks, and even though it was planned, when we found out, my boyfriend went all weird for a couple of days and I thought omg he doesn't want it, he's gonna leave me, I got all paranoid and emotional etc. Now he's back to normal, possibly even more affectionate? I think the shock hits them and they don't really know how to feel? People deal with things differently and they maybe need to withdraw to process the fact that they're going to be a dad! Now that he's back to normal, I feel way more excited and I keep catching myself smiling all the time Grin

I'm also going to see my mum today to tell her the news! I'm so excited and so terrified, she's gonna be so happy but I'm still scared lol


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louiseplusditi · 07/07/2016 07:44

Awww happiness85 that's cute. In my first scan I just saw a round blob and a tiny heart beat! It was cute but im awful at trying to figure things out on the ultrasound pics lol!

abbie I'm not too sure about the conception date thing :-( have a look on google. Im sure they can help more at your scan.

zannah I think it is scary when you tell your partner or family! I was convinced my boyfriend would leave me as just a few months ago we were casually talking and he said in a few years we would have children and now here I am!! He was lovely and very affectionate and more calm than he's ever been! Good luck telling your mum!

I'm off for a viability scan today and very scared :'( if all goes well then I'll tell my mum today because she keeps wandering why I am going the doctors and having different prescriptions and why I keep going to the hospital which is a main maternity hospital lol!

MrsM2016 · 07/07/2016 09:29

Hey ladies, Yes I have had cramping period like pains. And back ache. I think it's normal :)

I don't really understand how they measure it. I know when I conceived, but they told me different (obviously based on my last period). When I had the early scan they put me a week ahead of what I thought - which is odd because I defiantly know when we conceived.

I was sick on my lap on the train this morning :( I missed the bag. X

OP posts:
happiness85 · 07/07/2016 09:52

Zannah91 m sure he will come around hey, the whole pregnancy and fact that u hv a life inside of u is exiting, u think we have march babies here,exiting.

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