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5 weeks, no symptoms? is it normal

29 replies

bippitybopityboo · 16/11/2015 14:52

Hi all
I'm 5 weeks pregnant tomorrow and other than my late/missed period and 6 positive tests I've had no symptoms and not felt different at all!
I'm worrying my self and I've read that if you don't have symptoms your hcg levels aren't increasing and that means a mc
Is it just too early for symptoms?

OP posts:
Bubblybubbles80 · 24/11/2015 09:09

I'm sooo nervous today, my first miscarriage was 6w1d which is today in this pg, so last night I'm not sure if i was imagining it but i had stomach ache and i imagined that my symptoms were going down, I'm very anxious and scared, but at the same time i know it is not in my control i have done everything i can to look after myself

6 and half hours left and counting

bippitybopityboo · 27/11/2015 21:35

Hey!! How did things go, so hope it was good news xxx

OP posts:
Bubblybubbles80 · 30/11/2015 12:00

yes it was we saw a heart beat and they told me its viable pregnancy. the morning sickness has really kicked in now, i have gone of pretty much most foods:(

Diva646 · 06/12/2022 12:15

I am in the same boat. Boobs have been a little tender, and I have been moody but my god it was such a shock but very much wanted. I have been so worried

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