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8 weeks pregnant and looking for people to talk to.

80 replies

MrsM2016 · 04/07/2016 16:42

Hi ladies, I am new to this forum. I am 8 weeks pregnant today with my first baby. Thought I would join in hope to speak to other ladies for advice and support. Lots of love. X

OP posts:
louiseplusditi · 27/07/2016 10:33

Thanks Ereni. Xx

EreniTheFrog · 27/07/2016 09:50

Hi all. 7+6 today with DC3 and all tired and pukeyness.

louise If it would reassure you, yes I'd give someone a ring. Whoever is easier to get hold of, perhaps!

louiseplusditi · 27/07/2016 09:16

Hi everyone! How are you all doing? I went a couple of weeks of feeling fine and now I am currently 11.5 weeks and feeling awful again!!
2 nights ago I ate some chicken breast and nearly threw it up as I was eating it, yesterday I spent the whole entire day feeling awful, I felt sick, tummy pains, headache, dizzy!! I could barely eat, today I woke up feeling fine but as the morning is progressing I am feeling like rubbish again.
I feel sick, tired, dizzy, my heart keeps racing and I'm feeling a little bit breathless (i have asthma) do I ring my midwife or doctor or just ignore it?

zannah91 · 12/07/2016 12:04

LaBergere I spent a lot of time in hospital throughout my childhood and while I don't mind hospitals, needles are a very different story! After trying almost everything to try and calm myself down to have a blood test, I've finally learned that the only thing I can do is accept that I'm going to panic, and I'll let them do it while keeping that arm very still and having a total panic attack in the rest of my body Grin it's the only thing that works for me, so I just have to warn them I will be a total baby but I'll let them do it haha! #embracethepanic lol

LaBergere · 12/07/2016 11:01

Zannahhh - I'm a needle and hospital phobe! I told them at every appointment what I was like (I either faint or run for the hills) so they never showed me a needle and had me lie down instead of sitting up on a chair with the risk of keeling over!

Just make sure you let everyone know and they'll tend to use smaller/thinner needles and distract you while they do it. Good luck!

P.S - I had a blood test yesterday and I was so proud of myself I felt like asking them for a badge! Grin

louiseplusditi · 11/07/2016 20:32

Hi MrsM apparently the conception date is 2 weeks after your last missed period! When you go for the 12 week scan I think they give you you due date then so should be able to work it out from there. As the lady when you go there!

I'm 9 weeks 2 days today! I got my 12 week scan on 4th August so we are not far apart ha!

Speak to your doctor about midwife appointment as mine is 21st July.

I started a new job today and was nervous to tell my boss I was pregnant! I love my new job but was also nervous cos for the last few weeks I've felt so sick all day. Since Friday I've had to inject humulini insulin at night and I couldn't work out if it was that or the extreme tiredness from pregnancy that made me feel so awful come the afternoon, I feel so tired almost drunk!

chicken2015 · 11/07/2016 15:42

So they use the first date of your last period as first day as that a very clear date, but the conception doesn't haven't in till 14 days after so I'm 9th may which means when I took test a month after 9 the may I was technically 2 weeks but officially 4 weeks so I guess u kinda pregnant for 38 weeks not 40

MrsM2016 · 11/07/2016 13:07

Hey girls, I am struggling with work today, and they don't know about it yet. Constant waves of nausea, but haven't actually been sick since yesterday afternoon, so that's progress!! I felt so sick on the way into London this morning though.

I had my bloods taken on Sunday & also got my date for my 3 month scan - 2 August smilesmilesmile so excited. Only thing, I haven't got a date to see a midwife yet?

I am so confused on the whole conception thing!! The first day of my last period was 7 May, but I know I 100% conceived on 20th May. Yet, I am apparently 9 weeks today... I don't understand? Can anyone shed any light?

OP posts:
louiseplusditi · 08/07/2016 19:43

Well I first went to the doctor as I had a "lady" issue and I thought it was making me feel really poorly and run down !! Turns out part of that was cos I was pregnant. I was so shocked!! He referred me to the early pregnancy unit and I went the next day. Part of the reason I went so fast I think was to confirm it and to see how far gone I was cos I didn't know when my last missed period was. X

zannah91 · 08/07/2016 18:48

I'm 99% sure it's just to confirm the pregnancy! Did they just refer you straight to a midwife? Everyone seems to have a totally different experience of the initial referral Confused

louiseplusditi · 08/07/2016 18:37

Awww well at least it's 1 step. What was the wee sample for? I have a midwife appointment on 21st July!

zannah91 · 08/07/2016 18:04

So my appointment with my GP this morning wasn't all that exciting, but here goes... She did my blood pressure and took a wee sample - the results should be back after the weekend so I have to ring them on Tuesday, and they'll arrange a booking appointment with the midwife which will be after I'm around 8 weeks Smile

I live in Peterborough, but I work in London so I'm there a lot too!

louiseplusditi · 08/07/2016 17:37

Hello!! Congratulations!!
When did you find out? X

user1467987393 · 08/07/2016 15:38

I'm 8weeks +5 today.

This is my second after having our daughter in Nov 2013. Anyone an old(er) mum to be like me? I'm 39!
Nice to meet you all!

louiseplusditi · 08/07/2016 09:21

Good luck zannah let us know how you get on.
I had a dating viability scan yesterday and all was well, I had a photo of my tiny baby! Got given loads of instructions because I'm diabetic so loads to take in!!

I agree MrsM it's so nice to have others to talk to, I like this group/thread!
I'm from Bristol! Xx

MrsM2016 · 08/07/2016 09:09

Congratulations DebieS and Lizziedoll!! :)

Scary and exciting times, it's lovely to have people to talk to on here.

I am from Thurrock, Essex. X

OP posts:
Lizziedoll · 08/07/2016 08:22

louise yes we were trying (sort of) but I never expected to get pregnant as I've had numerous gyno problems over the years. I'm from south London!

zannah91 · 08/07/2016 08:19

Debie congratulations!!!!!! That's amazing news Grin it's my first too, so I'm not sure what happens, but I'm going to my GP this morning so I'll let you know what they say!

louiseplusditi · 08/07/2016 08:13

Hi Lizzie! Congratulations!!!
Were you trying to get pregnant? I'm 27 & 8 wks 6 days today! I was totally shocked because I was told it would be so hard for me to have a baby IF I could have one at all!
Where is everyone from?

Lizziedoll · 08/07/2016 06:58

Hi everyone I'm 29 and found out yesterday that I'm pregnant with my first. Totally in shock, over the moon but also terrified. Apparently this is the norm Grin. Maybe we can chat and support eachother on this thread! Lots of love to all you lovely mum to be's!

abbieparkes20 · 07/07/2016 22:34

Yeah I'm due 8/9th March I just wanted to unstand when I conceived and after talking to few people I conceived 3 weeks ago they just add two weeks off for some reason x

louiseplusditi · 07/07/2016 21:35

That's okay. I'm not sure if you can see it properly or not hope it helps. I tried to work out when I'd be due and think it's around January 21st! I'm sure when you go to the scans they can help you: I didn't know my last missed period so when I went to early pregnancy clinic she measured the baby and went from that but they will give me my due date when I'm 12 weeks xx


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abbieparkes20 · 07/07/2016 20:43

Thank you so much for that just want to understand when I conceived so it obviously I'm 5 weeks but take 2 weeks off thanks for that x

louiseplusditi · 07/07/2016 18:33

Hi abbie I saw this at the hospital today so snapped a photo! It's apparently true about conception taking place 2 weeks after last missed period - hope the photo loads and helps!

8 weeks pregnant and looking for people to talk to.
louiseplusditi · 07/07/2016 18:31

Hi Debie, I think it's mainly down to the midwives and hospital. My GP told me I was pregnant and has helped me with certain tablets but otherwise it's mainly the hospital contCting me!

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