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5 weeks, no symptoms? is it normal

29 replies

bippitybopityboo · 16/11/2015 14:52

Hi all
I'm 5 weeks pregnant tomorrow and other than my late/missed period and 6 positive tests I've had no symptoms and not felt different at all!
I'm worrying my self and I've read that if you don't have symptoms your hcg levels aren't increasing and that means a mc
Is it just too early for symptoms?

OP posts:
Diva646 · 06/12/2022 12:15

I am in the same boat. Boobs have been a little tender, and I have been moody but my god it was such a shock but very much wanted. I have been so worried

Bubblybubbles80 · 30/11/2015 12:00

yes it was we saw a heart beat and they told me its viable pregnancy. the morning sickness has really kicked in now, i have gone of pretty much most foods:(

bippitybopityboo · 27/11/2015 21:35

Hey!! How did things go, so hope it was good news xxx

OP posts:
Bubblybubbles80 · 24/11/2015 09:09

I'm sooo nervous today, my first miscarriage was 6w1d which is today in this pg, so last night I'm not sure if i was imagining it but i had stomach ache and i imagined that my symptoms were going down, I'm very anxious and scared, but at the same time i know it is not in my control i have done everything i can to look after myself

6 and half hours left and counting

mrsmugoo · 23/11/2015 18:07

I had no symptoms from weeks 4-7 them hideous sickness weeks 7-10 and then nothing again from 10 weeks. I wouldn't even know I'm pregnant now at 11+4 if my jeans hadn't started to not do up!

bippitybopityboo · 23/11/2015 16:32

I was extremely sick this morning and slightly over the weekend so looks like I'm getting what I wanted!
Good luck for your scan I have everything crossed for you that all is ok, let me know xxx

OP posts:
pottymummy · 23/11/2015 15:31

perfectly normal. Thats why lots of us don't actually realise we are pg until it occurs to us that we haven't had a period in quite a long time...

Twitterqueen · 23/11/2015 15:18

Many congratulations. Flowers
When you're puking up in the loo in a few weeks' time you'll be thinking "OMG did I really write that?"

[rider, you may not be sick at all - my ex next door neighbour had absolutely no symptoms at all throughout all 4 pregnancies - aside from a growing stomach and a baby at the end of it]

My very 1st symptom - though I didn't know I was pregnant at that point - was a total aversion to mushrooms, which I normally like. I looked at one on a kebab on the bar-b-q and though 'No'. Just, no.

Bubblybubbles80 · 23/11/2015 15:11

how is it going for you. i had bad sickness today and feeling crap. i got a scan tommorow fingers xd.

sleeplessinmybedroom · 19/11/2015 07:37

I had no symptoms at all except for slightly sore boobs until 29 weeks when my spd started. I now have a 11 week old baby gurgling at me.

DowntonDiva · 19/11/2015 07:07

Congratulations Flowers

For me week 6 is when my "morning" Hmm sickness started. Although don't be too alarmed if it doesn't, I have 2 friends who gave birth over the summer who never suffered any sickness at all in their pregnancies.

I bought "what to expect when your expecting" and there were lots of subtle early symptoms I never knew were even pregnancy symptoms - sore gums, headaches. All minor things I probably would never have linked to the pregnancy. A similar book might help.

bittapitta · 18/11/2015 16:03

Yep 5 weeks was a dream for me, make the most of it. Weeks 6 to 20 - sick as a dog!

Kaytee1987 · 18/11/2015 08:16

Boobs. .. don't know what boons are Hmm

Kaytee1987 · 18/11/2015 08:15

I think every pregnancy is different, I wasn't expecting any symptoms until 6 weeks. I'm 4 weeks 3 days and already feel starving, boons hurt, knackered and slightly sick. My aunty said she didn't have symptoms until 9 weeks. Worried I'm having twins now lol theres quite a lot of them in the family xx

CorBlimeyTrousers · 17/11/2015 12:44

Two sons and two pregnancies (one by IVF) with no definite symptoms at all in the early weeks and months. No sickness. A bit tired is all.

Congratulations. Try not to worry :)

ScarlettDarling · 17/11/2015 12:40

My ds is 11 now and apart from my missing period, I didn't have a single sign I was pregnant! Like you, I did a ridiculous amount of tests, but could hardly believe them as I felt so 'normal'!

At that time our local health authority didn't do a 12 week scan. I was insanely jealous of my friend who was pg at the same time, who lived in a different health authority, and was flashing round her scan pics!!

At about 14 weeks at my routine midwife app, she let us hear the baby's heartbeat. I was elated! Finally I had my proof that I was pregnant and allowed myself to believe it! Then of course came the 20 week scan which was brilliant, and then my favourite thing of all, feeling the first flutters of my baby moving inside of me.

So, enjoy being symptom free! You're incredibly lucky, it doesn't mean that anything is wrong and believe me, it's preferable to feeling sick as I did with baby number 2!

Congratulations Flowers

Nicky333 · 17/11/2015 12:30

I'm 13 weeks yesterday and I have had no symptoms whatsoever. Had my 12 week scan last week and everything was fine.

My friend had no symptoms for her two and DH's mum had none with him.

Bubblybubbles80 · 17/11/2015 09:30

i contacted the dmc i have a scan at 6 weeks next weeks fingers xd

EeekEeekEeekEeek · 17/11/2015 08:51

I had very few symptoms with my last pregnancy, apart from sore-ish boobs and feeling like I was hung over between weeks 7 and 9. From 9 I had practically no symptoms bar raging hunger. DD currently 6 months old and sleeping on my lap!

I know the fear, I had 4 MCs before. One of those was more symptomatic than DD's pregnancy! They're all different. You will read a lot on the web about more symptoms being better, but it's a generalisation. Many women have fairly 'quiet' pregnancies.

tinyme135 · 16/11/2015 23:10

don't read the stuff you read on the Internet. Yes sometimes it can lead to MC but if you're like me I didn't have one single symptom till I was about 15 weeks when constipation kicked in. I missed most of the first trimester as didn't find out I was pregnant till I was 10 weeks.

try not to panic. each pregnancy is different and no two will be alike

Bubblybubbles80 · 16/11/2015 19:07

I'm sure it will remain positive eat healthy

JennyC520 · 16/11/2015 17:39

It's normal :) I had no symptoms at all and had no idea I was pregnant even at 12 weeks:)


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bippitybopityboo · 16/11/2015 16:25

Me too! It was 11th October
I know, i really cant imagine how you feel. I honestly really hope all goes well this time around Flowers

OP posts:
eiysmummyc · 16/11/2015 16:18

Although it can be a sign of mc that is not the only explanation. With my first preg I didn't have a single symptom from start to finish, and with this preg I didn't have a single symptom until morning sickness kicked in at 8 weeks. I've never experienced any spotting, increased discharge, boob pain or any other symptoms. There's little you can do apart from proceed as you would by booking your 8 week booking app with your midwife. However if you are really really concerned then inform your GP and they may be able to perform a blood test which are super sensitive and therefore super accurate. This will determine whether or not you are still preg. Best of luck and try not to worry, each preg is different and there's a very very big chance you are indeed pregnant!!

Bubblybubbles80 · 16/11/2015 15:56

yes when was your LMP? mine is calculated at 19th july. I'm so scared though after my previous

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